Get Involved

Trinity students and staff - if you'd like to get involved with International Women's Week, you are most welcome to hold an event and/or volunteer

Students holding placards at Trinity College Dublin

Hold an Event

Local events are the heart of the International Women's Week festivities. Here's some advice if you are considering holding your own event:

  1. You may submit an event to the IWW schedule as an individual or as part of a group/department/society (etc.) Students should contact and staff should contact
  2. Scheduled events can take a wide variety of forms, and relate to a wide variety of themes, so long as they are compliant with college policy and they support the core aim of International Women's Week which is to promote women's rights and gender equality
  3. Please note that funding and organising the event are the responsibility of the event organiser(s), not the Equality Office or Students' Union
  4. Events should be as accessible as possible – please use the Event Checker at
  5. You must also follow the Junior Dean's checklist for event permissions
  6. Staff should please provide a short blurb about your event containing its title, time, venue, and organiser contact details to for inclusion on the Equality website. You can also provide one image, such as the event poster
  7. You are also encouraged to publicise your event independently. Please tag the Equality Office on Twitter (@TCDEquality); or the Students' Union on Facebook (TCDSU) or Twitter (@tcdsu); in any publicity material you would like shared out. Hashtag for the week is #IWW2021
  8. An International Women's Week pop-up banner sign is available for loan to individual events, on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact to reserve.