Meet the Team

Director of Campus Infrastructure

Mr. Mike Clark

Mr. Mike Clark

Director of Campus Infrastructure

Facilities and Services

Mr. Zachary Chambers

Mr. Zachary Chambers

Security Operations Manager

Miss Marion Cox

Miss Marion Cox

Premises Services Manager

Mr. Anthony Dalton

Mr. Anthony Dalton

Campus Maintenance Manager

Mr. Jonathan Fitzpatrick

Mr. Jonathan Fitzpatrick

Premises Manager

Ms. Jane Flanagan

Ms. Jane Flanagan

Premises Support Manager

Mr. John Parnell

Mr. John Parnell

Environmental Services Coordinator

Mr. Liam Pepper

Mr. Liam Pepper

Logistics Manager

Mr. Stephen Toomey

Mr. Stephen Toomey

Head of Facilities Management

Mr. Graham Tucker

Mr. Graham Tucker

Premises Manager

Engineering and Maintenance Services

Mr. Paul Bolger

Mr. Paul Bolger

Technical Services Manager

Mr. Peter Breen

Mr. Peter Breen

Engineering Services Manager

Mr. Emmet Gallagher

Mr. Emmet Gallagher

Campus Energy Officer

Mr. Peter Gormley

Mr. Peter Gormley

Electrical Services Coordinator

Mr. John Kelly

Mr. John Kelly

Head of Engineering and Maintenance Services

Mr. Ciaran Ryan

Mr. Ciaran Ryan

Mechanical Services Coordinator

Ms. Patricia Ryan

Ms. Patricia Ryan

Building Services Engineer

Mr. John Uzice

Mr. John Uzice

Electrical Services Manager

Mr. Chris Wojnar

Mr. Chris Wojnar

Building Maintenance Manager

Capital Projects and Planning

Mr. Michael Crimin

Mr. Michael Crimin

Clerk of Works

Mr. Bernard Cuffe

Mr. Bernard Cuffe

Project Manager

Mr. Emmet Dalton

Mr. Emmet Dalton

Deputy Head of Capital Projects and Planning

Ms. Sandra Kenny

Ms. Sandra Kenny

Project Manager

Ms. Edel Mc Guinness

Ms. Edel Mc Guinness

Capital Projects Support Manager

Ms. Beatrice Moran

Ms. Beatrice Moran

Project Manager

Ms. Sharon O'Reilly

Ms. Sharon O'Reilly

Programme Manager & Medium Capital Projects Lead

Mr. Ger Walsh

Mr. Ger Walsh

Interim Head of Capital Projects and Planning

Mr. Joe Walsh

Mr. Joe Walsh

Project Manager

Mr. Craig White

Mr. Craig White

Project Manager

Space Management and Workplace Strategy

Mr. Kieran Brassil

Mr. Kieran Brassil

Head of Space Management and Workplace Strategy

Ms. Lorraine Fay

Ms. Lorraine Fay

Space Planning Manager

Safety Office

Mr. Hassan Mansaray

Mr. Hassan Mansaray

Radiological Protection Office

Dr. Mary Mc Donnell

Dr. Mary Mc Donnell

Safety Officer - Biological Hazards

Mr. Andrew Mcconville

Mr. Andrew Mcconville

Safety Officer

Miss Jenny O'Connell

Miss Jenny O'Connell

Safety Office Co-Ordinator

Mr. Cathal Ryan

Mr. Cathal Ryan

Safety Officer (Fire Safety)

Business Continuity

Miss Lee Mills

Miss Lee Mills

Head of Business Continuity

Business Support

Mr. Tony Dowling

Mr. Tony Dowling

Insurance Manager

Mrs. Catherine Kelly

Mrs. Catherine Kelly

Administrative Services Manager (Accounts)

Mrs. Clodagh Kennedy

Mrs. Clodagh Kennedy

Administrative Services Manager (Admin Support)

Ms. Audrey O Hare

Ms. Audrey O Hare

Administrative Services Manager (Customer Service)