Inclusive Teaching in Engineering
The School of Engineering - Dr Kevin Kelly, Eva Cunningham
To create and disseminate information resources for School of Engineering Staff, that demonstrate in the very specific context of Engineering, what can and should be done to address the broader topic of Inclusive Curriculum.
How was this explored?
The first task was to review the broader context and to benchmark other engineering educational institutions. The second was to identify specific examples and good practice. The third was to assemble this into accessible reference information and finally to disseminate this through appropriate school communication channels.
Having taken on board feedback on this and a number of other areas, a school SharePoint site was set up to act as a central information point and guide for resources, including material on (re)designing content for Inclusivity. Staff liked that it was practical and realistic rather than ‘preachy’ or overly aspirational.
Given the scale of the project, the impact is necessarily modest, but tangible nonetheless – encouraging educators to think ab initio in terms of best practice and to identity ‘low friction’ improvements to existing resources.
Included in the staff SharePoint there are links to these resources.