Trinity-INC Professional Learning Module in Inclusive Practices
The Trinity-INC Professional Learning Module in Inclusive Practices draws on the principles of Universal Design for Learning to provide an introductory professional development course for those who teach or who support teaching and learning at Trinity. Bringing teaching and support and service staff together, encourages a shared inclusive language and approach to engagement and communication with our student body and each other. Participants who complete the course will receive the Digital Badge in Universal Design from the National Forum for Teaching and Learning. To join the mailing list to be alerted to future roll-outs, please contact #InclusiveTrinity
About the Trinity-INC Module in Inclusive Practices
The Trinity-INC Professional Learning Module in Inclusive Practices is targeted to the needs of academic staff and all who teach or support teaching and learning at Trinity.
The module is grounded in the principles of Universal Design for Learning ('UDL'), however does not intend to provide 'one' way of doing inclusion. It suggests that inclusive practice is adaptive, iterative, and highly contextual. The Module offers you an inclusive framework that can be easily applied for use in your own practice, whether you teach or support teaching and learning at Trinity.
The Module is inherently flexible to allow you manage it around your other life and professional commitments. A 'light touch' assignment involves a short reflection upon your learning and one example of a UDL change in your practice.
The Module is tailored to the Trinity context, modelled on the 'Digital Badge in Universal Design for Learning' developed by AHEAD and UCD, and issued by the National Forum for Teaching and Learning. Those who complete this module are eligible to receive the UDL Digital Badge.
The Module commences the week of 23rd September 2024 and runs for 10 weeks, involving 20 hours of your time in total, with most weeks involving max. two hours engagement..
Engagement throughout the Module:
- Self-directed learning - on the key pillars of Universal Design for Learning and other Inclusive Practices. You will be enrolled in a Blackboard module where all the materials - for reading, listening, and watching - are clearly laid out for your engagement.
- Peer-Engagement - is the cornerstone of the Module. You attend 4 group meetings (45-60mins) over the course of the 10 weeks. These are arranged as a group when you meet for the first time.
- Live seminars/webinars - are held in Week 1, 6 and 9 (dates and times TBC), and are delivered in conjunction with Trinity staff and students, and inclusive practice experts both from within Trinity and elsewhere. These sessions bring attendees together in a community of practice in live time to share ideas and experiences. (While there is added value in attending these sessions to take part in the discussions, the presentations will be recorded.)
Who may find this Module useful?
The Module is open to all who teach or support teaching and learning in Trinity. e.g.
- Academic staff
- Teaching Fellows
- TAs / PhD researchers
- Professional staff
- Student Support Services staff
- Anyone else engaged in teaching or supporting teaching and learning at Trinity.
Module Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the Module, learners will be able to:
- Reflect on the diversity of learners and colleagues in their School or workplace and Trinity more generally;
- Develop insight into Universal Design for Learning and other inclusive pedagogical approaches and work practices;
- Supported through peer engagement, explore and reflect on existing practice and identify 'quick win' changes in line with a UDL approach.
For queries, please contact Seán Adderley, Acting Trinity-INC Project Manager, on