Trinity-INC Advisory Board

The Trinity-INC Advisory Board guides the implementation of the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum (Trinity-INC) project, providing expert advice and input to steer the execution of the project activities. The Advisory Board advises on the development of the Inclusive Curriculum Strategy and support the project leads to deliver the project objectives.


Advisory Board membership comprises key stakeholders from relevant student and staff cohorts, encompassing a wide range of EDI perspectives from across Trinity, and includes individuals (internal and external; staff and students) with expertise in curriculum design and inclusive curriculum, as well as expertise-by-experience.

If you are a staff member or student at Trinity College Dublin, and feel you would have something to contribute to our Advisory Board, please get in touch at

Area of College / Role / Area of Expertise Name
Associate Vice-Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lorraine Leeson
Chair of Equality Committee  
Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies  
Dean of Graduate Studies Martine Smith
Disability Service Declan Treanor, Director
Trinity Access Programme Wendy Crampton, Director, and Sarah Grimson, Project Officer
IT Services Patrick Magee, Director
Academic Practice Ciara O’Farrell, Head
Senior Tutor Stephen Smith
Director of Careers Orla Bannon
Student Counselling Service Trish Murphy (Acting for Deirdre Flynn, Director)
S2S Co-ordinator Ralph Armstrong-Astley, Co-ordinator
Students’ Union Representative László Molnárfi (President); Catherine Arnold (Education) and Aoife Bennet (Welfare)
International Student Experience and Global Office Louise Staunton, Associate Director for Trinity Global Experience
Equality Officer Joel McKeever (Acting)
Library Siobhán Dunne, Sub Librarian, Teaching, Research and User Experience
Healthy Trinity Martina Mullin
Sport & Physical Activity Inclusion Officer Naz Velic


Members offering specific expertise with regard to protected and other key equality grounds: Name
Age (student representative) Ingrid Garacki (Mature Student Society Equality Officer)
Disability (student representatives) Abigail Settlemier (Ability Co-op)
Disability (staff representatives) Vivian Rath (Disability Service)
Gender (staff representative) Catherine Lawless
Gender / LGBTQ+ (student) Julie Dory (Qsoc)
Religion (staff representative) Jude Lal Fernando
Travelling Community (alumni representative) AnnMarie Collins
Race/Ethnicity (staff representative) Phil Mullen
Race/Ethnicity (staff representative) Mandy Lee
Race/Ethnicity / Forced Migration / University of Sanctuary (staff representative) Bronagh Ćatibušić
Forced Migration / University of Sanctuary (staff representative) Gillian Wylie


Members with specific expertise with regard to inclusive curriculum design and/ or universal design (for learning):

Director, Trinity Centre for people with Intellectual Disabilities, Professor, School of Education Michael Shevlin                                                         
Lecturer and researcher in the School of Education Joanne Banks                                                             
Policy and research advisor, TCD Global Jonny Johnston                                                         
Transformation in Learning and Training, PI, Associate Professor in Sociology Anne Holohan                                                           
Assistant Professor, School of Education  Gavin Murphy 
Professor, School of Education Conor McGuckin                                                      

Visiting Research Fellow, School of Education, member of the NCSE Consultative Forum, Co-Convenor, TCD Disabled Staff & Postgrad Forum, member of the Equality Committee – Staff Disability Working Group, TCD 

Patricia McCarthy
Research Fellow, Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin  Mary Quirke                                                      


External members Name
Head of the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre,  Kingston University Annie Hughes
Executive Director of Columbia Centre for Teaching and Learning, Columbia University Catherine Ross and Amanda Irvin
Lecturer in Public Health, University College London Ayeshah Émon, UCL


Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project Team: Name
Director / Academic Lead (Chair of Advisory Board) Edurne Garcia Iriarte
Project Manager (Secretary to AB) Seán Adderley
Student Partner Liaison Officer Jane Eghaghe
Intern Mac Sizeland


For further information contact