Trinity-INC Symposium 2024
The Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project Trinity-INC 2024 symposium aims to articulate the national policy context on inclusion in third level education, showcase Trinity-INC best inclusive curriculum practice and engage with key stakeholders on implementing an inclusive university culture. It will provide participants with a rounded understanding of inclusion in the curriculum in third level education/Trinity and with best practice to envision Trinity as a leading institution on inclusion.
29th November, 9 – 1.30
Check out all the Symposium presentations, posters and photos!
Prof. Lorraine Leeson, Vice Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
National context – Keynotes
Dr. Louise Callinan, Head of Access Policy, HEA, National Access Plan
Dara Ryder, CEO Ahead, UD Charter/Altitude
Chair: Dr Patricia McCarthy, School of Education
Trinity-INC Overview
Seán Adderley, Trinity-INC
Student Partner Programme Video
Chair: Dr Siobán O'Brien Green, Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Trinity-INC Evaluation Discussion
Dr. Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Trinity-INC
Prof. Roy McConkey, Evaluator
Ann Swift, Evaluator
Tracy Galvin, Ulster University
Prof. Michael Shevlin and Dr. Vivian Rath, Trinity College Dublin
Chair: Dr. Joanne Banks, School of Education
Break &
Interactive Showcase of Inclusive Curriculum Initiatives at Trinity
TCPID, Student Couselling Service, Dept. of Anatomy, The Lír / Black Studies, School of Psychology, Dept. of Physiotherapy, School of Education, School of Engineering, School of Maths, Centre for Deaf Studies.
Panel Discussion: Reflections on an inclusive curriculum and shaping the future
Prof. Lorraine Leeson, Associate Vice Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Prof. Martine Smith, Dean of Graduate Studies
Prof. Vincent Wade, Dean of Undergraduate Studies & Senior Lecturer
Chair: Prof. Michael Shevlin, School of Education
Dr. Edurne Garcia Iriarte
Seán Adderley