Staff Training

Here are some trainings which Trinity offer to help staff increase their knowledge and awareness of issues around Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

People walking through the campus at Trinity College Dublin

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Training

This online training module which is available to both staff and students is hugely important as Ireland becomes increasingly diverse. Ireland's increasing diversity combined with Trinity's international reputation has had massive implications for the demographic make-up of Trinity's student and staff populations.

Check out what some Trinity students said about the training module below:

‘Acceptance of being uncomfortable while dealing with race issues made me feel better and safe.’

‘There is a lot of complexities around racism and it highlights these well.’

‘Empowering for students who may feel uncomfortable talking about race.’

The programme aims to develop greater awareness of the nature of racism, and in particular provide an understanding of how racism may take the form of inequality and bias that is embedded in our universities in a systemic way. The module takes about 45 minutes to complete and you are provided with a certificate of completion at the end.

Online Training Module - Let's Talk About Race in the Higher Education Sector

Please Note: TCD sign-in credentials required. Click on the 'catalogue' tab to access the training.

Other Resources:

This Professional Learning Module is targeted to the needs of academic staff and all those who support teaching and learning at Trinity. Bringing teaching and support and service staff together, encourages a shared inclusive language and approach to engagement and communication with our student body and each other. Run by the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Team, this module is tailored to the Trinity context, modelled on the AHEAD / UCD Digital Badge in Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Those who complete the module are eligible to claim the Digital Badge in UDL from the National Forum for Teaching and Learning. Participation involves no more than 20 hours in total, with most weeks requiring two hours of engagement at the most. The Module is run twice during the academic year and involves predominately self-directed and peer-group learning, combined with three online webinars.

Find out more about the module.

Online Training Module - EDI in Higher Education

The EDI in HE programme aims to

  • raise awareness of how equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights issues permeate organisational culture, and
  • understand what staff responsibilities are under Irish equality and human rights legislation

It replaces the former LEAD (Living Equality and Diversity) programme and has been developed by the Irish Universities Equality Network, of which Trinity is a member.

Who is EDI in HE training for?

All staff are invited to take the training, as we all have a part to play in making Trinity a more equal and inclusive place. Staff with management responsibilities are particularly encouraged to take the training, and it is compulsory for all staff sitting on recruitment interview panels.

What is the requirement for interview panellists?

Trinity is committed in its Equality Policy to compulsory EDI training for all staff members on recruitment interview panels, in order to ensure a fair appointment process. HR and the Equality Office monitor compliance with this requirement.

The programme consists of 4 separate modules (details below), each of 30-45 minutes duration, which can be completed either as an entire programme, or as a series of modules allowing participants to build up their knowledge over time.

Accessibility options are used throughout the module, and learners can access the material online, or via workbook or an audio podcast.

Module Details

  • Module 1 an introductory module gives you a comprehensive overview of the importance and benefits of EDI and Human Rights and the legal landscape in which Higher Education Institutions operate.
  • Module 2 covers Recruitment and Selection and is essential for any staff member involved in the selection process.
  • Module 3 looks at meeting the needs of diverse students and best practice tips on fostering equality in teaching and learning settings.
  • Module 4 looks at putting policy into practice.

The Irish Universities Equality Network is made up of: Dublin City University, NUI Galway, Maynooth University, Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork, University College Dublin, University of Limerick and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Online Training Module - EDI in Higher Education


What is the Public Sector Duty?

The Public Sector Duty is a legal obligation on public bodies, contained in Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014, to have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and protect the human rights of public sector staff and service users.

It requires public bodies to Assess, Address and Report to:

  • carry out an assessment of equality and human rights issues across functions;
  • develop policies, plans and actions to address these issues; and
  • report annually on progress and achievements in relation to those actions. 

Public Sector Duty eLearning module - Equality and Human Rights in the Public Service.

Unconscious bias is a term used to describe the associations that we hold which, despite being outside our conscious awareness, can have a significant influence on our attitudes and behaviour. Regardless of how fair-minded we believe ourselves to be, most people have some degree of unconscious bias. The term implicit bias is used to mean that humans are not neutral in their judgement and behaviour but instead have experience-based associations and preferences (or aversions) without being consciously aware of them (LERU 2018).

This 3-minute video by the Royal Society explains it well.

Online training is available here via these links:

Other Training / Supports 

Below are links to other training staff can avail of:

For more training resources please contact