Portal - Research and Innovation

Building on the success of Tangent, Trinity’s Ideas Workspace, Portal aims to be an innovation hub that will nurture talent, incubate spin outs, and connect industry and policy makers, enabling solutions to critical challenges facing society and the planet.

“Portal is leading the way in how we are approaching our Trinity East Campus – making space for brilliant researchers and innovators across all disciplines to come together and do great things in a way that responds to climate change and biodiversity loss” – Provost Linda Doyle.

Portal marks the first phase of the regeneration of the 5.2-acre Trinity East campus. Two bonded warehouses are being transformed into a 5,500m² co-working and innovation centre, creating an exciting space for 300 people and will include meeting rooms, event spaces and a café.

The office space, which has been designed by Richard Murphy Architects from Edinburgh, will be offered across two former stone warehouses at Grand Canal Quay. One of the warehouses was previously used as a corporate office space and requires only minor refurbishment works, while the other requires extensive renovation to deliver a modern innovation space across three levels.

Portal has been designed to encourage creative collisions and collaboration and maximise the potential for innovation by co-locating researchers, entrepreneurs, and corporate innovators, alongside creatives and the local community. Portal will also act as an early activation of the Trinity East Campus and serve as a bridge between Trinity and the dynamic innovation ecosystems across the Grand Canal district and beyond.