Old Library Redevelopment Project

Our Old Library is one of the most impressive libraries in the world. Being over 300 years old, it has come to pivotal moment in its history and is being reimaged for a new century.

It now faces significant conservation and environmental challenges. External pollutions and dust accumulation are taking their toll on the collections and the fabric of the building itself.

Taking warning from catastrophic fires in other heritage sites, there is a need to modernise environmental control and fire measures.

The Old Library Redevelopment Project will safeguard and sustain this historical building, its precious manuscripts, and collections for the next century and beyond. With an integrated design team, the redevelopment project will also put the Old Library on par with the best scholarly facilities and museum experiences in the world.

As the Old Library prepares for this work, there will be a temporary exhibition which will house the Book of Kells. The historic Printing House is currently getting prepared to securely house the Book of Kells. The Book of Kells Experience in the Pavilion on New Square is now open. Designed intentionally in an eye-catching red colour to reflect the temporary nature of the building, it stands as a contrast to its historic surroundings.

This is a unique time to visit the Old Library. With the majority of the bookshelves empty, as 90% of the books from the Long Room library chamber have been removed as part of the Old Library Redevelopment Project, this is a once in a lifetime chance to see the library as it has never looked before.

Launched in November 2023, the newly installed Gaia is a spectacular sight and a first for Dublin. Designed to prompt the difficult discussions we need to have about the environment and making our lives more sustainable, it ties in with the Old Library Redevelopment Project to safeguard the 18th century building and conserve its precious collections for future generations.

For more information on the Gaia, please follow this link "Gaia"

To view a time-lapse video of the Library decant from December 2022, please click here

For more information on the Old Library Redevelopment Project, please follow this link OLRP