Equality Policy

The Equality Policy outlines Trinity's commitment to equality in employment, education and service provision.

A diverse group of students in lecture, Trinity College Dublin

The Equality Policy affirms Trinity's commitment to the promotion of equality for staff, students, and visitors in all aspects of its activity. Through the implementation of the Equality Policy, Trinity continues to develop procedures and practices which do not discriminate against the protected grounds of the Employment and Equal Status Acts, and endeavours to remove any barriers to full participation in Trinity life.

Accessible Formats

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Equality Policy - Large Print


The following mp3 files contain audio versions (read aloud) of each section of the Equality Policy.

  • Cover and Contents
  • Section 1 - Introduction
  • Section 2 - Implementation
  • Section 3 - Equality in Service Provision
  • Section 4 - Equality in Employment
  • Section 5 - Monitoring & Review, Feedback, and Further Information
  • Appendix 1 - Definitions
  • Appendix 2 - Other Policies
  • Appendix 3 - Equality Infrastructure


The Equality Committee has particular responsibility for ensuring that the Equality Policy is implemented. However, all members of the university community are needed to put its provisions into practice.

What can I do?

  • Read the Equality Policy
  • Take the EDI in HE or other training programmes
  • When developing a policy, procedure, or practice, consider how it might affect different groups, and try to eliminate disadvantage
  • When making decisions, ensure you have a fair and transparent procedure in place, and be aware of your own biases
  • When producing communications, target a wide range of audiences and show that Trinity welcomes diversity
  • Be vigilant for possible equality issues in your area, and speak up if you witness inappropriate behaviour
  • Contact the Equality Officer with any questions, suggestions or issues to report