Inclusivity for a diverse Trinity
Trinity's student body is increasingly diverse with students hailing from all walks of life, including disabled students; students with care-giving or employment responsibilities; student parents; neuro-diverse students; mature students; a growing LGBTQ+ community and international student cohort which also brings multiple intersections of race, ethnicity, language, religion and culture.
Below are resources which have been designed to help you gain a better understanding of how to make your practices more inclusive in the journey to be one Trinity community.
Students' Perspectives
Trans and Non-Binary Ally in the Classroom
As part of the #InclusiveTrinity Festival, Daire from the Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) and Mac from Trinity College Dublin's Q Soc, give such important advice and guidance around how to be a trans ally in the classroom.
Understanding Neurodiversity
Autism Awareness Week | ASD Survey
For Autism Awareness Week 2021 a survey was conducted to gather the experiences of students with Autism in Trinity. In this video, Ben Rowsome discusses some of these results and what Trinity can do to support students with Autism.
Trinity Sensory Processing Project

TCD Sense – Trinity Sensory Processing Project
TCD Sense is a major research and refurbishment project with multiple partners across Trinity: Trinity Disability Service, the Discipline for Occupational Therapy, Trinity Library and the Students’ Union, to create environments across Trinity that allow students and staff with different sensory preferences to flourish.
What works in online learning?

What works in online learning?
This EDTL webinar involves a panel of students including Mary Geraghty and Courtney McGrath from the Trinity Ability co-op and Jamie Twomey from UCC, who talk about what works and what doesn’t work for them with online learning. Watch it now on the EDTL website.
Unconscious Bias Training

TiLT's University Game
TiLT’s University Game is a digital roleplay game that helps you to learn about diversity and inclusion. The online training is freely available to all current Trinity students, thanks to the support of Trinity Global. By participating, you are also contributing to research on how to make the university more inclusive.
Inclusivity in Trinity from a Black Muslim perspective | Podcast
This podcast by Amirah Ayeinde and Zainab Kareem deals with issues regarding race and microaggressions in Trinity that can result in students from diverse backgrounds feeling excluded, ‘othered’, and can subsequently result in lack of self esteem. We use our personal experiences to try and open the eyes of a listener to the unfortunate reality that many of us face on a daily basis. See Audio Transcript below.
The Meaningfulness of Diversity among Teaching Staff - a Student Perspective