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Dr. Marcus Collier
Associate Professor, Botany


I am fascinated by the human-nature interface and I specialise in social-ecological systems thinking. My many research interests include land use and land-use change, resilience thinking and societal transitioning, collaborative management and planning, urban and rural governance. Notable examples of my research include the contentious policy issues of biomass/bioenergy land-use policies and implications, afforestation policies and acidification processes, field boundaries and agri-environmental change, resource use and after-use policies, rewilding, GM crops and biodiversity, marine and coastal governance, (cultural) ecosystem services, and well-being. In recent years I have published extensively on contested issues such as novel ecosystems and nature-based solutions.

As an environmental consultant, prior to entering academia, I worked with volunteers and non-governmental agencies to co-create and implement environmental projects through adaptive collaborative processes. I often draw on my practical experience in the co-creation and co-design of environmental projects to shape empirical research methodologies for use in testing new mechanisms for collecting data. This co-production of knowledge (transdisciplinarity) is essential for achieving the proposed Sustainable Development Goals. My PhD research was an exploration of collaborative governance policies and future land use in severely damaged landscapes. For this, I examined (conflicting) stakeholder rationalities and power asymmetries.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Pineda-Pinto, M.; Collier, M.J.; Cooper, C.; O"Donnell, M.; Nulty, F.; Rodriguez Castañeda, N., Exploring urban novel ecosystems: understandings, insights and recommendations for future research and practice, Futures, 2024, p103487 Journal Article, 2024 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Pineda-Pinto, M.; Kennedy, C.; Nulty, F.; Collier, M.J., Leverage points for improving urban biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene: A novel ecosystem lens for social-ecological transformation, Environmental Science and Policy, 162, 2024, p103926 Journal Article, 2024 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Holscher, K.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Kindlon, D.; Collier, M.J.; Dick, G.; Dziuba"a, A.; Lodder, M.; Osipiuk, A.; Quartier, M.; Schepers, S.; Van De Sijpe, K.; van der Have, C., Embedding co-production of nature-based solutions in urban governance: Emerging co-production capacities in three European cities, Environmental Science and Policy, (152), 2024, p103652 Journal Article, 2024 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Rodriguez Castañeda, N.; Pineda-Pinto, M.; Gulsrud, N.M.; Cooper, C.; O"Donnell, M.; Collier, M.J., Exploring the restorative capacity of urban green spaces and their biodiversity through an adapted One Health approach: a scoping review, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2024, p128489 Journal Article, 2024 URL DOI URL

Cooper, C.; Cunningham, N.; Bracken, L.J.; Collier, M.J., Distribution of Nature-based Solutions in cities across Europe, Land Use Policy, 141, 2024, p107160 Journal Article, 2024 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Molloy, A.; Collier, M.J.; Buckley, Y.M., Identification and assessment of best practice in nature-based solutions for climate action and ecosystem restoration in Ireland, Final, Working paper #26, commissioned by the Climate Change Advisory Council, Ireland., 26, March, 2024, 39 Report, 2024 URL URL

Collier, M.J.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Connop, S.; Dick, G.; Dumitru, A.; Dziubała, A.; Fletcher, I.; Georgiou, P.; Hölscher, K.; Kooijman, E.; Lodder, M.; Madajczyk, N.; McQuaid, S.; Nash, C.; Osipiuk, A.; Quartier, M.; Reil, A.; Rhodes, M-L.; Rizzi, D.; Vandergert, P.; Van De Sijpe, K.; Vos, P.; Xidous, D., An integrated process for planning, delivery, and stewardship of urban nature-based solutions: the Connecting Nature Framework, Nature-Based Solutions, 3, 2023, p100060 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Pineda-Pinto, M.; Kennedy, C.; Collier, M.J.; Cooper, C.; O'Donnell, M.; Nulty, F.; Rodriguez Castaneda, N., Finding justice in wild, novel ecosystems: a review through a multispecies lens, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 83, 2023, p127902 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Galle, N.; Brinton, W.; Vos, R.; Duarte, F.; Collier, M.J.; Ratti, C.; Pilla, F., Spatial variability of urban forest topsoil properties: towards representative and robust sampling design, Open Research Europe, 2023, p00 - 00 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Grey, T.; Xidous, D.; O'Neill, D.; Collier, M.J., Growing Older Urbanism: exploring the nexus between ageing, the built environment, and urban ecosystems, Urban Transformations, 5, 2023, p8 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL

Hölscher, Katharina; Frantzeskaki, Niki; Collier, Marcus John; Connop, Stuart; Kooijman, Esmee D.; Lodder, Marleen; McQuaid, Siobhan; Vandergert, Paula; Xidous, Dimitra; Bešlagi", Lejla; Dick, Gillian; Dumitru, Adina; Dziuba"a, Agnieszka; Fletcher, Isobel; Adank, Cristian; Garcia-Espina; Vázquez, María González; Madajczyk, Natalia; Malekkidou, Eleni; Mavroudi, Maria; Loizou, Eleftherios; Osipiuk, Agnieszka; Pasic, Belma; González, Antonio Prieto; Quartier, Mien; Schepers, Selina; Suljevi", Nermina; Trendafilov, Ivaylo Van; De Sijpe, Katrien; Velikova, Velichka; Vos, Peter, Strategies for mainstreaming nature-based solutions in urban governance capacities in ten European cities, NPJ Urban Siustainability, 3, (1), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Urban living labs: nature-based solutions experiences in the EU in, editor(s)Herzog, C.; Freitas, T.; Wiedman, G. , Nature-based solutions and the challenges of water : accelerating the transition to more sustainable cities, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022, pp145 - 153, [Collier, M.J.; Connop, S.] Book Chapter, 2022 URL URL URL DOI

Hölscher, K.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Lodder, M.;, Allaert, K.; Notermans, I.; Collier, M.J., Co-production: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Final, Brussels, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 URL DOI

Lodder, M.; Allaert, K.; Mulders, W.; Collier, M.J.; Dick, G.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Georgiou, P.; González, G.; Hölscher, K.; Kelly, S.; Madajczyk, N.; Notermans, I.; Pa ić, B.; Prieto González, A.; Sillen, D.; Vos, P., A practical guide to using reflexive monitoring for nature-based solutions: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022, 76 Report, 2022 DOI URL

Hölscher, K.; Allaert, K.; Janssen, A.; Lodder, M.; McCann, S.; van der Have, C.; Asmaryan, S.; Bakola, E.; Beslagic, L.; Boskidis, I.; Collier, M. J.; Connop, S.; Dick, G.; Dumitru, A.; Dymek, D.; Dziubala, A.; Fletcher , I.; García-Espina Adank, C.; Georgiou, P.; Gonzalez Vazquez, M. M.; Gvilava, M.; Kelly, S.; Madajczyk, N.; Malekkidou, E.; Mavroudi, M.; McQuaid, S.; Osipiuk, A.; Pasic, B.; Prieto Gonzalez, A.; Quartier, M.; Rizzi, D.; Sermpezi, R.; Suljevic, N.; Tomé Lourido, D.; Trendafilov, I.; Tsouris, V.; Vandergert, P.; Van De Sijpe, K.; Velikova, V.; Vos, P.; Xidous, D., Connecting Nature Deliverable 6: Connecting Nature Framework Reports for Fast-follower Cities, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, March, 2022 Report, 2022 DOI

Lodder, M.; Allaert, K.; Hölscher, K.; Notermans, I.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Collier, M.J., Reflexive Monitoring: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 URL DOI

McQuaid, S.; Fletcher, I.; Collier, M.J., Financing and Business Models: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 DOI

Collier, M.J., Hyperlinked compendium of nature-based solutions projects 2016-2026, Final, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Dataset, 2022 TARA - Full Text URL

White, C.; Collier, M.J.; Stout, J.C., Anthropogenic induced beta diversity in plant-pollinator networks: dissimilarity, turnover, and predictive power, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 2022, p806615 Journal Article, 2022 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Zwierzchowska, I.; Cortinovis, C.; Collier, M.J.; Mizgajski, A., Urban transitions towards Nature-based Solutions, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 74, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 URL DOI

Connop, S.; Nash, C.; Collier, M.J., Technical Solutions: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 DOI

Vandergert, P.; Hölscher, K.; McQuaid, S.; Collier, M.J., Governance: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 URL DOI

Hölscher, K.; Allaert, K.; Lodder, M.; Sillen, D.; Collier, M.J.; Connop, S.; Dick, G.; Dumitru, A.; Dziubala, A.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Kelly, S.; Madajczyk, N.; McQuaid, S.; Mowat, L.; Osipiuk, A.; Quartier, M.; Sermpezi, R.; Vandergert, P.; van de Sijpe, K.; Vos, P, The Connecting Nature Framework: facilitating and connecting innovations for the large-scale implementation of nature-based solutions, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 URL DOI

van der Have, C.; Hölscher, K.; Lodder, M.; Collier, M.J.; Dick, G.; Dziubala, A.; Fletcher, I.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Georgiou, P.; Kelly, S., Malekkidou, E., McCann, S.; McQuaid, S.; Mulders, W.; Notermans, I.; Pa ić, B.; Prieto González, A., Quartier, M.; Sillen, D.; Trendafilov, I.; Vandergert, P.; Xidous, D., A practical guide to using co-production for nature-based solutions, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 URL DOI

Dumitru, A.; Peralbo Rubio, E.; Tomé Lourido, D.; Collier, M.J.; Dick, G.; Mahony, P.; Porter, J.; Sermpezi, R., Connecting Nature Deliverable 3: Interactive, online toolkit containing innovative evidence-based demonstrations for nature-based solutions deployment in cities, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, March, 2022 Report, 2022 DOI

Dumitru, A.; Tomé Lourido, D.; Collier, M.J.; Connop, S.; Dick, G.; Rhodes, M.-L.; Sermpezi, R.; Young, C., Impact Assessment: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2022 Book, 2022 DOI

McQuaid, S.; Kooijman, E.; Fletcher, I.; Collier, M. J.; Connop, S.; García-Espina Adank, C.; Müller, J.; Quartier, M.; Vos, P., Nature-based Enterprises: a Connecting Nature Guidebook, Final, Brussels, 2022 Book, 2022 DOI

Galle, N.; Brinton, W.; Vos, R.; Basau, B.; Duarte, F.; Collier, M.J.; Ratti, C.; Pilla, F., Correlation of WorldView-3 spectral vegetation indices and soil health indicators of individual urban trees with exceptions to topsoil disturbance, City and Environment Interactions, 11, (100068), 2021, p00 - 00 Journal Article, 2021 URL DOI

White, C.; Collier, M.J.; Stout, J., Using ecosystem services to measure the degree to which a solution is nature-based, Ecosystem Services, 50, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL DOI

Dumitru, A.; Peralbo Rubio, E.; Tomé Lourido, D.; Collier, M.J.; Dick, G.; Dymek, D.; Dziubaba, A.; Fagiewicz, K.; Lupa, P.; Mikuła, L.; Poniży, L.; Quartier, M.; Sermpezi, R.; Vos, P.; Zwierzchowska, I., Connecting Nature Deliverable 2: Report on the outcomes of the lessons learned, mapping of emerging experiments and expert workshops, leading to a synthesis of the most promising indicators for nature-based solutions, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, March, 2021 Report, 2021 DOI

Balzan, M.V.; Grace, M.; Collier, M.J.; Geneletti, D.; Sapundzhieva, A.; Tomaskinova, J.; Longato, D.; Stoev, P.; Williams, J.; Dicks, L.V., Evidence-based implementation of nature-based solutions in Mediterranean cities, Environmental Science and Policy, 2021, p00 - 00 Journal Article, 2021

Kooijman, E. D.; McQuaid, S.; Rhodes, M.-L.; Collier, M. J.; Pilla, F., Innovating with nature: from nature-based solutions to nature-based enterprises, Sustainability, 13, (3), 2021, p1263 Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Frantzeskaki, N.; Collier, M.J.; Hölscher, K.; Ossola, A.; Albulescu, P.; Bonneau, M.; Borgström, S.; Connop, S.; Gaziulusoy, I.; Geneletti, D.; Gorissen, L.; Levin-Keitel, M.; Tabory, S.; von Wirth, T.; Vadergert, P.; Vos, P.; Dumitru, A.; Lenoir, R.; McQuaid, S.; Penha-Lopes, G.; Saeumel, I.; Sillen, D.; Wittmayer, J.M. , Premises, practices and politics of co-creation for urban sustainability transitions, Urban Transformations, 2021, p00 - 00 Journal Article, 2021

Patterson, J.J.; Soininen, N.; Collier, M.J.; Raymond, C.M., Finding feasible action towards urban transformations, Nature Urban Sustainability , 1, 2021, p28 online Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL

Tomaskinova, J.; Geneletti, D.; Dicks, L.; Grace, M.; Collier, M.J.; Longato, D.; Stoev, P.; Sapundzhieva, A.; Balzan, M., Capacity-building as an instrument to foster the implementation of nature-based solutions, Research Ideas and Outcomes, 7, (e77666), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Collier, Marcus J., Are field boundary hedgerows the earliest example of a nature-based solution?, Environmental Science and Policy, 2021, p73 - 80 Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Grace, M.; Balzan, M.; Collier, M.J.; Geneletti, D.; Tomaskinova, J.; Abela, R.; Borg, D.; Buhagiar, G., Camilleri, L.; Cardona, M.; Cassar, N.; Cassar, R.; Cattafi, I.; Cauchi, D.; Galea, C.; La Rosa, D.; Malekkidou, E.; Masini, M.; Portelli, P.; Pungetti, G.; Spagnol, M.; Zahra, J.; Zammit, A.; Dicks, L. V., Priority knowledge needs for implementing nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean islands, Environmental Science and Policy, 116, 2021, p56 - 68 Journal Article, 2021 URL TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Frantzeskaki, N.; Collier, M.J., Co-creation as city making in the nexus of climate change and urban contradictions, Urban Transformations, 2021, p00 - 00 Journal Article, 2021

Heneghan, Elaine; Collier, Marcus J.; Kelly-Quinn, Mary, An evaluation of the potential applications of nature-based solutions for water quality protection: Ireland as a case study, Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 121B, (3), 2021, p147 - 162 Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL URL

Collier, M.J.; Bullock, C.; Joyce, D.; Lennon, M., The contribution of an ecosystem services approach to strategic environmental assessment - taking an example of spatial planning in Ireland, Land Use Policy, 2021, p00 - 00 Journal Article, 2021

McPhearson, T., Frantzeskaki, N., Anderson, P.M.L., Blatch, T.. Collier, M.J., Cook, E.M., Culwick Fatti, C., Grimm, N., Haase, D., Herreros-Cantis, P., Kavonic, J., Lin, B.B., Lopez Mendez, D.H., Matsler, M., Moglia, M., Morato, J. O'Farrell, P., Jakub Grabowski, Z., Ossola, A., Roy, P., Singe, C., Wang, J., Zhou, W., A global review of nature-based solutions for urban climate change adaptation: Challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming resilience in cities, PNAS, 2021, p00 - 00 Journal Article, 2021

Dumitru, A.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Collier, M.J. , Identifying principles for the design of robust impact evaluation frameworks for nature-based solutions in cities, Environmental Science and Policy, (112), 2020, p107 - 116 Journal Article, 2020 URL URL URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Collier, M.J.; Bourke, M.C., The case for mainstreaming nature-based solutions into integrated catchment management in Ireland, Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 102B, (2), 2020, p107 - 113 Journal Article, 2020 URL DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Hollingsworth, L.; Collier, M.J., Ground flora of field boundary dry stone walls in the Burren, Ireland, British and Irish Botany, 2, (4), 2020, p352 - 376 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL URL DOI

Sapundzhieva, A.; Balzan, M. V.; Tomaskinova, J.; De Santis, L.; Collier, M.J.; Williams, J.; Dicks, L.; Grace, M.; Geneletti, D.; Demirova, I., ReNature: creating the first nature-based solutions compendium in the Mediterranean, Research Ideas and Outcomes, 6, (e59646), 2020, p0 - 0 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL URL DOI

McQuaid, S.; Fletcher, I.; Kooijman, E.; Collier, M.J.; Siddall, E.; Maddox, D.; Vos, P. , Connecting Nature Deliverable 20: Progress report on the establishment of Enterprise Accelerator programmes in front-runner cities and fast-follower cites, and recommendations for uptake in multiplier cities, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, January, 2020 Report, 2020 DOI

Balzan, M. V.; Tomaskinova, J.; Collier, M.J.; Dicks, L.; Geneletti, D.; Grace, M.; Longato, D.; Sadula, R.; Stoev, P.; Sapundzhieva, A., Building capacity for mainstreaming nature-based solutions into environmental policy and landscape planning, Research Ideas and Outcomes, 6, (e58970), 2020, p0 - 0 Journal Article, 2020 URL DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Tomaskinova, J.; Dicks, L.; Collier, M.J.; Geneletti, D.; Grace, M.; Longato, D.; Sadula, R.; Stoev, P.; Sapundzhieva, A.; Balzan, M. V., Capacity-building and networking events for nature-based solutions and re-naturing in Malta, Research Ideas and Outcomes, 6, (e60893), 2020, p0 - 0 Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text URL URL

Frantzeskaki, N., Vandergert, P., Connop, S., Schipper, K., Zwierzchowska, K., Collier, M.J., & Lodder, M., Examining the policy needs for implementing nature- based solutions in cities: Findings from city-wide transdisciplinary experiences in Glasgow (UK), Genk (Belgium) and Poznań (Poland), Land Use Policy, (e104668), 2020, p0 - 0 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL URL URL DOI

Frantzeskaki, N., McPhearson, T., Collier, M.J., Kendal, D., Bulkeley, H., Dumitru, A., Walsh, C., Noble, K., Van Wyk, E., Ordóñez, C., Oke, C, Pintér, L. , Nature-based solutions for urban climate change adaptation: linking the science, policy, and practice community for evidence-based decision-making, Bioscience, 69, (6), 2019, p455 - 466 Journal Article, 2019 URL URL URL DOI

McQuaid, S.; Dick, G.; Dziubala, A., Vos, P.; Collier, M.J. , Connecting Nature Deliverable 19: An interim report on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Accelerator Programmes that will be commencing within front-runner cities, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, January, 2019 Report, 2019 DOI

Nature-based solutions and interventions in cities in, editor(s)A. A. Donnelly and T. E. MacIntyre , Physical Activity in Natural Settings: Green and Blue Exercise, London, Routledge, 2019, pp335 - 348, [MacIntyre, T. E., Gidlow, C., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Baronian, M., Collier, M.J., Gritzka, S., Warrington, G.] Book Chapter, 2019 URL DOI

Hölscher, K.; Allaert, K.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Lodder, M.; Notermans, I.; Sillen, D.; Collier, M. J.; Connop, S.; Dick, G.; Dumitru, A.; Dziubala, A.; Kelly, S.; Madajczyk, N.; McQuaid, S.; Mowatt, L.; Osipiuk, A.; Quartier, M.; Sermpezi, R.; Vandergert, P.; van De Sijpe, K.; Vos, P., Connecting Nature Deliverable 5: Nature-based Solutions Framework for Front-runner cities, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, October, 2019 Report, 2019 DOI

Hölscher, K.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Lodder, M.; Notermans, I.; Sillen, D.; Albulescu, P.; Collier, M.J.; Dick, G.; Dushkova, D.; Dziubala, A.; Haase, D.; Macsinga, I.; Madajczyk, N.; McQuaid, S.; Osipiuk, A.; Quartier, M.; Sulea, C.; Vandergert, P.; van de Sijpe, K.; Vos, P., Connecting Nature Deliverable 4: Report on outcomes of meetings, consultations, webinars and workshops leading to the publication of a 'Co-creation for cities' guidebook and infographics, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, June, 2019 Report, 2019 DOI

Dumitru, A.; Lenoir Improta, R.; Albulesca, P.; Collier, M.J.; Connop, S.; Dick, G.; Dushkova, D.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Haase, D.; Lodder, M.; Nash, C.; Macsings, I.; Martin, G.; Mowat, L.; McQuaid, S.; Rhodes, M-L.; Sillen, D.; Sulea, C., Connecting Nature Deliverable 1: Reports on contributions to Connecting Nature tasks 1.1 to 1.4, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, November, 2018 Report, 2018 DOI

Ustaoglu, E. & Collier, M.J., Farmland abandonment in Europe: an overview of drivers, consequences and assessment of the sustainability implications., Environmental Reviews, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Bullock, C., Joyce, D. & Collier, M.J., An exploration of the relationships between cultural ecosystem services, socio-cultural values and well-being, Ecosystem Services, 31, 2018, p142 - 152 Journal Article, 2018 URL DOI

Slaev, A. & Collier, M.J., Managing natural resources: Coasian bargaining versus Ostromian rules of common governance, Environmental Science and Policy, 85, 2018, p47 - 53 Journal Article, 2018 URL DOI

Haas, E.; Kampelmann, S.; Poniży, L.; Zwierzchowska, I.; Collier, M.J., Connecting Nature Deliverable 8 (Appendix 8.4): Synthesis of exploratory research in Poznań, Poland, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, January, 2018 Report, 2018 DOI

Vandergert, P.; Jelliman, S.; Collier, M.J., Connecting Nature Deliverable 8 (Appendix 8.1): Progress report on linkages between Front-runner City strategic goals and nature-based solutions goals to inform city plan and indicator development for Front-runner City exemplars, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, May, 2018 Report, 2018 DOI

Canedoli, C., Bullock, C., Collier, M.J., Joyce, D. & Padoa-Schioppa, E., Public participatory mapping of cultural ecosystem services: citizen perception and park management in the Parco Nord of Milan (Italy), Sustainability, 9, (6), 2017, p891- Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Collier, M.J., Connop, S., Corcoran, A., Crowe, P., Nedović-Budić, Z., Pichler-Milanović, N., Rijavec, R., Sinclair, J., Vandergert, P. & Varghese, J., European university-community partnership-based research on urban sustainability and resilience, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability , 23, 2017, p79 - 84 Journal Article, 2017 URL DOI

Lennon, M., Scott, M., Collier, M.J. & Foley, K., The emergence of green infrastructure as promoting the centralisation of a landscape perspective in spatial planning: the case of Ireland, Landscape Research, 42, 2017, p146 - 163 Journal Article, 2017 DOI URL

Hill, A.; Jelliman, S.; Kampelmann, S.; Collier, M.J., Connecting Nature Deliverable 8 (Appendix 8.3): Synthesis of exploratory interviews in Glasgow, Scotland, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, December, 2017 Report, 2017 DOI

Hill, A.; Kamplemann, S.; Collier, M.J.; Vandergert, P.; van der Sijpe, K.; Vos, P., Connecting Nature Deliverable 8 (Appendix 8.2): Synthesis of exploratory interviews in Genk, Belgium, Final, Brussels, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, October, 2017 Report, 2017 DOI

A. Walz, K. Schmidt, R. Noebel, C. Bullock, G. Cojocaru, M.J. Collier, A. de Vries Lentsch, A. Dyankov, L. Ingwall-King, D. Joyce, J. Lascurain, S. Lavorel, N. Marba, M. Metzger, I. Rosário, A. Ruiz-Frau, M. Santos-Reis, S. Scholte , Integrating stakeholder perspectives into environmental planning through social valuation of ecosystem services: Guidance and Prototype Applications, OPERAs Project, February, 2017, 29 Report, 2017 URL TARA - Full Text URL

Connop, S., Vandergert, P., Eisenberg, B., Collier, M.J., Nash, C., Clough, J. & Newport, D., Renaturing cities using a regionally-focused biodiversity-led multifunctional benefits approach to urban green infrastructure, Environmental Science and Policy , 62, 2016, p99 - 111 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Scott, M., Lennon, M., Collier, M.J, & Foley, K., Integrating Ecosystem Approaches, Green Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Research 188, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2016, 106 Report, 2016 URL TARA - Full Text

Crowe, P.R., Foley, K. & Collier, M.J., Operationalizing urban resilience through a framework for adaptive co-management and design: five experiments in urban planning practice and policy, Environmental Science and Policy, 62, 2016, p112 - 119 Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Stumpp, E.-M., Hartmann, J, Chiesa, C. & Collier, M.J., TURAS Integrated Transition Strategy. Deliverable 7.2 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, January, 2016, 42 Report, 2016 URL URL

Collier, M.J., Connop, S., Foley, K., Nedović-Budić, Z., Newport, D., Corcoran, A., Crowe, P., Dunne, L., de Moel, H., Kampelmann, S., McQuaid, S., Schwarz von Raumer, H.-G., Slaev, A., Stumpp, E.-M., Van den Abeele, P. & Vandergert, P., Urban transformation with TURAS open innovations; opportunities for transitioning through transdisciplinarity, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 22, 2016, p57 - 62 Journal Article, 2016 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Collier, M.J. & Devitt, C., Novel ecosystems: challenges and opportunities for the Anthropocene, The Anthropocene Review, 2016 Journal Article, 2016 URL URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Lennon, M., Scott, M., Collier, M.J. & Foley, K., Green Infrastructure: A 'How To' Guide for Disseminating and Integrating the Concept into Spatial Planning Practice, Research 182, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2016, 28 Report, 2016 TARA - Full Text URL

Lennon, M., Scott, M., Collier, M. & Foley, K., Developing green infrastructure 'thinking': devising and applying an interactive group-based methodology for practitioners, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2015, p1 - 23 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL

Vandergert, P., Collier, M., Kampelmann, S. & Newport, D., Blending adaptive governance and institutional theory to explore urban resilience and sustainability strategies in the Rome Metropolitan Area, Italy, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 8, (2), 2015, p126 - 146 Journal Article, 2015 URL URL

Stumpp, Eva-Maria, Chiesa, Cecilia, Hartmann, Julia & Collier, M.J., Integrated Transition Strategies :proposed methodology. Deliverable 7.1 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels, TURAS Project, September, 2015, 21 Report, 2015 URL URL

Kampelmann, Stephan, Vandergert, Paula, Van Den Abeele, Patrick & Collier, M.J., Adaptive Governance and Economic Resilience. Deliverable 6.8 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, TURAS Project, September, 2015, 77 Report, 2015 URL URL

Nedović-Budić, Z., Corcoran, A. & Collier, M.J., Framework for G-ICT infrastructure: integrated database and tools. Deliverable 1.2 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, September, 2015, 71 Report, 2015 URL URL

Collier, M. J., Novel ecosystems and social-ecological resilience, Landscape Ecology, 2015, p1 - 7 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Kampelmann, Stephan, Vandergert, Paula & Collier, M.J. , Plan of work for developing a strategy to support Sustainable and Resilient Economic Activity Locally (SREAL). Deliverable 6.7 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, TURAS Project, December, 2015, 36 Report, 2015 URL URL

Slaev, A., Krunic, N., Zekovic, S., Vujosevic, M., Pichler-Milanovic, N., Baffioni, C., Guttadauria, I., Odorico, M., Vallocchia, S., Voglino, A.M., Maricic, T.; Petric, J., Bajic, T., Nikiforov, N., Konakchiev, D., Nikolov, N., Daskalova, D., Lyubenov, Y., Topchiev, H. & Collier, M.J., Report on the balance between planning and the market relating to sustainable and resilient development of suburban areas. Deliverable 5.6 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, September, 2014, 122 Report, 2014 URL URL

Connop, S., Salvemini, M., Berardi, L., Newport, D. & Collier, M.J., Activity units for re-greening cities. Deliverable 2.3 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, September, 2014, 118 Report, 2014 URL URL

Collier, M.J., Novel ecosystems and the emergence of cultural ecosystem services, Ecosystem Services, 9, 2014, p166 - 169 Journal Article, 2014 DOI URL URL

de Moel, H., Derkzen, M.L., Koks, E.E., Aerts, J., Verburg, P., van Barneveld, N., Nijhuis, L., Nielsen, S., Möller, B., Rijavec, R., Griessler-Bulc, T., Detellbach, S., Jarni, K., Kompare, B., Krivograd-Klemenčič, A., Pichler- Milanović, N., emrov, D., Ur ič, M., Velkavrh, J., ura, M., Trbi an, G.. Gojčič, M., Brimicombe, A., Li, Y. & Collier, M.J., Improved planning for urban resilience and sustainability - tools, measures and recommendations. Deliverable 4.5 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, September, 2014, 134 Report, 2014 URL URL

Crowe, P., Foley, K. & Collier, M.J., Spatial scenarios for urban neighbourhoods. Deliverable 3.4 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, September, 2014, 92 Report, 2014 URL URL

Collier, M.J., Mullins, E., Potential for longevity of novel genetically modified herbicide-tolerant traits in the Irish landscape, Irish Geography, 45, (2), 2013, p117 - 130 Journal Article, 2013 URL URL DOI

Collier, M.J., Nedović-Budić, Z., Aerts, J., Connop, S., Foley, D., Foley, K., Newport, D., McQuaid, S., Slaev, A. & Verburg, P., Transitioning to resilience and sustainability in urban communities, Cities, 2013, p21 - 28 Journal Article, 2013 DOI URL URL

Nedović-Budić, Z., Corcoran, A. & Collier, M.J., G-ICT based Inventory. Deliverable 1.1 of the TURAS FP7 Project., Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, March, 2013, 20 Report, 2013 URL URL

Collier, M.J., Field Boundary Stone Walls as Exemplars of 'Novel' Ecosystems, Landscape Research, 38, (1), 2013, p141 - 150 Journal Article, 2013 URL URL DOI

Bullock, C.H., Collier, M.J., Peatlands, their economic value and priorities for their future management - The example of Ireland, Land Use Policy, 29, (4), 2012, p921 - 928 Journal Article, 2012 URL URL DOI

Collier, M.J., Mullins, E., Assessing the impact of pollen-mediated gene flow from GM herbicide tolerant Brassica napus into common wild relatives in Ireland, Biology and Environment-Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 112B, (3), 2012, p257-266 Journal Article, 2012 URL URL DOI

Bullock, C.H., Collier, M.J., Peatlands, People and Policies, 2011, p77 - 116 Report, 2011 URL

Collier, M.J., Incorporating socio-economic factors into restoration: Implications from industrially harvested peatlands, Restoration Ecology, 19, (5), 2011, p559 - 563 Journal Article, 2011 DOI TARA - Full Text

McQuaid, S. Cicio, M. & Collier, M.J., Interactive Communication Platform: Deliverable 8.2 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, March, 2011, 19 Report, 2011 URL DOI

Mullins, E., Collier, M.J., Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of Cultivating Genetically Modified Herbicide Tolerant (GMHT) Oilseed Rape and Maize: STRIVE Report 2007-B-DS-1-S1, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2011, 49 Report, 2011 URL

McQuaid, S., Schuchmann, S. & Collier, M.J., TURAS Exploitation Strategy. Deliverable 8.4 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, November, 2011, 23 Report, 2011 URL DOI

Mullins, E., Collier, M. J., The CINMa Index: Assessing the Potential Impact of GE Crop Management across a Heterogeneous Landscape, 2011, 2 Report, 2011 URL

McQuaid, S. & Collier, M.J., TURAS Dissemination Strategy. Deliverable 8.3 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, March, 2011, 74 Report, 2011 DOI URL

McQuaid, S. & Collier, M.J., Initial information site for the TURAS Project, describing partners, work programme, goals, timeline and relevant links. Deliverable 8.1 of the TURAS FP7 Project, Brussels: DG Research & Innovation, December, 2011, 5 Report, 2011 URL DOI

Bullock, C.H., Collier, M.J., When the public good conflicts with an apparent preference for unsustainable behaviour, Ecological Economics, 70, (5), 2011, p971 - 977 Journal Article, 2011 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Collier, M.J. & Scott, M., Focus group discourses in a mined landscape, Land Use Policy, 27, (2), 2010, p304 - 312 Journal Article, 2010 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Collier, M.J., Mullins, E., The CINMa index: assessing the potential impact of GM crop management across a heterogeneous landscape., Environmental biosafety research, 9, (3), 2010, p135 - 145 Journal Article, 2010 URL URL URL DOI URL

Collier, M.J. & Scott, M., Conflicting rationalities, knowledge and values in scarred landscapes, Journal of Rural Studies, 25, (3), 2009, p267 - 277 Journal Article, 2009 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Mullins, E., Collier, M., O'Brien, M., Meade, C., Spillane, C., Predicting the Impact of Coexistence-Guided, Genetically Modified Cropping on Irish Biodiversity: STRIVE Report 39, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2009, 64 Report, 2009 URL

Collier, M.J. & Scott, M., Industrially harvested peatlands and after-use potential: Understanding local stakeholder narratives and landscape preferences, Landscape Research, 33, (4), 2008, p439 - 460 Journal Article, 2008 DOI URL

Murphy, G., Collier, M.J., Feehan, J., Opinions of upland walkers on socio-cultural and environmental impacts on blanket bog habitats: cultural aspects of peat and peatlands, 13th International Peat Congress , Tullamore, Ireland, 8th-14th June, 1, 2008, pp548 - 551 Conference Paper, 2008

Bullock, Craig, Collier, Marcus J., Convery, Frank, Peatland after-use - issues in valuation, 13th International Peat Congress, Tullamore, Ireland, 8th-14th June, 2, 2008, pp141 - 143 Conference Paper, 2008

Collier, Marcus J., Olson, Eliza, The future of Burns Bog, Canada: stakeholder participation or habitat decline?, 13th International Peat Congress, Tullamore, Ireland, 8th-14th June, 2, 2008, pp185 - 187 Conference Paper, 2008

Collier, Marcus J., Feehan, John, Scott, Mark, Social and community dimensions in cutaway peatland policy, 13th International Peat Congress, Tullamore, Ireland, 8th-14th June, 1, 2008, pp384 - 386 Conference Paper, 2008

Collier, M.J. & Farrell, E.P, The Environmental Impact of Planting Broadleaved Trees on Acid-sensitive Soils, Dublin, COFORD, July, 2007, 56 Report, 2007 URL URL URL URL URL

Collier, M.J., The National Wetland Wilderness Park: developing a strategy for cutaway peatland afteruse in Ireland, The 5th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Greifswald, Germany, 21st-25th August, 2006, pp1 Conference Paper, 2006

Collier, M.J., The ecology of dry stone walls, Walls: Future in our Past, Athenry, Co. Galway, Ireland, 21st-22nd October , 2005 Conference Paper, 2005 URL

Mahon, B. J., Whelan. J., Kirwan, L. & Collier, M. J., Farmland birds and the field boundary evaluation and grading system in Ireland, Tearmann: Irish journal of agri-environmental research, 4, 2005, p67 - 78 Journal Article, 2005 URL URL

Collier, M.J., Dublin City Environmental Directory, Dublin, Ireland, Dublin City Council, 2004, 101pp Book, 2004 URL

Collier, M. J., Feehan, J., Developing a field boundary evaluation and grading system in Ireland, Tearmann: The Irish Journal of Agri-environmental Research, 3, (1), 2003, p27 - 46 Journal Article, 2003 URL URL

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Collier, M.J., The National Wetland Wilderness Park: a blueprint for peatland afteruse, ENVIRON 2006: 16th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, University College Dublin, Ireland, 27th-29th January , 2006, pp1 Conference Paper, 2006

Collier, M.J., Introduction to wildlife gardening, World Biodiversity Day, National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, 21st May , 2005, pp1 Conference Paper, 2005

Collier, M.J., Re-colonisation of a hedgerow after hedgelaying: using bird's nests as indicators, Environ 2005: 15th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Sligo Institute of Technology, 28-30 January, 2005, pp1 Conference Paper, 2005

Collier, M.J., An ecological evaluation of field boundary stone walls in Ireland, Environ 2005: 15th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Sligo Institute of Technology, 28-30 January, 2005, pp1 Poster, 2005 URL

Collier, M.J., Stone walls in the Burren, The Review of REPS and Burren Farming, Carron, Co. Clare, Ireland, 10th December, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Collier, M.J., Proposal for the description and classification of wallrows in the Irish Landscape, ENVIRON 2004: 14th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, University of Limerick, Ireland, 30thJanuary-1st Febr, 2004 Poster, 2004

Collier, M.J., Developing a field boundary evaluation and grading system in Ireland, ENVIRON 2003: 13th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, NUI Galway, 8th-10th January, 2003 Poster, 2003

Collier, M.J., Using trees and woody shrubs to intercept excess nutrient in farm and forestry runoff, 7th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management, Johnstown, Co. Wexford, 17th-22nd August, 2003 Poster, 2003

Collier. M.J.; McCabe, O. & Farrell, E.P., PNtrap Project: Using trees and woody shrubs to intercept excess nutrient in farm and forestry runoff, 7th IWA International Conference Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management, UCD, Dublin and Johnstown, Co. Wexford, 17th-22nd August, 2003, pp1 Poster, 2003 URL

Collier, M.J., Hedgelaying, Ruralité, faune sauvage et développement durable: Le bocage, enjeux de territoire pour demain, Rennes, France, 16th-17th October , 2002, pp1 Conference Paper, 2002

Collier. M.J., Hedgerows in Ireland, Les haies en Europe: plantation, entretien (Hedge planting and maintenance in Europe), Rennes, France, 13th-16th June, 2001, pp1 Conference Paper, 2001

Research Expertise


My research investigates the complex and dynamic interface between ecosystems and a transitioning society, which I feel is highly suited to the E3 arena in TCD. My research focuses on the arenas of natural capital and urban resilience, where I investigate perceptions, values, and relationships between landscape characterises, land-use change, governance, and societal expectations. In support of the E3 project, there are three thematic areas of inquiry that have run throughout my career as a researcher, evaluator, and research manager that have relevance. These are: Environmental sciences My research here has focused on complex social-ecological systems, with particular interest in: 1. novel ecosystems and their societal implications; 2. socio-cultural ecosystem services and valuing nature; 3. social-ecological resilience in anthropogenic landscapes; 4. environmental and landscape management; 5. cultural ecosystem services and land-use change; and 6. restoration/rehabilitation ecology. Sustainability science My research in the sustainability science arena looks at: 1. transitioning to sustainability through co-creation for normative behaviour change; 2. sustainability science and transdisciplinarity (theory and practice); 3. social capital networks and their intersection with natural capital; 4. green infrastructure, multifunctionality, and nature-based solutions; 5. collaborative governance and the co-production of knowledge; and 6. sustainable urbanisation in a globalised context. Environmental geography My research here seeks to advance current theory and debates, exploring transdisciplinary approaches to crowd-sourced data gathering and analysis. This involves co-creation, co-design, and co-production of knowledge, and disseminating results to and within communities of interest. For example: 1. the Anthropocene and human/nature inter-relationships; 2. power asymmetries, conflict, and governance in the urban; environmental arena; 3. collaborative processes (citizen-led) and innovation; 4. urban-rural geographies (from production to post-production to multi-functionality); 5. complementary methodological research (qualitative and quantitative). There are several avenues in transdisciplinary research that I am currently pursuing. I have identified these as key areas of potential influence in global discourses as well as being aligned with key areas of emerging funding: 1. nature-based solutions via the co-production of knowledge, using sustainability science and crowdsourced data for communicating and transforming normative behaviour; 2. climate adaptation and the role of the 'futurescapes'; 3. emerging discourses on the utility of green infrastructure and ecosystem services; 4. exploring and quantifying novel and emerging ecosystems: the human/ecological interface in abandoned urban areas; and 5. pathways towards a science of transition: mapping crowdsourced socio-cultural values.


  • Title
    • NovelEco
  • Summary
    • Novel ecosystems are unmanaged wild areas that cannot be restored to their original ecological status, especially novel ecosystems that occur in urban areas. Little is known about them because many people ignore or avoid wild spaces in cities. NovelEco will bring citizens together to collect ecological data on urban wild spaces for the first time. In doing so people will also reveal the values that wild spaces may have and how they affect our sustainability behaviour.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Research Council
  • Date From
    • June 1st 2021
  • Date To
    • May 31st 2026
  • Title
    • Connecting Nature
  • Summary
    • Connecting Nature will position Europe as a global leader in the innovation and implementation of nature-based solutions. It brings together 29 partner organisations from 16 EU countries including local authorities, communities, industry partners, NGOs and academics. Through Connecting Nature, 11 European cities will invest in multi-million-euro large scale implementation test-beds of nature-based solutions and measure the impact of this approach on climate change adaptation, health and well-being, social cohesion as well as sustainable economic development.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission Horizon 2020
  • Date From
    • June 1st 2017
  • Date To
    • May 31st 2022
  • Title
    • GoGreen Routes
  • Summary
    • Go Green Routes is a 39 partner four-year project which applies visionary and integrated solutions to improve health in cities. The €10.48 million project is coordinated at the Health Research Institute at the University of Limerick. It will co-create a knowledge ecosystem with urban communities to raise awareness of risks (e.g. air pollution), benefits of sustainable physical activity (e.g. green exercise and active travel), and sustainable nutrition, all to empower decision-making at individual, community and city level.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission Horizon 2020
  • Date From
    • September 1st 2020
  • Date To
    • August 31st, 2024
  • Title
    • ReNature
  • Summary
    • ReNature is a 'widening' project which brings a small number of partners (5) together to build capacity for research in urban areas in Malta, with a specific focus on urban nature-based innovation. This three-year project aims to develop solutions to pursue economic growth whilst improving human well-being and tackling environmental challenges that can be addressed through nature-based solutions, particularly those associated with sustainable urbanisation.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission Horizon 2020
  • Date From
    • September 1st, 2018
  • Date To
    • August 31st, 2021
  • Title
    • PhD Scholarship
  • Summary
    • This research project will foster transdisciplinary, bottom-up processes, and the co-creation of a continuous, creative dialogue between and within communities and policy-makers with respect to nature-based solutions.
  • Funding Agency
    • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Date From
    • September 1st, 2018
  • Date To
    • August 31st, 2022
  • Title
  • Summary
    • The UFOREST Alliance aims at promoting Europe's innovation capacity among universities, cities and businesses to deliver a new approach to UF. It will do so by: 1.facilitating the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge among universities, local authorities, and business coming from four key interdisciplinary approaches that often are not cooperating: urban landscape planning, forest ecology, socio-economics and, information and communication technologies; 2. promoting a new, innovative and multidisciplinary global blended training course on UF for both students and professionals; 3. stimulating entrepreneurial attitude of students, researchers and professionals to provide public and private sectors with innovative and cost-effective UF solutions. The project will focus on Italy, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Netherlands and Canada. Results will have a strong EU-global dimension and transferability potential, capitalising on existing national and international networks and through the partnership with the European Forestry Institute, a leading European networking and research institution.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 1/1/2021
  • Date To
    • 31/12/2024
  • Title
    • NATURA
  • Summary
    • The Nature-based Solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene (NATURA) project links networks in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, North and Latin America, and globally to enhance connectivity among the world's scholars and practitioners and improve the prospects for global urban sustainability. NATURA exchanges knowledge, shares data, and enhances communication among research disciplines and across the research-practice divide to advance urban resilience in face of growing threats of extreme weather events.
  • Funding Agency
    • National Science Foundation US
  • Date From
    • October 1st 2019
  • Date To
    • September 30th 2024
  • Title
    • Landscape Initiative
  • Summary
    • The overall research focus is on the translation or transposition of scientific and engineering research on current practices of providing Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) in order to ensure the establishment of robust landscape architectural ecological / physical design and construction as this relates to TII projects.
  • Funding Agency
    • Transport Infrastructure Ireland
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Date To
    • 2023
  • Title
    • BioSense
  • Summary
    • Exploring (using existing data) the state of the art of a number of sites managed by Peter O'Brien Landscaping and make a preliminary assessment on how these sites may be used for multiple environmental and social gains that will benefit the company, their employees and the environment.
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • January 1st 2022
  • Date To
    • September 30th 2022


Biodiversity; Biodiversity and Conservation; BIOGEOGRAPHY; Citizen Science; CLIMATE CHANGE; Coastal management and conservation; CONSERVATION; Conservation Biology; ECOLOGY; Ecology, Ecosystems; ecosystem services; ECOSYSTEMS; Education for Sustainable Development; Environmental Conservation; Environmental Geography; Environmental planning and sustainable development; Human Ecology; human geography; INNOVATION; landscape ecology; Marine Ecosystems; natural capital; Natural History; Natural Sciences; Nature conservation policy and practice; NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS; NEW NATURE; NOVEL ECOSYSTEMS; PEATLANDS; Restoration and Preservation; RESTORATION ECOLOGY; REWILDING; Social Innovation; SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS; Sustainable development; Sustainable Urbanism; Urban Ecology; Urban Geography; Wetland Ecosystems; Woodlands ecology



Citizens Assembly on Biodiversity 2022

Chair of ERC SH7 Consolidator Award Panel 2021

Honorary scientific advisor to the Burns Bog Conservation Society, Vancouver, Canada 2006 to 2022

External evaluator for ERC Starter Grant (SH2, SH3, and LH1) Panels 2016-2022

Panel expert evaluator for the ERC Consolidator Grant (SH2 panel) 2019

Rapporteur for DG Research and Innovation: EU-Brazil Nature-based Solution dialogue, Brasilia, Brazil as the chosen representative of the European Union. 2018

External expert evaluator for the ERC Starter Grant (SH2 panel) 2018

Rapporteur for DG Research and Innovation: EU-China Nature-based Solutions dialogue, Ningbo, China as the chosen delegate from the European Union. 2016-2020

Panel expert evaluator for ERC Consolidator Grant (SH2 panel) 2017

Evaluator for Horizon 2020 (SC5) 2017

Expert evaluator for Horizon 2020 proposals (Societal Challenge 5) 2016

Expert evaluator for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2016-2017

External evaluator for the Government of Armenia (Twining with EU programme) 2016

Panel expert evaluator for the ERC Consolidator Grant (SH3 panel) 2015

Expert evaluator for Horizon 2020 proposals (Societal Challenge 5) 2014

Evaluator for the ERA-NET Cofund (Horizon 2020 / Societal Challenge 6) 2015

External evaluator for the Government of the Netherlands (PhD grants) 2014-2016

Scientific advisor to the Irish Dept. of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 2005-2009

Scientific advisor to the Irish Government Sub-committee on the Environment (Peatlands) 2008

Scientific advisor to the Irish Farmers Association (Biodiversity agriculture) 2004

Awards and Honours

Trinity Fellow 2023

European Research Council Consolidator Award 2021

Government of Ireland Champion of EU Research Award; awarded by President M.D. Higgins 2011

Irish Research Council New Ideas Award 2011

University of Aberdeen: Transdisciplinary Masterclass Award 2006

University College Dublin: Graduate Research and Innovation Prize 2007

University College Dublin: Postgraduate Publication Prize 2004


Society for Ecological Restoration 2009 – present

Geography Society of Ireland 2008 – present