Medium Voltage Infrastructure Upgrade

The College’s Medium Voltage (MV) electrical system was outdated and unable to accommodate the additional power required to service our new developments, such as the Trinity Business School and the Martin Naughton Learning Foundry.

The project upgraded electrical infrastructure within the campus to distribute the new capacity and improve the resilience of the system for the future. The implementation of new switching and metering facilities enabled measurement and control in the context of our sustainable campus objectives.

During the project, there were regular updates of information to keep the College community informed. A “microsite” detailing the phasing of the works was built for people to keep track of what works would affect them and when.

This comprehensive electrical and civil engineering project laid more than 3km of new MV cable and required trenching in 18 phases across the campus, with 13 new electrical substations and transformers. It was necessary to shut down the electrical supply in a specific sequence prior to commissioning the new transformers.

The Campus MV Upgrade had an approved project budget of €8.3M and was closed out at €7.3M. The project was delivered on programme and became a case study in Public Sector project management excellence.


Project Management  TCD Estates & Facilities
Design Team and Quantity Surveyors AECOM
Main Contractor Mercury with Gaeltec Utilities (Electrical infrastructure commissioning) and Citius (Groundworks)