Information for Fresher Students

The study of English is concerned with the history and practices of writing in English and encompasses literary works spanning English, Anglo-Irish, American and post-colonial cultures. It aims to develop a thorough knowledge of the history of these literatures while also enabling students to develop a sophisticated critical consciousness and an awareness of critical and cultural theory. Compared to English Literature (Joint Honours) students, English Studies students cover a longer historical range (including before 1300) and also consider topics such as Popular Literature and the Literature of Childhood.

English Literature covers a broad range of literatures written in the English language, from Chaucer to the present day. The aim of the course is to help students acquire a sense of the development of literatures in English over time and space and a rich array of critical techniques and questions. While Joint Honours students study a range of genres, periods and national literatures, the course is less comprehensive than that of the Single Honours programme.

The pathways available are Single Honors, Major with Minor and Joint Honors

Junior Fresh Single Honours (SH) Junior Fresh Trinity Joint Honours (JH)
Compulsory Modules (10) Compulsory Modules (4)
Senior Fresh Single Honours (SH) Senior Fresh Trinity Joint Honours (JH)
Compulsory Modules (8) Compulsory Modules (4)
Approved/Electives Approved/Electives