Trinity's Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Unit today builds on the work of a diverse range of committed colleagues who have worked to further Trinity's commitments to creating an inclusive society.
Our unit incorporates and succeeds the work of three main areas: the WiSER project, its successor the TCGEL project, and the Equality Officer governance role established in the Secretary's Office.
WiSER (The Centre for Women in Science and Engineering Research)
In April 2005, Micheal Martin TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, announced three SFI funded programmes aimed at addressing the under-representation of women in Irish science and engineering research and management.
The Centre for Women in Science and Engineering Research at Trinity College Dublin (WiSER@TCD) was established through funding from Science Foundation Ireland under the Women in Science & Engineering Programme. Its areas of concern were Recruit, Retain, and Return women to Science and Engineering. This included:
The SFI Junior Scholarship Young Women in Engineering
This scheme aimed to attract and encourage more high-achieving young women into third-level education in engineering disciplines and to support them during their undergraduate years.
The SFI Institute Planning Grant (IPG)
This Institute Planning Grant provided 11 education institutions, including TCD, the opportunity to conduct a self-assessment of women's participation in science and engineering research activities and research management. The IPG was a pre-requisite for applications for an SFI Institute Development Award. Trinity College was awarded an Institute Planning Grant to carry out self-assessment on men and women researchers in science and engineering. The self-assessment was undertaken in June to September 2005 and included interviews, focus groups, survey and analysis of gender indicators.
The results from the study can be found here.
The SFI Institute Development Award (IDA)
The IDA was a 12-month period of funding which provides the opportunity to establish long-term sustainable initiatives in this area. SFI selected three institutions, one of which is Trinity College Dublin. The Centre for W omen i n S cience and E ngineering R esearch ( WiSER@TCD ) was established under this programme.
The SFI Principal Investigator Career Advancement Award (PICA)
The aim of this award was to support women in research careers at every level and takes into account the different needs of individuals who have interrupted their careers for maternity, adoptive, carers or parental leave. SFI selected ten applicants, three of which are from Trinity College Dublin.
Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership
The Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership (TCGEL) was established in 2017 to deliver the University's strategic objectives to advance gender equality. Recognising the work done by WiSER (Centre for Women in Science and Engineering Research, TCD) to recruit, retain, return and advance women in academic science, engineering and technology, its remit was extended to all disciplines and support areas across the university through TCGEL. The Centre sought to deliver sustainable structural and cultural change, and a working environment which would exemplify good practice and equality throughout, building on the success of the Athena Swan Bronze Institutional Award.
TCGEL supported the University in successfully delivering its strategic objectives to:
- Develop and implement exemplary gender equality practices;
- Advance a structural change process to incorporate gender-balanced representation at all stages and levels;
- Act as a national leader in driving the Athena Swan Charter in Ireland;
- Pursue institutional, School and unit level Athena Swan Awards across all faculties/disciplines;
- Contribute to the development of international and national good practice, expertise and research on gender equality.
TCGEL’s mission was to develop and embed sustainable practices to advance gender equality in Trinity College Dublin to ensure a diverse, innovative and productive academic community of global significance.
TGEL's vision was of an inclusive and innovative university community in which people of all genders participate at all levels, are enabled to reach their full potential, and are recognised equally for their diverse contributions.
TCGEL pioneered innovative and inclusive actions to:
- Act as a centre of excellence in the promotion of gender equality and leadership
- Redress gender imbalances at all levels;
- Create sustainable structural and cultural change;
- Enhance the careers of Trinity staff;
- Develop and advise on best practices regarding gender equality;
- Engage with international networks and projects to advance gender equality in academia globally.