Premises Area 6

Premises Area 6 is the Cyan Area on the university estate map. It covers the following areas:

  • 190 - 206 Pearse Street
  • Aras an Phiarsaigh
  • Printing House Square
  • New Square (Houses 33 - 40)
  • Museum Building
  • Clinical Research Facility (St. James's Hospital)
  • Old Stone Building (St. James's Hospital)
  • Trinity Medical Centre (St. James's Hospital)
  • Sir Patrick Dun Lab (St. James's Hospital)
  • Centre for Learning & Development Staff (Tallaght Hospital)
  • Russell Centre (Tallaght)
  • Institute of Population Health (Russell Centre, Tallaght)

Who We Are

Premises Manager Bernard Smith

If there is an area in your building requiring attention, please contact the Service Centre by email on or by telephone on extension 4000.