This is a shortlist of our most frequently asked questions.

How do I contact Estates & Facilities?

Contact the Estates & Facilities Service Centre for all your queries. We are open from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday – Thursday and 8.00-4.30pm on Friday. We are open throughout lunchtime.

The Service Centre is located on the Ground Floor, 194 Pearse Street, Trinity College and is accessible from campus side opposite the rugby pitch.

In the case of an urgent service request outside of office hours, please call Security on extension 1317.

For emergencies only, please call extension 1999.

What are our opening hours?

The Estates & Facilities Service Centre is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday – Thursday and 8.00-4.30pm on Friday.

We are open throughout lunchtime.

Can I view an organisational chart that shows the structure of Estates and Facilities?

Yes, this is available via the following link: Estates and Facilities Structure.

1. I have lost my student locker key, how do I request a replacement key?

To retrieve items from your locker, go to the Attendants’ Desk and the attendant will open the locker for you. You must notify Estates & Facilities that your locker key has been lost/stolen at estatesandfacilities@tcd.ie quoting your name, locker number and building name.

To get a replacement key:

  • There is a €10 replacement fee
  • Payment by T-Card only (no facility for cash/bank card payments)
  • Payable in person at Estates & Facilities Service Centre, 194 Pearse St. which is accessible from campus side opposite rugby pitch
  • Estates & Facilities Service Centre Opening Hours are 8am - 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8am - 4.30pm Friday
  • After you’ve paid your key will be available to collect after 12pm next working day at the building’s Attendants’ Desk.
2. Student Locker rentals 2023/24 Academic Year

Student lockers are available in the following locations:

  • Arts Building
  • Hamilton Building
  • Lloyd Building
  • Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI)
  • 7-9 South Leinster Street
  • St. James's Hospital (Trinity Centre)

You can reserve a locker in a similar manner to purchasing online tickets via our TCD T-Card portal.

All Students registered for the 2023/24 Academic Year are eligible to rent a locker at https://tcard.tcd.ie.

Lockers will be offered on a first come first served basis for a period of 9 months commencing September 2023 until May 2024, there is a rental fee of €20.00.

Does the University have a Lost & Found section?

If you lose or mislay a piece of property you should check first with the local building attendant to see if it has been handed in.

Lost property may also handed in to Security Control contactable on 01 896 1317.

1. Is parking available on campus?

Parking is only available to permit holders.

2. Who is entitled to apply for a parking permit?

  • All permanent members of staff
  • Staff with full-time contracts
  • Staff on full-time contracts of a shorter duration where the expiry date is not imminent. In this instance a letter may be required from your Head of School stating that your contract may be renewed.
  • If your contract status does not fall into one of the categories mentioned above please contact Estates and Facilities for further clarification.
3. How do I apply for a parking permit?

An application form must be completed and returned to Estates and Facilities along with a copy of your driving licence, insurance certificate and vehicle registration certificate. If you have not yet received the VRC, proof of ownership from the garage will suffice. You will find an application form at the following link.

4. What if the car is not registered in my name?

There is an additional form which must be completed by the registered owner and returned to us along with your parking application. You will find this form on the following link.

5. Will I be issued with a parking permit immediately?

The issuing of parking permits is subject to availability within the Board approved ratio of 1 permit to 0.24 spaces. As we have reached our quota, applicants will be put on a waiting list and informed when a permit is available. Please be aware that due to the current parking situation in College, applicants will be waiting a significant time before being issued with a parking permit.

6. I’ve changed my car how do I update my parking permit?

In order to update your parking permit you must return your current parking permit to Estates and Facilities along with the vehicle registration certificate of the new car. If you have not yet received this, proof of ownership from the garage will suffice.

7. I have lost my permit how do I get a replacement?

If you cannot locate your parking permit you must report this immediately to both Security and Estates and Facilities. A fee is applicable prior to the re-issuing of a new permit.

8. Is parking available for students?

Parking for students is made available strictly on medical grounds only. Please contact Estates & Facilities at estatesandfacilities@tcd.ie or ext: 4000 for further details.

9. I have a child in the Day Nursery. How do I get access to Campus?

Students and Staff who have a child in the day nursery may be issued with a permit which will allow them to drop off and pick up their child from the Day Nursery. Prolonged parking in a space, over and above the intended purpose, is not permitted and may result in the loss of your permit.

10 Can I lend my parking permit to someone else?

No. Parking permits can only be used by the staff member they are issued to. Misuse of parking permits may result in the loss of your parking privileges.

11. I’ve received a parking infringement can I appeal this?

Yes. Appeals must be made in writing and registered in Estates and Facilities within two weeks of being issued with the infringement notice. This appeal will then be considered by the Appeals Committee when they convene.

12. What are the penalties for parking infringements?

Infringements are as follows:

  • 1st Infringement – warning
  • 2nd Infringement – permit will be withdrawn for one month.
  • 3rd Infringement – permit will be withdrawn for three months.
  • 4th Infringement – permit will be withdrawn for twelve months.
13. How long will an Infringement remain on my record?

An infringement will remain on record for a period of twelve months.

14. Where can I park on Campus?

Parking is permitted between the lines of the marked car parking spaces only. Parking outside these lines is strictly prohibited. Only persons with a disabled parking permit are permitted to park in disabled driver’s parking spaces.

15. Where are the disabled parking spaces located?

There are 10 disabled parking spaces on Campus and are located in the following areas:

  • 2 spaces at the Rear of the Rubrics
  • 1 space adjacent to the Berkeley Library Podium
  • 1 space at House 40 (New Square)
  • 1 space at the Rugby Pitch car park
  • 1 space at the Nassau Street car park
  • 1 space at the Moyne and Parsons buildings area
  • 2 spaces at the Fitzgerald Building
  • 1 space at the Chemistry, Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology buildings area
16. Can I park overnight on Campus?

Prolonged parking is not permitted without authorisation being sought from the Security Services Manager.

17. Can I drop off and pick up goods from Campus?

Only if transport is required for the goods you are dropping off or picking up. You must enter College via Lincoln Place Gate where you will be issued with a ‘Pink Ticket’ by the security officer on duty. You will be allowed on to Campus only for the duration of the task. Prolonged parking, over and above the intended purpose, may result in your car being clamped.

18. Who is liable to be clamped?

Marked parking spaces are strictly reserved for Trinity College permit holders only. Vehicles without permits, service vehicles, delivery vehicles and visitors’ parked in marked spaces are liable to be clamped.

19. What must I do if my car gets clamped?

A notice will be left on your windscreen advising you to call a de-clamp number. A charge of €90 will apply to have the clamp removed from your vehicle. Please note that clamping will be carried out by an independent company contracted to the College.

20. Do I need a permit for my motorcycle/scooter?

You do not need a parking permit to park your scooter in College.

Motorbikes/Scooters are not permitted to park in Front Square. There is parking marked out at the rear of the Chemistry Building. Bicycle compounds at the rear of House 15-18 and at Westland Row are suitable for small types of motorcycles.

I am a resident on campus/at Trinity Hall and I need to log a repair/maintenance request, how do I do this?

Residential repairs and maintenance queries are logged through the Accommodation Office at residences@tcd.ie or (01) 896 1177.

Outside of office hours if you have a serious maintenance problem and live on the main campus please contact Security on (01) 896 1317 or if you live at Trinity Hall please contact the Accommodation Office on (01) 497 1772.

In the case of emergencies only, please call (01) 896 1999.

1. Where can I see the safety statement for my work area?

Ask your supervisor for a copy of your safety statement or talk to your local safety officer (if you don’t know who this is ask your supervisor).

2. How much space am I entitled to at my workstation?

Regulations state that employees should have ‘adequate’ space to perform their work. Adequate is not defined and what is adequate depends on the nature of the work and other factors. In an office each employee should have a minimum of 4.65 sqm of floor space excluding the space taken up by cabinets, shelving and the like.

3. What is the minimum legal temperature in the workplace?

Regulations state that the temperature of the workplace should be appropriate for humans and for sedentary work should be a minimum of 17.5oC one hour after work starts. In most circumstances room temperature should be about 20/22oC.

4. Do I have to attend safety training?

If, by risk assessment, the employer determines that particular safety training is required then the employee must, by law and by College policy, attend and participate.

5. If I am pregnant, are there special health and safety precautions I must take?

Firstly you must inform your supervisor that you are pregnant. The supervisor must then carry of a specific assessment to see if there are any restrictions on the work you can do or any particular precautions you must take.

6. What should I do if a colleague is injured?

Make sure the scene is safe and get assistance from your local first aider, bring the injured person to the University Health Service if possible or call the University Emergency Number 01 896 1999.

I have a query about telephones, who do I talk to?

The Telephone Service is managed by IT Services and you can find information about the support they provide on their website at https://www.tcd.ie/itservices/kb/telephone-services/.

I am going abroad on College business, how do I apply for travel insurance cover?

You should register for travel insurance cover online via the following link: Travel Insurance Information.

Cover is subject to terms and conditions, please ensure you read these carefully before registering.

Where can I learn about Trinity's Sustainability initiatives?

The University’s Sustainability website is your first port of call for all information on waste and recycling facilities and initiatives.

Please also take a look at our E&F Waste and Recycling page.

1. I have a query about Wifi, where do I go?

College Wifi is managed by IT Services and you can find information about how to connect your device on their website at https://www.tcd.ie/itservices/kb/network/staff-wifi/ 

2. I require a network point activation, how do I organise this?

IT Services manages this service and you can apply for a network point activation online via their website at https://www.tcd.ie/itservices/kb/network/pointscables.php