EDI Sub-Committee
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee is a Sub-Committee of the People and Culture Committee, with responsibility for advising the People and Culture Committee on all EDI-related matters.
The duties of the EDI Sub-Committee include assisting the People and Culture Committee in the development, co-ordination and implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policies, practices, strategies and action plans throughout Trinity; advising Council and People and Culture Committee on legislative requirements in relation to EDI matters; and monitoring developments in national and EU strategies, directives and policies in relation to EDI.
The Sub-Committee reviews its performance and terms of reference annually, reporting its conclusions and recommending any changes it considers necessary to the People and Culture Committee.
The EDI Sub-Committee meets once per term, or as often as necessary. Membership includes academic staff, professional staff, and student representatives, and no more than 60% of members may be of any one gender. There are staff representative positions on the EDI Sub-Committee for which any staff member may nominate themselves - all staff are advised by email whenever such a vacancy arises.
Join the EDI Sub-Committee - Self-Nomination Applications Now Open
Applications are now open for all staff who wish to express interest in joining the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Sub-Committee.
Applications are encouraged from staff members who may not be familiar with, or usually engage with, committee processes like this. We also strive to maintain gender balance on all College committees in accordance with our Athena Swan commitments.
If you think you might be interested but you aren’t sure where to start, you can get in touch with the Equality Officer at equality@tcd.ie who is available to speak with interested staff.
All staff from all areas are eligible to apply for these positions. This includes all academic and professional staff, and all technical and support services staff. This also includes staff on fixed term or part time contracts.
A self-nomination form is available here and paper copies are available from the EDI Office, Room 2054, 2nd Floor, Arts Building.
This form should be completed in full and submitted to equality@tcd.ie with the subject line ‘EDI Sub-Committee Self-Nomination’ by 21st January 2024. We aim that all applicants will receive a confirmation of receipt within 2 working days and feedback on their application within 2 weeks.
Professor Lorraine Leeson
Associate Vice Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Committee Chair
Dr. Siobán O'Brien Green
Head of EDI
Joel McKeever
Equality Officer
Hamza Bana
Welfare and Equality Officer, Students’ Union
Professor Ahuvia Kahane
Staff Representative
Sinead MacBride
College Solicitor
Antoinette Quinn
Director of HR
Siobhán O'Brien
Chair of the Athena Swan Champions Network
Niamh Donnelly
Postgrad Representative
Declan Treanor
Director, Disability Service
Wendy Crampton
Director of Trinity Access Programme (TAP)
Rachel Skelly
Dignity & Respect Response Member