Biodiversity and Conservation (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip.)
This course will provide in-depth training and experience for those looking to further their career in various aspects of biodiversity and its conservation, for students wishing to pursue further post-graduate research in this area, and for professionals already working in conservation biology wishing to obtain relevant qualifications.
Is this course for me?
This programme has been designed to provide students with a sound theoretical and practical grounding in the science of biological diversity and its conservation. The programme is taught in modules, and these are grouped into theoretical components, practical research skills, and modules dealing with individual desk-based and experimental research projects. The course is taught through a variety of methods - lectures, practical classes, field-based learning, guided reading and discussion groups and web-based methods. A variety of assessment procedures are used - essay writing, oral presentations, web-based tests, examinations and dissertations. The approach is to develop, progressively, a high degree of independent thinking and academic excellence in students completing the course.
Following successful completion of the taught part of the course, students embark on a closely supervised research project of approximately three months duration, intended to expand the skills and knowledge base acquired in earlier modules.
This is a full-time, intensive programme that will run over a twelve-month period. All modules are compulsory for M.Sc. candidates while P.Grad.Dip. candidates are required to take all modules except the Research Project.
The programme provides in-depth training and experience for those looking to further their career in various aspects of biodiversity and its conservation, for students wishing to pursue further post-graduate research in this area, and for professionals already working in conservation biology wishing to obtain relevant qualifications.
Choosing to do the MSc. in Biodiversity and Conservation at Trinity was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. This taught Masters is broad enough that you are exposed to a variety of areas and individuals involved in the conservation field, which helped me narrow in on what I wanted to focus on in the future. The statistical analysis, fieldwork and class presentations were all extremely useful practical components of the MSc. The field course in South Africa is beyond amazing and I was fortunate enough to get to go back in the summer and do my thesis research at one of the reserves there, another major highlight. I am so happy I chose this course, and if anyone is trying to decide whether or not to apply - do it, it’s way too much fun and leads to some pretty amazing opportunities.
2008 Student