Speak Out

As a member of the Trinity community, you have the right to study or work in an environment that is free from bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct. Speak Out provides the opportunity for you to make the University aware of incidents that you have either experienced or witnessed by reporting them anonymously. The Speak Out site collects information about incidents of bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct and the University will use this information to inform the development and delivery of activities aimed at raising awareness about Trinity's Dignity and Respect Policy and other initiatives (PDF) in support of eliminating bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct. Speak Out allows the University to direct you to help support and provides information relating to a range of options that can assist you in dealing with incidents of bullying, harassment, and/or sexual misconduct nature.

Trinity College Dublin’s work in this area is captured in our 2021 Action Plan to tackle Sexual Violence (PDF, 3.3MB).

Read more about the University's commitment to the prevention of sexual violence through the Consent Framework Implementation Oversight Group. 


Regardless of whether you choose to make a report using the Speak Out tool, we would like to ensure that you are able to access the support you may require.


You can tell us what happened through this website.

Report Anonymously

Our Privacy Statement