Research Network on Geographies of Finance and Post-Socialist Transformations
Welcome to the homepage of the Research Network on Geographies of Finance and Post-Socialist Transformations!
We are an international network of researchers interested in geographies of finance and post-socialist transformations in East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. Our key aim is to promote a dialogue and to foster synergies between these two research strands and to explore possibilities for new exciting research avenues emerging from such synergies.
The need for a dialogue between geographies of finance and post-socialist studies has been highlighted by the dramatic consequences of the ongoing global financial and economic crisis for both the ‘West’ (US and Western Europe) and the ‘East’ (former state-socialist countries). There is an urgent need to better understand the causes and consequences of the crisis and reflect on ensuing policy lessons. We believe that the topic is of major interest not only to a wider academic community, but also to practitioners and policy-makers at local, regional, national, European and international levels.