Publications and Further Research Outputs
- O'Callaghan, C. and Lawton, P., Temporary solutions? Vacant space policy and strategies for re-use in Dublin, Irish Geography, 48, (1), 2016, p69 - 87Journal Article, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Kitchin, R, Linehan, D, O'Callaghan, C, Lawton, P, Public geography through social media, Dialogues in Human Geography, 3, (1), 2014, p56 - 72Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Kitchin, R, Linehan, D, O'Callaghan, C, Lawton, P, The creation and circulation of public geographies, Dialogues in Human Geography, 3, (1), 2014, p96 - 102Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Lawton, P., Culture, capital and the big screen: tracing the changing dynamics of gentrification in the films of Woody Allen, Urban Geography, 2017, p1-21Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Beyond an imaginary of power?: Governance, supranational organizations and 'just' urbanization in, 2015, pp204-215 , [Lawton, P.]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
- Neoliberalising the city 'creative-class' style in, 2014, pp189-202 , [Lawton, P. and Murphy, E. and Redmond, D.]Book Chapter, 2014, DOI , URL
- Lawton, P. and Punch, M., Urban governance and the 'European City': Ideals and realities in Dublin, Ireland, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38, (3), 2014, p864-885Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Bontje, M. and Lawton, P., Mobile policies and shifting contexts: City-regional competitiveness strategies in Amsterdam and Dublin, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 104, (4), 2013, p397-409Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Lawton, P. and Murphy, E. and Redmond, D., Residential preferences of the 'creative class'?, Cities, 31, 2013, p47-56Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Policies towards Place Attraction and Policies for Place Retention in, 2013, pp105-125 , [Lawton, P. and MeczyĆ "ski, M. and Barber, A.]Book Chapter, 2013, DOI , URL
- Lawton, P., Understanding Urban Practitioners' Perspectives on Social-Mix Policies in Amsterdam: The Importance of Design and Social Space, Journal of Urban Design, 18, (1), 2013, p98-118Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- van Melik, R. and Lawton, P., The Role of Public Space in Urban Renewal Strategies in Rotterdam and Dublin, Planning Practice and Research, 26, (5), 2011, p513-530Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
- Lawton, P. and Murphy, E. and Redmond, D., Examining the role of 'creative class' ideas in urban and economic policy formation: The case of Dublin, Ireland, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 1, (4), 2010, p267-286Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Lawton P, Uneven development, suburban futures and the urban region: The case of an Irish 'sustainable new town', European Urban and Regional Studies, https://doi.org/10.1, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Van Melik, Rianne and Lawton, Philip, The role of public space in urban renewal strategies in Rotterdam and Dublin, Planning Practice and Research, 26, (5), 2011, p513--530Journal Article, 2011
- Pethe, Heike and Hafner, Sabine and Lawton, Philip, Transnational migrants in the creative knowledge industries: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dublin and Munich, Making competitive cities, 2010, p163--191Journal Article, 2010
- Lawton, Philip and Redmond, Declan and Murphy, Enda and others, Policy Development and Creative Knowledge Industries in the Dublin Region: How to Enhance the City's Competitiveness, 2010, -Miscellaneous, 2010
- Fox, L and Murphy, E and Redmond, D and Lawton, P, Exploring Dublin's creative knowledge economy. The views of high-skilled employees, managers and transnational migrants, ACRE wp, (8.13), 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Lawton, Philip and others, Town Planning in the Netherlands since 1800. by Cor Wagenaar. Rotterdam 2011: 010 Publishers, 639pp. ISBN 978-90-6450-682-6, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 104, (3), 2013, p389--390Review, 2013
- Lawton, Philip, Creative entrepreneurialism: the role of urban public space in urban change in Dublin, Brand-building the creative city, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2010Journal Article, 2010
- Lawton, Philip, 14 Beyond an imaginary of power?, Untamed Urbanisms, 2015, p204Journal Article, 2015
- Lawton, P, Evaluating the role of urban public space in Dublin's evolution as an entrepreneurial city, Progress in Irish Urban Studies, 4, 2008, p1--12Journal Article, 2008
- Rethinking the liveable city in a post boom-time Ireland in, Spacing Ireland, Manchester University Press, 2016, [Lawton, Philip]Book Chapter, 2016
- Lawton, Thaddeus Philip, An analysis of urban public space in three European cities: London, Dublin and Amsterdam, Spacing Ireland, 2009Thesis, 2009
- Lawton, Philip, Idealizing the European City in a Neoliberal Age, The SAGE Handbook of New Urban Studies, 2017, p78--91Journal Article, 2017
- Lawton, P, Commodity or community? The role of urban public space in the early 21st century, Building Material, 16, 2007, p36--41Journal Article, 2007
- Lawton, Philip, After the Event: Continuity and Change in Euregio Meuse-Rhine, Regions Magazine, 295, (1), 2014, p16--18Journal Article, 2014
- Lawton, Philip, The Repackaging of Dublin: The Relevance of the 'Urban Growth Machine'?, Regions Magazine, 308, (4), 2017, - 23--25Miscellaneous, 2017
- Lawton, P and Redmond, D and Murphy, E, Transnational Creative Knowledge Migrants in the Dublin Region. The view, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Fox, L and Murphy, E and Redmond, D and Lawton, P, Exploring Dublin's creative knowledge economy. The views of high-skilled, Transport, 2, 2009, p3CJournal Article, 2009
- Lawton, Philip, Networked Urbanism: Social Capital in the City, 2009, -Miscellaneous, 2009
- Lawton, Philip, Situating revanchism in the contemporary city, City, 22, (5-6), 2018, p867--874Journal Article, 2018
- Lawton, Philip, A Review of "Experience and Conflict: The Production of Urban Space" by Panu Lehtovuori, 2011, -Miscellaneous, 2011
- Urban Entrepreneurial Governance in, 2019, pp1--7 , [Lawton, Philip]Book Chapter, 2019
- O'Mahony, Eoin and Lawton, Philip, Image circulation, development hoardings and new strategies of urban change, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 101, (3), 2019, p202--218Journal Article, 2019
- Lawton, Philip, Unbounding gentrification theory: multidimensional space, networks and relational approaches, Regional Studies, 2019, p1--12Journal Article, 2019
- Lawton, Philip and Till, Karen E and Jasper, Sandra and Vasudevan, Alexander and D{\"u, Natura Urbana: The Brachen of Berlin, The AAG Review of Books, 7, (3), 2019, p214--227Journal Article, 2019
- Lawton, Philip, The Space Between Us: Social Geography and Politics, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Lawton, Philip, Design, density, and the importance of'landscape', Building Material, (22), 2019, p189--206Journal Article, 2019
- Rethinking regions in turbulent times, RoutledgeEditorial Board, 2020
- Aniturbanism in, editor(s)Kobayashi, A. (Ed.) , International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2020, pp165-168 , [Philip Lawton]Book Chapter, 2020
- Philip Lawton, Tracing the Provenance of Urbanist Ideals: A Critical Analysis of The Quito Papers , International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44, (4), 2020, p731 - 742Journal Article, 2020
- Lawton P., Kayanan C.M., From Edge City to City Edge, Built Environment, 49, (1), 2023, p58 - 74, p58-74Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Lawton, Philip and Redmond, Declan and Murphy, Enda and others, Transnational Creative Knowledge Migrants in the Dublin Region. The view of transnational migrants, 2009Report
- Pethe, HAA and Hafner, S and Lawton, TP, Transnational migrants in the creative knowledge industries: Amsterdam, Barcelona, 2010, 163-191Report
Research Expertise
Social and economic geography,
- Irish Research Council Postgraduate Award 2007
- ISSC Fellowship on Sustainable Urbanization, Quito, Equador 2013
- Urban Europe Research and Training Awards (London and Amsterdam) 2005-2006
- Regional Studies Association Ongoing
- Geographical Society of Ireland Ongoing
- Reviewer to the journals: Urban Geography, European Urban and Regional Studies, City, Culture and Society, Journal of Urban Affairs, City and Community, Regional Studies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2012 onwards
- Board Member of Urban Geography 2018
- Editorial Board Member of 'City, Culture and Society' May 2023
- Board Member, Regional Studies: Social Media Editor. Responsibility for the Twitter account, with daily duties focused on disceminating information on new content of the journal 2019
- Board Member of Urban Geography 2018
- Board Member, Regional Studies: Social Media Editor. Responsibility for the Twitter account, with daily duties focused on disceminating information on new content of the journal 2019
- Reviewer to the journals: Urban Geography, European Urban and Regional Studies, City, Culture and Society, Journal of Urban Affairs, City and Community, Regional Studies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2012 onwards