Professor Nicholas Grene
Fellow Emeritus, English
Email ngrene@tcd.ie Phone http://people.tcd.ie/ngreneBiography
Born in the United States, educated in Ireland and the UK; married with four children.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Snapshots: a year in the life of a theatre judge in, editor(s)Donald E. Morse , Irish Theatre in Transition, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp162 - 177, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2015
- Nicholas Grene, Urban Alienation and Mental Geography in McPherson's Dublin, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 20, (2), 2015, p51 - 58Journal Article, 2015
- Nicholas Grene, An Interview with Garry Hynes, Irish University Review, 45, (1), 2015, p117 - 125Journal Article, 2015
- Nicholas Grene, Yeats and the Mythopoeia of Parnell, The Yeats Journal of Korea, 46, 2015, p21 - 34Journal Article, 2015
- Irish English as a Literary Language: Authority and Subversion in, editor(s)Carine Berberi and Martine Pelletier , Ireland: Authority and Crisis, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2015, pp15 - 32, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2015
- W.B. Yeats in, editor(s)Brad Kent , George Berrnard Shaw in Context, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp44 - 50, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2015
- Nicholas Grene and Chris Morash, The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Theatre, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, xxix + 764 pp.ppBook, 2016
- Defining performers and performances in, editor(s)Nicholas Grene and Chris Morash , The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Theatre, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp459 - 477, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2016
- Nicholas Grene, Shakespeare's Serial History Plays, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002Book, 2002
- Nicholas Grene, The Politics of Irish Drama, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999Book, 1999
- Nicholas Grene, Interpreting Synge: Essays from the Synge Summer School 1991-2000, Dublin, Lilliput Press, 2000Book, 2000
- Nicholas Grene, Shakespeare's Tragic Imagination, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1992Book, 1992
- Nicholas Grene, Bernard Shaw: a Critical View, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1984Book, 1984
- Nicholas Grene, Shakespeare, Jonson, Moliere: the Comic Contract, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1980Book, 1980
- Nicholas Grene, Synge: a Critical Study of the Plays, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1975Book, 1975
- Dan H. Laurence Nicholas Grene, Shaw, Lady Gregory and the Abbey: a Correspondence and a Record, Gerrards Cross, Colin Smythe, 1993Book, 1993
- Nicholas Grene, Ireland in two minds: Martin McDonagh and Conor McPherson, The Yearbook of English Studies, 35, 2005, p298 - 311Journal Article, 2005
- Nicholas Grene, Raja Rao and the Irish Literary Revival, Journal of Literature and Aesthetics, 3, (1-2), 2003, p7 - 16Journal Article, 2003
- Plays and Controversies in, editor(s)Christopher Fitz-simon , Players and Painted Stage, Dublin, New Island, 2004, pp23 - 28, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2004
- 'Two London Playboys: Before and After Druid' in, editor(s)Adrian Frazier , Playboys of the Western World: Production Histories, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2004, pp75 - 86, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2004
- 'Redesigning the Playboy' in, editor(s)Adrian Frazier , Playboys of the Western World: Production Histories, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2004, pp125 - 128, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2004
- Nicholas Grene, The Theatre of Tom Murphy: Playwright Adventurer, London, Bloomsbury, 2017, xv + 252ppBook, 2017
- Henry VI to Richard III: forgetting, foreshadowing, remembering in, editor(s)Andrew Hiscock and Lina Perkins Wilder , The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Memory, London and New York, Routldege, 2017, pp180 - 190, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2017
- Inside the house: Synge's Stage places in, editor(s)Rhona Richman Kenneally and Lucy McDiarmid , The Vibrant House: Irish Writing and Domestic Space, Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2017, pp125 - 140, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2017
- W.B. Yeats in, editor(s)Gerald Dawe , Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp88 - 100, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2018
- 'The Physical and Verbal Theatre of Michael West' in, editor(s)Anne Etienne and Thierry Dubost , Perspectives on Contemporary Irish Theatre, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmilla, 2017, pp91 - 98, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2017
- Irish Theatre: A Writer's Theatre in, editor(s)Eamonn Jordan and Eric Weitz , Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Irish Theatre and Performance, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp421 - 434, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2018
- J.M. Synge: Late Romantic or Protomodernist? in, editor(s)Gregory Castle and Patrick Bixby , A History of Irish Modernism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp78 - 90, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2019
- Shakespeare in Ireland: 1916 to 2016 in, editor(s)Christy Desmet, Sujata Iyengar, Miriam Jacobson , The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Global Appropriation, London and New York, Routledge, 2020, pp254 - 266, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2020
- Nicholas Grene, Re-running the Rising: Centenary Stagings, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 25, (2), 2019, p325 - 339Journal Article, 2019
- R.K. Narayan:The Elusive World of Malgudi in, editor(s)Kenneth Seigneurie , A Companion to World Literature, Wiley, 2020, pp3189 - 3197, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2020
- London Irish: Wilde, Shaw and Yeats in, editor(s)Marjorie Howes , Irish Literature in Transition 1880-1940, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp246 - 261, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2020
- Nicholas Grene, Can we still take Shaw seriously?, SHAW: the Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies, 40, (2), 2020, p176 - 187Journal Article, 2020
- Nicholas Grene, Hibernicizing the Russians, InVerbis:Lingue Letterature Culture, XI, (2), 2021, p93 - 105Journal Article, 2021
- Nicholas Grene, Farming in Modern Irish Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, 1-238ppBook, 2021
- Lady Gregory: Patronage, collaboration, mythopoeia in, editor(s)Lauren Arrington Matthew Campbell , The Oxford Handbook of W.B. Yeats, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp58 - 70, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2023
- Nicholas Grene, Irish Theatre in the Twenty-First Century, First, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2024, 1 - 243ppBook, 2024
- Nicholas Grene, Derek Mahon: A Retrospective, First, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, 1 - 355ppBook, 2024
- Mahon's Class Unease in, editor(s)Nicholas Grene, Tom Walker , Derek Mahon: A Retrospective, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, pp253 - 268, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2024
- Nicholas Grene and Chris Morash, Irish Theatre on Tour: Irish Theatrical Diaspora Series 1, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2005, xix + 229ppBook, 2005
- Reality Check: Authenticity from Synge to McDonagh in, editor(s)Munira H. Mutran & Laura P.Z. Izarra , Irish Studies in Brazil, Sao Paulo, Associacao Editorial Humanitas, 2005, pp69 - 88, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2005
- Tom Murphy: Famine and Dearth in, editor(s)George Cusack and Sarah Goss , Hungry Words: Images of Famine in the Irish Canon, Dublin; Portland, OR, Irish Academic Press, 2006, pp245 - 262, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2006
- Out of History: from The Steward of Christendom to Annie Dunne in, editor(s)Christina Hunt Mahony , Out of History: Essays on the Writings of Sebastian Barry, Dublin; Washington DC, Carysfort Press; Catholic University of America Press, 2006, pp167 - 182, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2006
- Nicholas Grene, Long Day's Journey into Night: The Tyrones at Home in America, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 11, (2), 2005, p109 - 119Journal Article, 2005
- Nicholas Grene, Irish Drama and the Occlusion of Influence, Princeton University Library Chronicle, LXVIII, (1-2), 2006, p503 - 515Journal Article, 2006
- Five ways of looking at Faith Healer in, editor(s)Anthony Roche , The Cambridge Companion to Brian Friel, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp53 - 65, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2006
- Yeats and Dates in, editor(s)Nicholas Allen and Eve Patten , That Island Never Found: Essays and Poems for Terence Brown, Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2007, pp35 - 52, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2007
- Nicholas Grene, The Abbey: National Theatre or Little Theatre?, Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, 1, (1), 2007, p211 - 220Journal Article, 2007
- Nicholas Grene, Shaw and conversion, SHAW: the Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, 27, 2007, p59 - 68Journal Article, 2007
- Cloudscapes: Shakespeare, Yeats, Beckett ... Mahon in, editor(s)Michael Hinds, Peter Denman and Margaret Kelleher , The Irish Reader: Essays for John Devitt, Dublin, Otium Press, 2007, pp19 - 29, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2007
- Black Pastoral: 1990s Images of Ireland in, editor(s)Martin Prochazka , After History, Prague, Litteraria Pragensia, 2006, pp243 - 255, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2006
- Nicholas Grene, Going West: American and Irish Drama, An Sionnach: A Journal of Literature, Culture and the Arts, 3, (2), 2007, p175 - 177Journal Article, 2007
- Nicholas Grene, Yeats's Poetic Codes, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, xi + 247ppBook, 2008
- John Devitt, Nicholas Grene, Chris Morash, Shifting Scenes: Irish Theatre-Going, 1955-1985, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2008, 108ppBook, 2008
- Nicholas Grene, Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara, New Mermaids, London, Methuen Drama, 2008, xxxviii + 167ppBook, 2008
- Owning our History: the Family Plays of Sebastian Barry in, editor(s)Laura P.Z. Izarra & Beatriz Kopschitz X. Bastos , A New Ireland in Brazil: Festschrift in Honour of Munira Hamud Mutran, Sao Paulo, Humanitas, 2008, pp155 - 162, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2008
- Beckett and Irish drama: an offstage presence in, editor(s)Irene Gilsenan Nordin and Veronique Simon , Beckett: Ecrans de silence / Beckett: Screens of Silence, Brno, Compostela Group of Universities/Masaryk University Press, 2008, pp93 - 106, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2008
- Nicholas Grene, The Hibernicization of En Attendant Godot, Etudes Irlandaises, 33, (2), 2008, p135 - 144Journal Article, 2008
- Nicholas Grene and Patrick Lonergan with Lilian Chambers (editors), Interactions: Dublin Theatre Festival 1957-2007, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2008, xiv + 388 ppppBook, 2008
- Nicholas Grene (editor), J.M. Synge, Travelling Ireland: Essays 1898-1908, Dublin, Lilliput Press, 2009, lii + 185ppBook, 2009
- Faith Healer in New York and Dublin in, editor(s)John P. Harrington , Irish Theater in America, Syracuse, NY, Syracuse University Press, 2009, pp138 - 146, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2009
- Synge in Performance in, editor(s)P.J. Mathews , Cambridge Companion to J.M. Synge, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp149 - 161, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2009
- Nicholas Grene, Brian Friel and the Sovereignty of Language, Irish Theatre International, 2, (1), 2009, p38 - 47Journal Article, 2009
- J.M. Synge in, editor(s)David Holdeman and Ben Levitas , Yeats in Context, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp139 - 147, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2010
- Nicholas Grene, Mutabilitie: in search of Shakespeare, Irish University Review, 40, (1), 2010, p92 - 100Journal Article, 2010
- Contemporary Irish Theatre: the Way We Live Now? in, editor(s)Werner Huber, Margarete Rubik, Julia Novak , Contemporary Drama in English: Staging Interculturality, Trier, Wissenschlaftliker Verlag Trier, 2010, pp177 - 193, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2010
- Brian Friel in, editor(s)Martine Middeke and Peter Paul Schnierer , The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish Playwrights, London, Methuen Drama, 2010, pp89 - 111, [Nicholas Gren]Book Chapter, 2010
- Voice and violence in Murphy in, editor(s)Christopher Murray , Alive in Time: The Enduring Drama of Tom Murphy: New Essays, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2010, pp25 - 37, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2010
- Nicholas Grene, Friel and his 'Sisters', Ilha do Desterro, 58, 2010, p99 - 111Journal Article, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Nicholas Grene, Place in Irish Drama, Anglo-Saxonica, 27 (serie II), 2009, p107 - 121Journal Article, 2009
- Nicholas Grene and Deirdre McFeely, Shaw Productions in Ireland, 1900-2009, SHAW: the Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, 30, 2010, p236 - 259Journal Article, 2010
- Elizabeth Bowen: In-Between States in, editor(s)Munira H. Mutran, Laura P.Z. Izarra, Beatriz Kopschitz X. Bastos , A Garland of Words, Sao Paulo, Humanitas, 2011, pp371 - 377, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2011
- Nicholas Grene, R.K. Narayan, Tavistock, Devon, Northcote House, 2011, xvii + 136 pp.ppBook, 2011
- Brian Cliff and Nicholas Grene (eds.), Synge and Edwardian Ireland, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, xviii + 257 pp.ppBook, 2012
- Chekhov and the Irish big house in, editor(s)Ros Dixon and Irina Ruppo Malone , Ibsen and Chekhov on the Irish stage, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2012, pp139 - 148, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2012
- Nicholas Grene and Patrick Lonergan, Irish Drama: Local and Global Perspectives, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2012, viii + 178 pp.ppBook, 2012
- 'Tom Murphy: playwright adventurer' in, W.E. Vaughan , The Old Library, Trinity College Dublin 1712-2012, Dublin, Fourt Courts Press, 2012, pp377 - 388, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter, 2012
- Nicholas Grene, Home on the stage: domestic spaces in modern drama, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, x + 249 pp.ppBook, 2014
- Nicholas Grene, Seeing differently: the vision of Hubert Butler, Journal of the Butler Society, 5, (2), 2011, p206 - 224Journal Article
- Nicholas Grene, Talking about Tom Murphy, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2002Book
- Trends and Gaps in Irish Studies in, editor(s)Christina Hunt Mahony, Laura Izarra, Elizabeth Malcolm, John P. Harrington, Ondrej Pilny, Catriona Crowe , The Future of Irish Studies: the Report of the Irish Forum, Prague, Irish Forum; Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, 2006, pp8 - 15, [Nicholas Grene, Patrick Crotty]Book Chapter
- Introduction in, Tom Murphy, Plays: 5, London, Methuen, 2006, ppix - xiii, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter
- Nicholas Grene, Nothing Quite Like It: an American-Irish Childhood, Bantry, Somerville Press, 2011Book
- J.M. Synge: Playwright and Traveller in, editor(s)Micheal de Mordha , Ceiliuradh an Bhlascaoid 14: John Millington Synge, Baile Atha Cliath, Coisceim, 2012, pp55 - 73, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter
- Samuel Beckett: Waiting for the End in, editor(s)Gerald Dawe, Darryl Jones and Nora Pelizzari , Beautiful Strangers: Ireland and the World of the 1950s, Oxford et al, Peter Lang, 2013, pp21 - 34, [Nicholas Grene]Book Chapter
Research Expertise
Drama and theatre, especially Shakespeare, Synge, Shaw and modern Irish drama; poetry of Yeats. Most recent publications include a book on Indian novelist R.K. Narayan.
TitleIrish Theatrical DiasporaSummaryAn international research network committed to the study of the production and reception of Irish drama inside and outside IrelandFunding AgencyIRCHSSDate FromSeptember 2007Date ToAugust 2010
- Life Member, Clare Hall, Cambridge 1989
- Andrew W. Mellon Award Fellow, Huntington Library, Pasadena, California 1994
- Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarship, University of Cambridge 1969-72
- Member of the Royal Irish Academy; Vice-chair (Ireland), International Association from the Study of Irish Literatures
- Vice-chair (Ireland), International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, 2001-9 Trustee, Ireland Chair of Poetry, 2010-
- Vice-chair (Ireland), International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, 2001-9 Trustee, Ireland Chair of Poetry, 2010-