Making Documents Together
Cliodhna O’Rourke, Dale O’Neill, Emer Murphy, Emma McGrath, Gillian Cronin, Saoirse Keogh, Shannon Brooker - TCPID, School of Education.
Why we did our project
Information can be hard to read and understand.
If we can not read or understand we can not learn or make decisions.
We made a consent information guide and consent forms for people with Intellectual Disabilities.
We want to help people with Intellectual Disabilities understand about consent.
We want to make consent forms clear and easy to read.
What we did
- We discussed as a group about the Consent Form.
- We went on Zoom calls over a period of 6 months.
- We did a report on our project.
- We did an easy-to-read consent document with pictures, so people would understand it more clearly.
- We explained the consent forms, what was in them, and what people expect from them in the report.
- Your photos/videos could go up on any Social Media platforms so that is why making the consent process easy is important.
We came together as a team, and we brainstormed ideas we would like our project to represent.
We are working on consent to make it an easy-to-read format.
We have added photos into the project to guide the reader on the right path to make the right decision for them.