Current Research Students

Postgraduate Student Handbook

The postgraduate student handbook is available here.

Trinity College Postgraduate Research Student Handbook

Postgraduate Representatives

A number of registered postgraduate research students serve as representatives for the broader graduate community in the School of English every year (excluding MPhil students, who have their own class representatives for each taught programme). The Graduate Students’ Union oversees the election of these representatives, which usually takes place in September. Teaching Assistants in the School also have a representative.

The current TA representative in the School is Esther Reilly. Esther attends School committee meetings, liaises with individual TAs and postgraduates, and hosts occasional TA and PGR meetings. Amudha Mathur Vinayagamoorthy is the School Convenor and sits on our School's Executive Committee. Esther and Amudha can be contacted directly at: and respectively. 

Current Research Students

Name: Alan Armstrong


Supervisor: Dr. Brendan O'Connell

Thesis Title: The Ethics of Wealth in Late Medieval Alliterative Verse

Projected Completion: 2026

Funding: Trinity College Dublin Non-Foundation Scholarship

Background: B.A. in History and English, Trinity College Dublin (2021)

Research keywords: Alliterative Poetry, Medieval Literature, Middle English, Historicism, Romance, Wealth

Name: Amy Barkhaus 


Supervisor: Dr. Jane Carroll

Thesis Title: Fantastic Horizons: The Life and Work of Bernard Sleigh (1872-1954)

Projected Completion:  2025

Background: MLitt Fantasy Literature (University of Glasgow) BA English Literature with Honours (Arizona State University); BA
Psychology + Creative Writing minor (University of Arizona)

Research Key Words: Fantasy Literature; the Golden Age; Fin de Siècle; Fairy Tales; Supernatural Folklore; The Arts & Crafts

Movement; Pre-Raphaelites; Literary Geography & Topography

Name: Ginevra Bianchini


Supervisor: Dr Melanie Otto

Thesis Title: Naked flesh: on the intersectionality of rape culture between race and gender in the United Kingdom and North America.

Projected Completion: 2025

Funding: N/A

Academic Background: Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (2014-2017 at the University of Bologna); Master's degree in Modern, Postcolonial and Comparative Literatures (2017-2020 at the University of Bologna) 

Research keywords:  Gender Studies, Critical Race Theory, Visual Studies, Film Studies, Indigenous North American Literature, British African Cultural Productions, Rape Culture, Women's Writing.

Name: Rían Boyle


Supervisor: Dr Mark Faulkner

Thesis Title: A Data-Driven Approach to Studying the Literary Regulation of Old English Social Norms

Projected Completion: August 2026 

Funding: Self-Funded 

Background: B.A. in English Studies (Trinity College Dublin 2016-20), M.Phil. in Medieval Language and Literature (Trinity College Dublin, 2020-21)

Research keywords: Old English; Early Medieval Literature, Old English Society; Corpus Linguistics; Social Norms; Distant Reading

Name: Charlotte Buckley


Supervisors: Deirdre Madden and Dr Rosie Lavan

Thesis Title: Modern Cartographers: Ecofeminist Readings of Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry 

Projected Completion:  August 2025

Funding: N/A

Background: B.A. (Hons) in English Literature from the University of Manchester. MPhil in Creative Writing, Trinity College Dublin (2012-13).

Research keywords:
 Irish poetry, ecofeminism, ecopoetry, women's poetry, gender, cartography, landscape

Name: Siobhán Callaghan


Supervisor: Dr Pádraic Whyte

Dissertation Title: The displaced children of the Second World War in historical fiction for children

Projected Completion: 2022 

Funding: Irish Research Council 

Background: BA in English and Drama, M.Phil. in Children’s Literature

Research keywords:children's literature, historical fiction, displacement, war 

Name: S.J. DeMattio


Prof Chris Morash

Thesis Title: 
Exhuming the Later Works of Ireland’s “Forgotten Genius,” Teresa Deevy

Projected Completion: September 2023

Fulbright Ireland-USA, Open Study/Research Award, The Teresa Deevy Project/Mint Theater Company

Academic Background: 
Bachelor of Liberal Arts (concentrations in Literature & Theology), Sarah Lawrence College. 

Research keywords: 
Women & Gender Studies, Ritual, Violence, Theology, Catholicism, Performance Theory, Free State History, Theatre History, Irish Women Writers

Name: Orlaith Darling


Supervisor: Dr Paul  Delaney

Thesis Title: 'Welcome to the good life!': Representations of neoliberalism in contemporary Irish women's short fiction

Projected Completion:  September 2023

Funding: Irish Research Council

Academic Background: BA (Hons) TSM English Literature & History, Trinity College Dublin (2018); MSc Literature and Modernity: 1900 - Present, University of Edinburgh (2019)

Research keywords: Short fiction; neoliberalism; women's writing; Irish writing

Name: Janice Lynne Deitner


Supervisor: Dr Bernice M. Murphy

Thesis Title: "You Know": Bodies of Knowledge in Shirley Jackson's America

Projected Completion: September 2023

Funding: TCD Provost’s PhD Project Award 

Academic Background: BA in English Studies (disc. scol.), Trinity College Dublin

Research keywords:  Shirley Jackson, American Literature, the Gothic, Horror, Science Fiction, Popular Literature, Body/Mind, Genre Periodicals, Early and Mid-Twentieth Century

Name: Orla Donnelly


Supervisor: Dr Clare Clarke

Thesis Title: Dark Tourism and the Late-Victorian British Fictions of Gothic Egypt

Projected Completion: August 2024

Funding: Provost Research Project Award

Academic Background: B.A., Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (I.A.D.T.), M.Phil, Trinity College Dublin (2014-15)

Research keywords: British; Nineteenth Century Literature; Dark Tourism; Gothic Egypt

Name: Anna Donovan


Supervisor: Prof Aileen Douglas

Dissertation Title: Frances Burney: Sympathy, Sincerity, and National Identity, 1778-1814

Projected Completion: September 2020 

Background: BA in New Media and English, University of Limerick (2015); MA in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, University of Limerick (2017)

Research keywords:Eighteenth-century literature; National Identity; Frances Burney; British theatre of the eighteenth-century

Name: Rebecca Easler


Supervisor: Dr. Jarlath Killeen

Thesis Title: Representations of the Dead Child in the Novels of Charles Dickens

Projected Completion:  September 2023

Academic Background: B.A. (Hons) in English Literature and History from Concordia College Moorhead (2014); MSc in Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romantic, and Victorian Literature from the University of Edinburgh (2017)

Research keywords: Charles Dickens, Child Death, Childhood, Victorian Death Culture, Social Criticism, 

Name: Tony Flynn


Supervisor: Dr Jane Suzanne Carroll

Dissertation Title:: Inscriptions in Children's Books: The collection and preservation of childhood through inscriptions and marginalia in the Pollard Collection of Children's Books, 1900-1925

Projected completion:
 March 2025

Funding: TCD Provost's PhD Project Award

Background:BA (Hons) in Film + Television Production, Institute of Art, Design and Technology Dun Laoghaire (2011); M.Phil. in Children's Literature, Trinity College Dublin (2018)

Research Keywords:
 marginalia; inscriptions; childhood studies; the Pollard Collection; book as object

Name: Sohail Hoda


Supervisor: Dr.Ema Vyroubalova

Thesis Title: The Subaltern Voice in Utpal Dutt's Revolutionary Theatre

Projected Completion: 30 Sep 2026

Background: Master of Arts in English from Jadavpur University

Research Keywords: Heteroglossic Shakespeare, Syncretic Theatre, Gorky, Simonov, Brecht, Quaranic doctrine of socialism, Subaltern Historiography

Name: Casey Lawrence


Supervisor: Dr Sam Slote 

Dissertation Title: ‘The New Womanly Man’: Crossdressing and gender inversion in Joyce and his contemporaries

Projected Completion: September 2022

Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Background: MA, Brock University (Canada)

Research keywords: James Joyce; Modernism; crossdressing; gender; queer

Name: Ziyun Liu


Supervisor: Professor Andy Murphy

Thesis Title: The Dissemination and Reception of Works from the Irish Literary Revival in Republican China

Projected Completion: September 2024


Academic Background: BA in Editing and Publishing, BIGC (Beijing), MPhil in Textual and Visual Studies, TCD (Dublin)

Research keywords: 
Nationalism, Publishing History, Cultural Communication

Name: Ariana Lyriotakis


Supervisor: Professor Stephen Matterson

Thesis Title: "In the exile that deepens": Misanthropic Isolation in Galway Kinnell

Projected Completion: September 2024

Background: BA (Distinction) English Literature and Political Science, McGill University (2000); MA Twentieth-Century Literature, University of Leeds (2001)

Research keywords: American poetry, ontopoetics, rupture, postmodernism, environmental philosophy

Name: Liz MacBride Email:

Supervisor: Kevin Power & Philip Coleman

Thesis Title: My Psychogeographical Romance: Mapping Dublin’s nightlife within the short story cycle

Projected Completion: 2025

Background: BA English Studies, TCD (2019); MA Creative Writing, Royal Holloway, University of London (2020)

Research keywords: short fiction; creative writing; literary mapping; psychogeography; story cycles; urban writing

Name: Amelia McConville 


Supervisor(s): Dr Philip Coleman & Prof Mani Ramaswami (Genetics)

Dissertation Title: Poetry Studies and Neurohumanities: Interdisciplinary Approaches

Projected Completion: September 2021

Funding: 1252 Student Scholarship

Background: BA English and Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin

Research keywords: Poetry Studies, Visual Poetry, Neurohumanities

Name: Joanne McDonagh Touhey


Supervisor(s): Eoin McNamee and Julie Bates

Thesis Title: (Working Title) 'Tangled Trees: Memoirs of Dysfunctional Families.'

Projected Completion: 2026

Funding: N/A

Academic Background: MA, National University of Galway, 2021. BA, Social Care Practice, Athlone Institute of Technology, 2018.

Research keywords: Memoir, Dysfunctional Families, Identity, Culture, Abuse culture within families, Racism, Ethnicity, Travellers, Conflict.

Name: Margaret Masterson


Dr Jane Suzanne Carroll

Thesis Title: 
Maria Edgeworth in the Pollard Collection of children’s books: constructing, collecting and conserving girlhood in the children’s literature archive

Projected Completion: 
September 2023

Irish Research Council

Academic Background: 
BMT in Music Therapy, Loyola University New Orleans, USA (1991); MLIS in Library and Information Science, Dominican University, USA (2006); MPhil in Children's Literature, Trinity College Dublin (2019)

Research keywords: 
Maria Edgeworth, children's literature, young adult literature, Irish bibliography, book history, print culture, book collection, girlhood studies

Name: Chiara Mastronardo


Supervisor: Professor Christopher Morash Thesis

Thesis Title: Archipelagic relations and the space of Islands’ Popular Fiction: a comparative perspective of Ireland, Iceland, Taiwan, Singapore and Cuba

Projected Completion: 2026

Academic Background: B.A. (Hons) in Languages, Cultures, Literature and Translation – English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish from “La Sapienza” University of Rome (2015); M.Phil. in Chinese Studies from Trinity College Dublin (2018)

Research keywords: Island Studies, Spatial theory, Irish writing, Literary spaces, Comparative literature

Name: Hannah Elizabeth Mathew


Supervisor: Professor Darryl Jones

Dissertation Title: “A phoenix quality of the mind”: John Wyndham and the Cold-War Dystopia

Projected Completion: August 2024

Funding: TCD Postgraduate Research Studentship (1252)

Background: M.A. in English from Ambedkar University Delhi.  

Research keywords: dystopias, biopolitics, cold-war, intellectual outlier, personhood. 

Name: Elliott Mills 


Supervisor: Dr Tom Walker and Dr Sam Slote

Dissertation Title: Flann O'Brien and the Technologies of Communication 

Projected Completion: August 2022

Funding: Irish Research Council 

Background: BA(Hons) and MA, University of Manchester 

Research keywords: Modernism, Irish Studies, New Media, Flann O’Brien

Name: Caitlin Moon 


Supervisor: Dr Brendan O’Connell

Dissertation Title: The Loathly Lady: Dynamic and Didactic Phases of Gender & Disability in Medieval Literature

Projected Completion: Spring 2021

Background: BA, University of Delaware (2015); MA in English, Villanova University (2017), MA Certificate in Women and Gender Studies, Villanova University (2017)

Research keywords: Medieval Literature, Women, Disability, Gender, Loathly Lady

Name: Méabh Ní Choileáin


Supervisor: Dr. Pádraic Whyte

Thesis Title: The Development of Irish Identity and the Immigrant Experience in Irish American Children's Literature (1850-1940)

Projected Completion: September 2025

Funding: Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship

Background: M.Phil Children's Literature (TCD); Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching) (DCU); BA hons Modern Irish and Drama Studies (UCD)

Research keywords: Children's Literature, Immigration, Irish America, Catholicism, Celtic Mythology

Name: James Michael O'Brien


Supervisor: Dr Philip Coleman

Dissertation Title: ‘The Going to What Lasts’: A critical and contextual reading of Raymond Carver’s poetry.

Projected Completion: 2025

Background: I am currently a teacher (secondary) in the UK. My undergraduate degree was from The University of Edinburgh. 

Research keywords: Carver, Poetry, Alcohol, Cure, Transcendental

Name: Ellen Orchard 

Supervisor: Dr Rosie Lavan

Thesis Title: The Child in Irish Poetry: From Yeats to the Present 

Projected Completion: 2025

Funding: Irish Research Council

Academic Background: BA English, Trinity College Dublin (2014-18); MA Poetry: Creativity and Criticism (2018-19)

Name: Gustav Parker Hibbett


Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Power & Dr. Rosie Lavan

Thesis Title: Divorce Gifts: Autoethnographic Essays on Race, Language, and Systemic Power

Projected Completion: 2025

Academic Background: B.A. in English, Stanford University (2018) 

Research keywords: decolonialism, autoethnography, semiotics, genre studies

Name: Ann Pascoe-van Zyl


Supervisor: Dr Alice Jorgensen

Thesis Title: Landscape, Place and Space and the Mind in the Old English Psalms

Projected Completion: September 2025

Background: BA English and Economics and BA (Hons) English, Rhodes University, South Africa; MA in English Studies with Distinction, University of Nottingham (2018)

Research keywords: Old English Psalms; Latin Psalms; Old English Poetry; Emotion and Cognition in Old English Literature; Landscape; Space; Place; Cognitive Poetics

Name: Zoe Patterson


Supervisor: Dr Sam Slote

Thesis Title: Yes We Will Yes: Communal readership of James Joyce

Projected Completion: 2026

Funding: 1252 Postgraduate Studentship

Background: Bachelor of Arts (Literature and Creative Writing), Sarah Lawrence College (2020); MPhil in Irish Writing, Trinity College Dublin (2022)

Research keywords: James Joyce, literary communities, reading groups, book clubs, reception, Bloomsday

Name: Claire Poynton-Smith


Supervisor: Dr Mark Faulkner

Thesis Title: Tracking the language of sanctity across transitional English: an analysis of expressions of lust and chastity in English texts c.950-c.1250

Projected Completion: September 2024

Funding: Provost's PhD Project Award

Background: BA Hons English Language and Literature, University of Oxford (2012-2015); Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education with Distinction, University of Leicester (2015-2016); MA Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies, University of Nottingham (2018-2019)

Research keywords: Medieval literature; late Old English; early Middle English; twelfth-century English; Saints' Lives; gender; historical linguistics

Name: Amrutha Puthuruvalapil Unnikrishnan


Supervisor: Dr. Melanie Otto

Thesis Title: Space in Displacement Narratives: A Study of Political and Psychological Spaces in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Writings

Projected Completion:  September 2025

Funding:  Academic Background: BA in English Language and Literature from University of Calicut, India and MA in English Literature from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India.

Research keywords
:  Spatial Identity, Citizenship, Refugee/Displacement Narratives, Political spaces, Home, Unhome, Aspirational displacement, Transitional Spaces, Gendered Mobilities, Resistance, Adaptation

Name: Esther Reilly 


Supervisor: Dr Jarlath Killeen

Thesis Title: Extreme Bodies in Wilkie Collins' Fiction

Projected Completion: 2023

Background: M.Phil. in Children's Literature, Trinity College Dublin (2019); B.A. in English Literature, University of Pittsburgh (2018)

Research Keywords: Freakery; Victorian Freak Shows; Nineteenth-century cultural studies; Nineteenth-century popular culture; Disability studies; Critical body studies; Sensation Fiction

Name: Brenda Romero


Supervisor: Eoin McNamee and Kevin Power

Thesis Title: Literary Slivers: Memoirs of Women in Tech

Projected Completion:  2025

Funding: N/A

Academic Background: MA, National University of Ireland in Galway, 2021. BSc, Technical Communications, Clarkson University 2006

Research keywords: Gender, Memoir, Games, Technology, Programming, Code, Women

Name: Stefano Rosignoli


Supervisor: Dr Sam Slote

Dissertation Title: A Comparative Textual Analysis of the Ethics of James Joyce and Samuel Beckett.

Projected Completion: 30 September 2020

Background: Modern Literature (2006) and Publishing Studies (2008), University of Bologna

Research keywords: James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, textual scholarship, moral philosophy.

Name: Eric Swartz


Supervisor: Dr. Julie Bates

Thesis Title: Infrastructure, Mobility, and Development in Contemporary Fiction

Projected Completion: 2024

Funding: Irish Research Council

Background: BA English Literature, Belmont Abbey College (2018). MPhil in Irish Writing, Trinity College Dublin (2019).

Research keywords: infrastructure, networks, mobility, W.G. Sebald, Mathias Énard, Olga Tokarczuk, Helen DeWitt

Name: Elena Valli


Supervisor: Prof Stephen Matterson

Thesis Title: 17th-century Religious Exercises and Meditations in the Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, Anthony Hecht, and Geoffrey Hill. (working title)

Projected Completion: September 2025

Funding: Fitzroy Pyle Postgraduate Entry Bursary

Academic Background: BA Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna (2014-2017); MA English and American Literary Studies (Joint Degree), University of Venice Ca' Foscari (2017-2020)

Research keywords: formalist poetry; religion; modernism and postmodernism; 17th-century poetry; Elizabeth Bishop; Anthony Hecht; Geoffrey Hill 

Name: Amudha Mathur Vinayagamoorthy


Supervisor: Dr Pádraic Whyte

Thesis Title: Politics of Trauma in the Disintegration of Childhood and Nationhood as Represented in South Asian Children’s Literature

Projected Completion: 2024

Funding: N/A

Background: MA in English, Stella Maris College, University of Madras (2017)

Research keywords: Children's Literature; Young Adult Fiction; South Asian Literature; Trauma Studies

Name: Bowen Wang  


Supervisor: Professor Philip Coleman

Dissertation Title: From Ut pictura poesis to Intermediality: Mina Loy, E. E. Cummings, and Djuna Barnes as Modernist Painter-Poets

Projected Completion: September 2023

 TCD-CSC (China Scholarship Council) Joint Scholarship Programme

 BA English Language and Literature, Sun Yat-sen University (2016); MSc Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present, University of Edinburgh (2018)

Research Keywords:
 Modernism; intermediality; literature and visual art; experimental poetics; avant-garde

Name: Annie Williams


Supervisor: Dr Julie Bates

Thesis Title: Liquid Modernism: Bodies of Water in British and Irish Literature

Projected Completion: 2025

Funding: Trinity College Dublin Postgraduate Research Studentship

Academic Background: B.A. (First Class Honours) English Literature, University of Manchester (2018). M.A. English Literature, University of British Columbia (2020).

Research keywords: modernism; embodiment; environment