Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Fund

The Trinity Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Fund is specially designed to facilitate innovative and creative equality projects by staff and students across the university.

View of Trinity College Campanile and Museum Building towards Longroom Hub and the Arts Building

Each year, a fund (normally €10,000) is made available to staff and student applications for small grants for projects which promote equality in Trinity. Initiatives covering the following grounds protected in equality legislation are prioritised, but other diversity groups may also be considered.

  • age
  • civil status
  • disability
  • ethnicity / nationality / race
  • family status
  • gender
  • religion and belief
  • sexual orientation
  • Traveller community
  • socio-economic status

Trinity EDI Fund – Application timeline

Applications for the 2023/24 academic year are now closed. New applications will be invited in the 2024/25 academic year.

We welcome applications that will enhance and build on our EDI work across the university. Particularly encouraged are project proposals that align with the key areas covered in equality legislation:  Age, Civil Status, Disability, Ethnicity / Nationality / Race, Family Status, Gender, Religion and Belief, Sexual Orientation, the Traveller Community, and Socio-economic status. Additionally, projects which align with Public Sector Duty are welcomed.

We are keen to support new projects that connect with significant EDI dates and events, such as those outlined in our EDI Calendar.

This is a great opportunity for anyone in the Trinity community to turn their idea into impact in the EDI space, and we encourage you to apply. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact equality@tcd.ie

The project selection process is overseen by members of the EDI Sub-Committee.

EDI Fund Application Form 2024

Selection Criteria

All current Trinity staff members and registered students are eligible to apply for a grant from the EDI Fund. Individual, group, and collaborative projects are all considered, and joint staff and student initiatives are particularly encouraged and welcomed. The EDI Fund will remain open for applications until all of the Fund is committed.

The primary objective of the Trinity EDI Fund is to support projects that aim to raise awareness of, and support and promote, equality, diversity and inclusion in Trinity.

Assessment Criteria

Project applications will be assessed and scored as follows:

  1. Project proposal supports and aligns with EDI work, policy, initiatives, etc. within Trinity (30%)
  2. Project proposal supports and aligns with relevant EDI legislation and policy in Ireland, including the Public Sector Duty (30%)
  3. Project proposal is clear, funding requested is appropriate and time lines are feasible for project delivery (20%)
  4. Project shows potential for scale-up, replication, sustainable expansion across Trinity (20%)

Only proposals which score 70 marks or over (70%) will be considered for funding. Applications which are incomplete or do not display sufficient planning and/or attention to detail may be rejected.

Please note that in keeping with the equitable intent of the EDI Fund events and activities as part of funded projects should not charge a fee or admission, also note that fundraising should not be the primary purpose of a project. The Fund will not usually be granted to projects that should otherwise be centrally funded by Trinity, the Students’ Unions, the CSC or DUCAC.

EDI Fund Terms of Reference

Tips for EDI Fund Applicants

  1. Be realistic in your funding request it must be sufficient to cover the activities proposed - projects are usually allocated a maximum of €1,000, and proposals with clear budgets are more likely to succeed.
  2. Be clear in your application form – do not leave sections incomplete.
  3. Consider the potential sustainability of your project and how it might be scaled up, ongoing or shared and replicated in the future in Trinity.