Dr. Susan Murphy
Associate Professor in Development Pract, Geography
Associate Professor in Development Pract, School Office - Natural Sciences
Email Susan.P.Murphy@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3540https://www.tcd.ie/Geography/people/murphs64/Biography
I am an Associate Professor in Development Practice and teach Gender and Development, Climate Justice, and Development Practice. My research interests are in international development ethics, policy, and practice, issues in governance and justice, human rights and climate change, and gender and social inclusion. I am the Principal Investigator of GEOFORMATIONS: the geographies of dynamic governance assemblages in development cooperation civil society spaces, funded by the European Research Council (ERC-2022-STG), and research group leader for the Climate and Environmental Justice lab, supervising masters by research and Ph.D. candidates in national and international climate and environmental justice-related projects. Internal roles include Chair of Research Ethics Committee & Disability Liaison Officer, School of Natural Sciences; STEM Representative on the Trinity Postgraduate Renewal Project. Previous roles included Chair, Trinity International Development Initiative (TIDI); Geography PG Coordinator; University Council Representative for STEM; College International Committee; School of Natural Sciences Research Ethics Committee, Postgraduate Teaching and Learning Committee, Athena SWAN School SAT; and College Tutor. External roles include Department of Foreign Affairs Audit Committee (2021-2027); Chair, development Studies Association of Ireland. Previous roles included UCC External Examiner for BSc in International Development (2019-2023); Chair of the Board of Trustees - Oxfam Ireland (2016-2023) & Board of Supervisors, Oxfam International (2018-2021); BISA Ethics and World Politics Co-conveyor (2019-2023); Scientific Committee Member, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (2014-2025); Steering committee member Future Earth Ireland and COALITION 2030. I complete my Ph.D. as a doctoral scholar at University College Dublin School of Politics and International Relations on the ethics of development and humanitarian action. Before this, I spent ten years working as a Manager with Accenture, leading large-scale technology infrastructure outsourcing projects across EMEAI. My research and teaching bring to bear over twenty-five years of management and professional experience, both within the University and in Industry.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Murphy, S., Carmody, P., Okawakol, J.,, When rights collide: land grabbing, force and injustice in Uganda, Journal of Peasant Studies, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Murphy, S., Mwita, E., Challenging hegemonic discourses: Exposing the cycles of gendered vulnerabilities in educational outputs as drivers of gender inequality and injustice in young adults , Ethics and Social Welfare, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Murphy, S., Carmody, P., Okawakol, J.,, When rights collide: land grabbing, force and injustice in Uganda, International Conference on Sustainable Development, Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, September 2015, edited by UN SDSN , 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Susan P. Murphy, Emiliana Mwita, Challenging hidden hegemonies: Exploring the links between education, gender justice, and sustainable development practice , International Association of Development Ethics, Carleton University, Ottawa, July 2016, edited by Eric Palmer , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Global political processes and the Paris Agreement: a case of advancement or retreat of climate justice? in, editor(s)Tahseen Jaffrey , The Routledge Handbook of Climate Justice, UK, Routledge, 2019, pp71 - 82, [Susan Murphy]Book Chapter, 2019
- Onora O'Neill in, editor(s)Sellers, M.N.S, and Kirste, S. (eds) , Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Dordrech, Springer , 2019, pphttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-94 , [Murphy Susan P. ]Book Chapter, 2019, DOI , URL
- Murphy, S., O'Rourke, N., Middlehurst, M., Shila, D., Raphael, C.,, Unravelling the gender bind, uncovering the heterogeneity of domination, International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice Proceedings, International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice , Columbia University, New York, September 2016, edited by 2016 , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Murphy, S., Kiernan, G., Considine, P., Middlehurst, M., Cunningham, A., DeMarco, A., Friel, E. , Results based frameworks and achieving the SDGs through professional development, International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice Proceedings, International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice, Columbia University, New York, September 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Susan Murphy, Book Review, Review of Gender and Peacebuilding, by Claire Duncanson , Gender, Place and Culture: A journal of feminist geography, 2017Review, 2017, DOI , URL
- Susan Murphy, Book Review, Review of Men, Masculinities and Disasters, by Elaine Enerson and Bob Pease (eds) , Gender, Place and Culture: A journal of feminist geography, 2018Review, 2018
- Susan Murphy & Christina Raphael, Gender in Development Practice - the Global Perspective, Africa 2015 and Beyond: The future of gender studies, research, and services, Uganda, November 2014, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Murphys, S; Shilla, D.; Chua, C.; Raphael, C.; O'Rourke, N.; Middlehurst-Schwartz, M. , Unravelling the gender bind, uncovering the heterogeneity of domination, Comparative Education, 54, (4), 2018, p1-18Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Susan P. Murphy;Enida Friel; Grace McKiernan; Patrick Considine; Angelina De Marco; Aaron Cunningham; Molly Middlehurst, Do Results based management frameworks frustrate or facilitate effective development practice? Experiences of the Irish International Development Sector, Development in Practice, 29, (6), 2019, p697 - 707Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Susan P. Murphy, Migration in the Age of Sustainable Development, Academic Council for United Nations Systems (ACUNS), Rome, June 2018, edited by ACUNS , 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Susan P. Murphy, Migration in the Age of Global Voluntariness, Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI), Limerick, Ireland, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Challenging Hidden Hegemonies: Exploring the Links Between Education, Gender Justice, and Sustainable Development Practice in, editor(s)Christine Koggel , Examining Injustice: Foundational, Structural and Epistemic Issues, 1st Edition, New York and London, Routledge, 2018, ppChapter 8 , [Mwita, E., Murphy, S.]Book Chapter, 2018, URL
- Susan P. Murphy, Climate change, political (in)action and the intergenerational epistemic divide: the case of the emperor's new clothing?, 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Development, Columbia University New York, 24 September 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Susan P. Murphy, Hard borders and soft agreements: Evaluating governance within the Global Compact for Migration, Third World Quarterly, 2022, p1 - 18Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Murphy, Susan P. , Climate change and political (in)action: an intergenerational epistemic divide?, Sustainable Environment, 7, (1), 2021, p1 - 13Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Susan P. Murphy, The relationship between poverty and prosperity: a feminist relational account, Journal of Global Ethics, 18, (1), 2022, p82 - 99Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Thomas L. Roux, Mirjam M. Heinen, Susan P. Murphy, Conor J. Buggy,, A Unified Theoretical Framework of Learning Theories to Inform and Guide Public Health Continuing Medical Education Research and Practice, Journal of Continuing Education in Health Professionals, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- SP Murphy, Cannon, S, Walsh, L, Just Transition Frames: Recognition, representation, and distribution in Irish beef farming, Journal of Rural Studies, 94, 2022, p150 - 160Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Perpetua J. Urio, Susan P. Murphy, Ikupa Moses, Consolata Chua, and Immanuel Darkwa, Exploring the Gendered Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Staff in Tanzania, Alliance African Partnership Perspectives, 1, (1), 2021, p61 - 71Journal Article, 2021, URL , TARA - Full Text
- 9781003162926 in, editor(s)Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg) and Clemens Sedmak (Salzburg and Notre Dame, IN) , The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Poverty, New York, Routledge, 2023, pp476 - 491, [Susan P. Murphy]Book Chapter, 2023, DOI
- Breffka, E., Jagoe, C., Murphy, S.P. and Tsegaw, B.B.,, Restricted participation: Drivers, experiences and implications of disability stigma in Ethiopia, African Journal of Disability, 11, 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Mwakitalu, A., Murphy, S.P., Roche, J., Exploring Female Academics Underrepresentation in Senior Leadership Positions: case of Public and Private Universities in Tanzania, ICSD, International Conference in Sustainable Development, On line with the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, September 2022, edited by Scientific Panel of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network , 2022, pp1 - 9Conference Paper, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Susan P. Murphy; Perpetua Urio (Eds), Gender-Inclusive Higher Education in Tanzania: Transforming Academia, 1, New York, Routledge Studies on Gender and Sexuality in Africa, 2024, 1 - 218ppBook, 2024, DOI
- The concept of complex emergencies in, editor(s)Deen Chatterjee , The Encyclopaedia of Global Justice, US, Springer Publications, 2012, pp174 - 176, [Susan Murphy]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- The principle of beneficence in, editor(s)Deen Chatterjee , The Encyclopaedia of Global Justice, US, Springer Publications, 2012, pp65 - 68, [Susan Murphy]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- International humanitarian assistance in, editor(s)Deen Chatterjee , The Encyclopaedia of Global Justice, US, Springer Publications, 2012, pp558 - 564, [Susan Murphy]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- Fairness in, editor(s)Deen Chatterjee , The Encyclopaedia of Global Justice, US, Springer Publications, 2012, pp336 - 339, [Susan Murphy]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- Special obligations in, editor(s)Deen Chatterjee , The Encyclopaedia of Global Justice, US, Springer Publications, 2012, [Susan Murphy]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- Luck Egalitarianism in, editor(s)Deen Chatterjee , The Encyclopaedia of Global Justice, US, Springer Publications, 2012, pp665 - 667, [Susan Murphy]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- Susan Murphy, Review of Multicultural Odysseys, by Will Kymlicka , Millennium - Journal of International Studies, (39), 2010Review, 2010
- Susan Murphy, Review of The Politics of Truth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, by John Summers , Political Studies Review, 8, 2010Review, 2010
- Susan Murphy, Review of Dealing Fairly with Developing Country Debt. , by Christian Barry, Barry Herman and Lydia Tomitova (eds). , Political Studies Review, 8, 2010, p103-104Review, 2010
- Susan Murphy, Review of The Bottom Billion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, by Paul Collier , Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 38, 2009, p491-492Review, 2009
- Susan Murphy, The promise and the problem of the duty of assistance, Tanner Lectures in Human Rights, Utah, USA, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Susan Murphy, Unlocking the beauty of the imperfect duty to aid: Sen's idea of the duty of assistance, Journal of Global Ethics, 10, (3), 2014, p369 - 383Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Susan P. Murphy, Responsibility in an interconnected world: International Assistance, Duty and Action , 1, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2016, i-173ppBook, 2016, URL
- Murphy, S., Walsh, P.P. , The Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Trade Partnerships between Africa and Ireland, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 24, 2013, p1 - 21Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Boot N., Fawzi A, King K., Murphy, S., Ringholz, H., Yambasu, K., , Making Sanitation gains sustainable: The case for Sanitation Marketing in rural African Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) projects , International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice, Columbia University, New York, 6-7 September, 2013, edited by Medeiros, R., Swatuk, L. , 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- The dynamics of poverty and the sequencing of global social protection in, Rodrigo Medeiros & Larry Swatuk (editors). , Sustainable Development Practice: Advancing Evidence-Based Solutions for the Post-2015 Agenda. Proceedings of of the 2013 International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice/, Columbia University, New York, 2014, pp96 - 107, [Murphy, S., Walsh, P.P.]Book Chapter, 2014
- Murphy, S., Glass Ceilings and Iron Bars: Women, Gender, and Poverty in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Global Justice: Theory, Practice and Rhetoric , 8, 2015, p74 - 96Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Susan Murphy, Innovation through regulation: Incentivising the transition to sustainability, Advancing Evidence-Based Solutions for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice, Columbia University, New York City, United States of America, 17-18 September 2014, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Murphy, S., Walsh, P.P., Social Protection Beyond the Bottom Billion, The Economic and Social Review, 45, (2), 2014, p261 - 284Journal Article, 2014
- Murphy, S., DOCHAS Annual General Conference, Sustainable Development in the Post 2015 Era, Corke Park Conference Centre, May 2015, 2015Invited Talk
- Murphy, S., Contemporary Hunger: The socio-political shape of contemporary famines, History Hegde School: Strokestown Annual Famine Summer School, Strokestown House, Roscommon, June 2015, 2015Invited Talk
- Murphy, S. , What do the Sustainable Development Goals mean for development practice?, TIDI Development Research Week, Trinity College Dublin, November 2015, 2015Invited Talk
- Murphy, S., What to expect from Paris 2015: reflections on the climate negotiation and policy formation process for agreement at COP21, Trinity College Dublin - Politics Society, Trinity College Dublin, November 2015, 2015, Politics SocietyInvited Talk
- Susan Murphy, Unlocking the GATE: Gender Awareness and Transformation through Education, International Conference on Gender Issues in Higher Learning, Dar es Salaam University College of Education, 28 April 2017, 2017, AdvisorInvited Talk
- Susan Murphy, Interdisciplinary approaches to complex challenges, Innovations in evaluating complex contexts, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Dublin, 27 March, 2017, Lesley NibhriainInvited Talk
- Susan Murphy, The Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Trade Partnerships between Africa and Ireland, Irish Aid Expert Advisory Group, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Dublin, June , 2014, Irish AidInvited Talk
- Susan Murphy, Expert Reviewed, Review of DOCHAS Development Education Group: Finding Frames , by DOCHAS , 2014Review
- Susan Murphy, Translating Rights Based Approaches into Practice, "The Idea of Human Rights and International Development Practice", Trinity Development Research Event in collaboration with the DSA Ireland , Dublin, November, 2013, Ronaldo MunckInvited Talk
- Susan Murphy & Embassy of Lesotho, 'Women as reproducers of cultural practices - the Basotho Blanket', Trinity College Dublin, 2013, -Exhibition
- Susan P. Murphy, Reflections on Ireland's performance on the Sustainable Development Goals, Launch of the Coalition 2030 shadow report on Ireland and the Sustainable Development Goals, Royal College of Physicans Ireland, November 2018, 2018, Coalition 2030Invited Talk, URL
- Susan P. Murphy, Women and Conflict Discsssion following a performance of Joanne O'Connor's short play, Women Alone. Other panelists included Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Irish Aid Director Gender Ruairi De Burcea and Misean Cara's Collette Nkunda, Woman Alone, Dublin, November 2018, 2018, Oxfam IrelandInvited Talk
- Susan P. Murphy, Doing Development Differently, Comhlamh First Wednesday Debates, Teachers Club, Dublin, November 2018, 2018, ComhlamhInvited Talk
- Susan P. Murphy, Approaches to Development Theory and Practice, TIDI Development Research Week, Trinity College, October 2018, 2018, TIDIInvited Talk
- Susan P. Murphy, International Development Cooperation Policy, review of Ireland's whitepaper, Launch of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade public consultation process to inform the new international development cooperation whitepaper, Department of Foeign Affairs, Iveagh House, July 2018, 2018, Department of Foreign Affairs and TradeInvited Talk
- Susan Murphy, Review of the International Development Cooperation Public Policy whitepaper draft, Review of TIDI Submission, by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade , 2018Review, TARA - Full Text
- Susan P. Murphy; Anna Davies, Submission to the SDG National Implementation Policy, Review of Ireland's SDG National Implementation Plan, by Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment , 2017Review
- Susan P. Murphy, Knowledge sharing and transfer for global solidarity , International Women's Day, Aras an Uachtarain, 8 March 2019, 2019Invited Talk, URL
- Susan P. Murphy, Submission on International Development Policy Public Consultation Paper, 2018Review
- Susan P. Murphy, Whole of Society Approach to Africa-Europe Development Cooperation in the HEI sector, Whole of Society Approach to Development Cooperation , Brussels, April, 2019, European Commission Political Strategy UnitInvited Talk
- Susan P. Murphy, The Gender-Climate-Conflict Nexus, exploring intersections within research, Bridging Theory and Practice. Intersections of Climate Change, Conflict and Gender, Georgetown University Institute for Women Peace and Security, March 2019, 2019, GU IWPSInvited Talk
- Susan P. Murphy, What is the relationship between poverty and prosperity?, DBEI ILO NUI Conference Marking the Centenary of th ILO, Dublin Castle, 17 September 2019, 2019, National University of IrelandInvited Talk
- Christopher Chevallier, Susan Murphy, Conor Buggy, Understanding the Lived Experiences of Gender Minority Students in Irish Third-Level Education: Steps Towards Achieving Safety and Inclusion, Dublin, National LGBTQI Federation (NXF), January , 2020Report, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Benn Finlay Hogan, ML Rhodes, Susan P Murphy, Mary Lawlor, IRISH BUSINESS & HUMAN RIGHTS: Benchmarking compliance with the UN Guiding Principles, Dublin, IRL, Centre for Social Innovation, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2019Report, TARA - Full Text
- Susan P. Murphy, Enida Friel, Catherine Devine, Mariana Roberts, Innovative solutions to address the humanitarian-development nexus : Review of the pilot introduction of the Blended Approach at GOAL , Ireland, goalglobal.org, 2020Report, TARA - Full Text
- Susan P. Murphy, Invited Review, Review of Engendering Democracy in Africa:Women, Politics and Development, by Niamh Gaynor , Oxford University Press and Community Development Journal, (1), 2024, p1-4Review, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Susan Murphy, Climate Change, Harm, and Justice, Seamus Heaney Lecture, 11 February, 2013Invited Talk
Research Expertise
My research is concerned with ethical governance in times of change. Although there are competing and contested understandings, theories, and world views of development, all forms of development entail change. Some forms of change are designed, planned, controlled, monitored, evaluated, and adapted. Other forms of change are unplanned, the result of unintended consequences and outcomes, and sometimes, unwanted. The study of ethical governance concerns the examination of how development is designed, planned, implemented, monitored, evaluated, and overseen. It is concerned with how responsibility and accountability for outputs, outcomes, and impacts are attributed and allocated, to whom, and for what reasons. It requires consideration of who and what is included in these activities, and who and what is excluded. Whose voices are heard and not heard in decision-making processes, and why? It explores power dynamics in governing development practice, and how power is or should be balanced across the range of agents, agencies, and communities affected by development activities. In 2023, my project GEOFORMATIONS: the geographies of dynamic governance assemblages in development cooperation civil society spaces was selected for funding by the European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC-2022-STG competition. GEOFORMATIONS will provide radical new insights into the governance geographies of place-based development cooperation practices that can be used to transform international development cooperation governance theory, policy, and practice. As a collaborative, engaged researcher I run interdisciplinary projects related to development with PhD scholars (x10) and researchers in education, economics, clinical speech and language studies, and business. Committed to transdisciplinary research, I also co-design and co-deliver research projects with a number of key development agencies and organisations. In 2021 I established the Climate Justice and Development Research Group. My team of funded PhD (x3) and MRes (x1) scholars examine the multivariant relations between climate action planning, climate change, sociocultural relationships, and situated power dynamics through a restorative development lens.
TitleGender Equality Strategy &Report on Nomadic education and mobility in fragile contextsSummaryGender Strategy: . Conduct a literature review on context /landscape analysis of Gender Equality work . Define Gender Equality within a child-focussed organisation . Complete a mapping of World Vision Ireland programmes . Develop a draft Gender Equality Strategy to guide World Vision Ireland Programmes . Facilitate a F2F workshop in Dublin Nomadic education research: . Conduct a literature review on education for nomadic, semi nomadic children, children and mobility and displacement identifying international best practice, with a particular focus on children in fragile contexts. . Conduct key informant interviews with World Vision Programme Staff . Identify and capture key lessons and recommendations in relation to children's education and mobility. . Produce a report containing lessons learned from World Vision Ireland's programming, other international best practice and set recommendations in relation to education, mobility and emergencies. The report should be 20 pages maximum excluding annexes.Funding AgencyWorld Vision IrelandDate FromNovember 2018Date ToJanuary 2019
TitleClimate (in)Justice in Practice? Examining the relationship between changing climates, community based adaptive responses and gender relations.SummaryThis study proposes an investigation into the gendered effects of changing climates on communities with low adaptive capacities, high incidences of gender inequality and low levels of female empowerment. More specifically, it will aim to examine the relationship between practices of child and early marriage (CEM) as an adaptation strategy in response to climate shocks and events. In order to examine the linkages between climate disruption, climate adaptation and CEM, this research proposes to conduct a case study in the Lower Shire Valley in Malawi. There is a growing demand of information on the impact of climate change on social systems and relations. While there are frameworks to measure the effects of global warming on ecosystems and economic assets, there are no clear methods that evaluate its impact on social systems. Consequently, there are significant knowledge gaps on the gendered implications of climate change. In order to address this gap, this study investigates how gender relations are accentuated, shifted and changed in response to sudden- and slow-onset climate changes. Early research indicates that climate change amplifies CEM among vulnerable population groups (IUCN, 2020), yet the nature of the relationship and connection between these phenomena remains unexplored in existing literature. In order to meet its research objectives, this study takes an inductive approach, relying on a mixed-methods research design of both quantitative and qualitative research methods, a systemic literature review, semi-structured interviews with community leaders, decision-makers and key elites, focus group discussions, and household surveys. This project explores if and how the impacts of climate changes amplify the root causes of CEM, resulting in an increase of young girls being married off as part of an adaptation strategy to reduce their families' vulnerability to climate change. It develops a structured methodological approach to measure the gendered effectives of climate change on communities in crisis. In doing so, it will facilitate critical insights into the policy, practice, and programs of national and international development cooperation agencies and organisations working to achieve Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, starting with the further behind the first.Funding AgencyTrinityDate FromSept 2021Date ToAugust 2025
TitleGender Awareness and Transformation through EducationSummaryGender Awareness and Transformation Through Education (GATE) is an institutional collaboration, capacity development and participatory action based research project between Trinity College and Dar Es Salaam University College of EducationFunding AgencyDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Embassy of Ireland to TanzaniaDate FromDecember 2018Date ToDecember 2021
TitleGender Awareness and Transformation through EducationSummaryDepartment of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Ireland to Tanzania institutional collaboration and capacity building award. Co-PI. Gender Awareness and transformation through Education (GATE) project. Scholarship funding for 1 PhD candidate and 1 post-doctoral researcher on gender in higher education in Tanzania.Funding AgencyDepartment of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Ireland to TanzaniaDate From2021Date To2022
TitleDevelopment Studies Association of IrelandSummaryHost the Development Studies Association of Ireland SecretariatFunding AgencyDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Irish AidDate FromDecember 2018Date ToJanuary 2020
TitleTransforming gender relations through climate action planningSummaryThe concept of a just transition from unsustainable to sustainable development pathways features widely in Ireland's Climate Action Plan (2019). Since its publication, the relevant Government Department has established a nascent institutional architecture for designing and governing a just transition process which includes the Just Transition Review Group established within the National Economic and Social Council (NESC), and a Just Transition Commissioner, appointed with a specified mandate to "to help ensure a coordinated and effective approach to Just Transition for communities and workers affected by the imminent ending of peat harvesting for power generation in the Midlands region" (Mulvey, 2020, 9). Yet, the concept of a just transition (or just transitions) remains contested. Quite what is understood by the term 'just' and the scale and scope of the 'transition' are underspecified. At present, in the Irish context, this broad and underspecified concept is being narrowly applied to the energy sector and workers directly affected by the transition from high to low/no carbon energy solutions. There is little reflection on the effects of these changes on pre existing spatial and social inequalities; of the spillover effects to populations indirectly connected to these sectors; or across different units of analysis from labour markets to household dynamics. Further, in spite of the rhetoric of 'social inclusion', and repeated references in government papers to 'gender mainstreaming' and 'gender responsive policies', there is no evidence of considerations of the gendered effects of the energy transition in Ireland in the first progress report produced in May 2020. Moreover, the concept of just transition is yet to be operationalised into wider climate adaptation planning and in planning for unavoidable loss and damage. This project aims to critically examine constructions and conceptualisations of the just transition in Irish climate action policy and practice from a feminist political economy perspective. Drawing upon the work of critical relational theorists such as Iris Marion Young (2011) and Nancy Fraser (2013, 2014, 2020), it will examine the multivariant dimensions and scales of justice relevant to the theory and practice of a just transition. These include matters of distribution (involving pre-distribution and redistribution), representation (and degrees of participation and democratic deliberation), and recognition (concerning respect and esteem, membership and belonging - whose voices are heard, by whom, and for what reasons). Further, it will examine the scope and scale of the transition necessary to shift Ireland onto a sustainable pathway. Focusing narrowly on individual production sectors and industries is insufficient to meet Ireland's internationally agreed emissions reductions targets. Perhaps more worrying, it also fails to recognise or address the range of intersecting and interacting social, environmental, and economic crises that have emerged over the past two decades, and have become amplified, globally, during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the scope and scale this transition also presents significant opportunities to drive structural and systemic changes. Thus, empirical data will be gathered, through a mixed methods research design, to explore these opportunities and to construct a just transition framework that is not only 'gender responsive', but actively gender transformative.Funding AgencyMary Robinson Foundation, Climate Justice Fellowship AwardDate FromSept 2021Date ToAugust 2023
TitleGEOFORMATIONSSummaryGeographies of dynamic governance assemblages in development cooperation civil society spacesFunding AgencyEuropean Research CouncilDate FromOctober 2023Date ToSeptember 2028
TitleGATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation through EducationSummaryThe GATE project - Gender Awareness and Transformation through Education - is a multiyear collaborative project (2014-2018) between researchers at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD). Its purpose was to examine constructions of gender within the context of DUCE and to explore opportunities to drive gender mainstreaming, gender equality and female empowerment in this space.Funding AgencyEmbassy of Ireland to Tanzania, Irish Aid; School of Natural Sciences (Geography) Trinit CollegeDate From2014Date To2018
TitleFORESTSummaryTree planting has become widely seen as a panacea for solving the climate crisis. Furthermore, as a nature-based solution, it is viewed as beneficial for biodiversity, and is attracting investment from public and private actors. This project, FOREST, will use the increase in forestry in Ireland as a model system to explore the challenges associated with addressing climate and biodiversity issues, and examine potential solutions through a multi-disciplinary lens.Funding AgencyKinsella AwardDate FromSeptember 2021Date To2026
Other social sciences, Earth and related environmental sciences, Social and economic geography,
- Global Citizen - Nominee 2018
- Adjunct Lecturer, School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin 2014-2019
- MAjo, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin 2018
- Aurora Women in Leadership Foundation: Role Model 2017/2019
- European Research Council Starter Grant (stage two interview) 2017
- European Research Council Starter Grant (2022) GEOFORMATIONS 2023-2028
- Excellence in Supervision of Research Students Award, Faculty of STEM 2022
- Gender Awareness and Transformation through Education: An institutional collaboration between Dar es Salaam University College of Education and Trinity College Dublin. Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Irish Aid 2018-2023
- Nominated - Teaching Excellence Award 2024
- Provost Teaching Award - Nominee 2015
- Visiting Researcher, REPOA, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania 2014
- CEU Teaching Award - Nominee 2017
- External Examiner, UCC BSc International Development 2019-2023
- Future Earth Ireland Committee Member 2018
- British International Studies Association - Co-convener of the Ethics and World Politics working group Present
- Geographical Society of Ireland Present
- UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Present
- Development Studies Association Ireland Present
- International Development Ethics Association Present
- North American Society for Social Philosophy Present
- Trinity International Development Initiative Steering Committee 2020
- COALITION 2030 Present
- European Association of Development Institutes and Research Centers (EADI) Present
- Invited reviewer - Journal of Modern Africa Studies 2018
- External Reviewer - Review of the BSc International Development and Food Policy programme in the Department of Food Business and Development, University College Cork (UCC). 2017/2018
- Board of Trustees - Oxfam International 2018
- Scientific Committee Member - Future Earth Ireland 2016
- LERU Ad Hoc Working Group on University Development Cooperation and the SDGs - University Representative on Development Co-operation 2018
- PhD Examiner (Internal) 2017
- Ireland's Engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Stakeholder Forum 2018
- Programme and Project Impact and Evaluation Committee, Oxfam Ireland 2016
- LERU Ad Hoc Working Group on University Development Cooperation and the SDGs - University Representative on Development Co-operation 2018
- PhD Examiner (Internal) 2017
- Board of Trustees - Oxfam International 2018
- Invited Reviewer - Moral Philosophy and Politics 2017
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Audit Committee 2021
- Invited Reviewer - Routledge Studies in International Development Ongoing
- Board of Trustees - Oxfam International 2018
- Chair, Oxfam Ireland 2018
- Invited reviewer - Journal of Modern Africa Studies 2018
- PhD Examiner (Internal) 2017
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Audit Committee 2021
- PhD Progressional Panel Assessor 2016
- Scientific Committee Member - Future Earth Ireland 2016
- Invited reviewer - Journal of Modern Africa Studies 2018
- Chair, Oxfam International Governance Reform 2019-2021
- Scientific Committee Member - Sustainable Development Solutions Network, International Conference on Sustainable Development 2013
- PhD Progressional Panel Assessor 2016
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Audit Committee 2021
- AURORA Role Model 2017
- Chair, Oxfam International Governance Reform 2019-2021
- Invited Journal Reviewer - Journal of Development Studies 2019
- PhD Progressional Panel Assessor 2016
- Scientific Committee Member - Future Earth Ireland 2016
- LERU Ad Hoc Working Group on University Development Cooperation and the SDGs - University Representative on Development Co-operation 2018
- Academic Representative - COALITION 2030 on the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2018
- UCC External Examiner, BSc in International Development 2019
- Invited Journal Reviewer - Journal of Development Studies 2019
- Invited Journal Reviewer - Journal of Development Studies 2019
- Chair, Oxfam International Governance Reform 2019-2021