Dr. Pádraic Whyte

Dr. Pádraic Whyte

Associate Prof in Children's Literature, English

Research Associate, Children's Research Centre

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Pádraic is associate professor in children's literature, Director of Research, and a director of the Children's Literature MPhil programme at the School of English. He spent Spring of 2024 as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa researching the relationship between Ireland and Hawai'i in terms of storytelling, islands, and identities in children's literature. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of The Ark, a cultural centre for children. His current research interests include: Genders and Sexualities in Children's Literature; Children's Cultural Archives and Book Collections; Irish Children's Literature; and Creative Writing and Children's Literature. He is happy to hear from prospective PhD students and Postdoctoral candidates with an interest in these, or related, areas. He is currently PI on the LA-TRAC project - creating Living Archives for Teachers, Researchers, Artists, and Children. His co-edited collection, The Writings of Padraic Colum: `That Queer Thing, Genius' was published by Routledge in 2024. In 2022, he completed a research project funded by the Irish Research Council and the Department of the Taoiseach that explored the use of literature to foster empathy and understanding between various communities on the island of Ireland. He is co-editor of Children's Literature Collections: Approaches to Research (Palgrave, 2017) which won the International Research Society for Children's Literature Edited Book Award, 2019. Pádraic co-established Ireland's first full-time master's programme in children's literature; you can listen to podcasts he created with students from the MPhil programme as part of the International Literature Festival Dublin (2021). He lectures on a range of topics at undergraduate and postgraduate level including genders and sexualities, children's film, critical approaches to children's literature (which includes Young Adult Literature), and Irish writing. His research focuses on myth and children's literature, genders and sexualities, LGBTQI+ children's literature, children's book collections, archives, theatre for children, and also 19th Century literature for children in Ireland. He is the former Chair of the KPMG Children's Books Ireland Awards and was curator of the exhibition Upon the Wild Waves: A Journey through Myth in Children's Books which ran from Oct 2014 to Oct 2015 in the Long Room, Trinity Library. With the NCCB team he prepared the exhibition Come Closer: The Darker Side of Children's Books, which ran from Sept to Nov 2015 at Dublin City Library and Archive, Pearse Street. In 2018, he co-curated Story Spinners: Irish Women and Children's Books at Trinity Library's Long Room. He served on the executive committee of the Irish Society for the Study of Children's Literature for a number of years, and worked as curator of the Telling Tall and Tiny Tales literature programme at The Ark. He is a Research Associate at Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRICC), a peer reviewer for a number of international children's literature journals and Irish literature journals, an advisor to the Dutch Research Council, and a frequent consultant for the Arts Council of Ireland. He co-organised an event - `Same-Sex Relationships and Literature' - at TCD, which featured a keynote lecture by author Colm Tóibín titled `The Embrace of Love: Being Gay in Ireland Now'.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • A Place in the Canon: Padraic Colum's Newbery Books and the Development of American Children's Literature in, editor(s)Timothy Young , Story Time: Essays on the Betsy Reinecke Collection of American Children's Literature, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2017, pp139 - 155, [Pádraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2017
  • Firing for the Hearth: Storytelling, Landscape, and Padraic Colum's The Big Tree of Bunlahy in, editor(s)Keith O'Sullivan, Pádraic Whyte , Children's Literature Collections: Approaches to Research, London and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp145 - 161, [Pádraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2017
  • Introduction in, editor(s)Keith O'Sullivan, Pádraic Whyte , Children's Literature Collections: Approaches to Research, London and New York, Palgrave, 2017, pp1 - 11, [Pádraic Whyte, Keith O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2017
  • House, Land, and Family Life: Children's Fiction and Irish Homes in, editor(s)Liam Harte , The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Fiction, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp387 - 404, [Pádraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Keith O'Sullivan and Pádraic Whyte, Children's Literature Collections: Approaches to Research, London and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 1 - 261ppBook, 2017
  • Padraic Whyte, Morals and Nations: The Pollard Collection and 19th Century Literature for Children in Ireland', Irish Society for the Study of Children's Literature 2009, Dublin, 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • Padraic Whyte, History for the Present, Film and Film Culture, 1, (1), 2002, p24 - 35Journal Article, 2002
  • Growing Up in Manhattan: Children's Literature and New York City in, editor(s)Ross Wilson , New York: A Literary History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Rewriting Buile Suibhne: Storytelling and The Frenzied Prince in, editor(s)Padraic Whyte Keith O'Sullivan , The Writings of Padraic Colum: 'That Queer Thing, Genius', London and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp142 - 154, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2024
  • Children's Novels After 1960 in, editor(s)Chris Morash , Cambridge History of the Irish Novel, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2025, [Pádraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2025
  • Genders and Sexualities in, editor(s)Keith O'Sullivan Jennifer Mooney Peter Hunt Gabriel Dukels , The Routledge Companion to Young Adult Literature, London and New York, Routledge, 2025, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2025
  • Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan, The Writings of Padraic Colum: 'That Queer Thing, Genius', London and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, 1 - 162ppBook, 2024
  • Introduction in, editor(s)Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan , The Writings of Padraic Colum: 'That Queer Thing Genius', London and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp1 - 7, [Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2024
  • Padraic Whyte, Glocalization: The Child Reader as Global Citizen, International Research Society for Children's Literature, 17th Congress, Trinity College Dublin, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Padraic Whyte, Irish Childhoods: Children's Fiction and Irish History, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, 1 - 220ppBook, 2011
  • Children's Literature in, editor(s)James Murphy , The Oxford History of the Irish Book , Vol. IV: The Irish Book in English, 1800-1890, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp518 - 530, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2011
  • Young Adult Fiction and Youth Culture in, editor(s)Valerie Coghlan, Keith O'Sullivan , Irish Children's Literature: New Perspectives on Contemporary Writing, London and New York, Routledge, 2011, pp71 - 84, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2011
  • Teenage Tantrums and Territorial Trauma; Mark O'Sullivan's 'Melody for Nora' in, editor(s)Valerie Coghlan and Mary Shine Thompson , Studies in Children's Literature; Divided Worlds, Dublin, Four Courts, 2007, pp120 - 129, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2007
  • American Dreams and Irish Myths: John Sayles's 'The Secret of Roan Inish' in, editor(s)John Hill, Kevin Rockett , Studies in Irish Film, Dublin, Four Courts, 2006, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2006
  • Escape From Fantasy Ireland; Martin Duffy's 'The Boy From Mercury' in, editor(s)John Hill, Kevin Rockett , Film History and National Cinema , Dublin, Four Courts, 2005, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2005
  • Wars of Independence: The Construction of Irish Histories in the Work of Gerard Whelan and Siobhán Parkinson in, editor(s)Celia Keenan, Mary Shine Thompson , Studies in Children's Literature 1500-2000, Dublin, Four Courts, 2004, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2004
  • Padraic Whyte, Validating The Veracity: Narrative Voice and the Construction of Authentic Histories in Joan O'Neill's 'Daisy Chain War', New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship , 10, (1), 2004Journal Article, 2004
  • Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan, Children's Literature and New York City, London and New York, Routledge, 2014, 1 - 206ppBook, 2014
  • Navigating Adolescence through the Streets of New York; 'I'll Get There. It Better be Worth the Trip' in, editor(s)Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan , Children's Literature and New York City, London and New York, Routledge, 2014, pp45 - 56, [Padraic Whyte]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan, ' Website with Catalogue and Database - National Collection of Children's Books', TCD web nccb.tcd.ie, Trinity College Dublin, 2015, 1 - 200Digital research resource production, 2015
  • Introduction in, editor(s)Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan , Children's Literature and New York City, London and New York, Routledge, 2014, pp1 - 5, [Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Children's TV: Upon the Wild Waves', RTE Television, 2015, 1 - 15Broadcast
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Same-sex relationships in children's literature', Newstalk Radio - The Right Hook, Newstalk, newstalk.com/Childrens-literature-and-young-adult-novels-that-look-at-samesex-relationshi, 2015, 1 - 15Broadcast
  • Padraic Whyte, Are We There Yet? Same-Sex Relationships and Children's Literature, Children's Books Ireland, 2015, p5 - 8Journal Article
  • Padraic Whyte and NCCB Team, 'Come Closer: The Darker Side of Children's Books', National Collection of Children's Books, Dublin City Libraries, https://nccb.tcd.ie/exhibition, 2015, 1 - 20Exhibition
  • Padraic Whyte, Brighid Whyte, Paddy Whyte, 'Video with over 1 million views -Brighid and Paddy, Vote With Us', Vote With Us, https://youtu.be/Bv_FqRzFyXo, New York Times:https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/23/world/europe/for-one-irish-couple-backing-gay-marr, 2015, 1 - 2Visual art production
  • Padraic Whyte, James Patterson and Reading for Boys, Inis Magazine, Winter, 2009Journal Article
  • Padraic Whyte, Adaptation and Authenticity; Filming Children's Literature, Inis Magazine, Summer, 2004Journal Article
  • Pádraic Whyte et al, 'Story Spinners: Irish Women & Children's Literature', Trinity College Dublin, Google Arts & Culture, 2018, -Exhibition
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Exploring the Urban Jungle: the City in Children's Writing', International Literature Festival Dublin, International Literature Festival Dublin, https://ilfdublin.com/whats-on/festival/strand/storymachine/storymachine-podcast-chapter-3-rambling - 2021, 1 - 2Broadcast
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Award-Winning Books for Children', International Literature Festival Dublin, https://ilfdublin.com/whats-on/festival/strand/storymachine/storymachine-podcast-chapter-4-award-winning-books-for-children/, 2021, 1 - 2Broadcast
  • Sinead Moriarty, Padraic Whyte, Elizabeth Nixon, Reading Rooms: Fostering Constructive and Inclusive Dialogue Between Communities, TARA, August, 2022, p1 - 39Report, TARA - Full Text
  • Padraic Whyte, Keith O'Sulivan, Padraic Colum: 50th Anniversary Celebration of his Life and Work, 11/01/2022, 2022, Trinity Long Room HubMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Padraic Whyte, Keith O'Sullivan, Méabh Ní Choileáin, Jennifer Mooney, 'Padraic Colum: 50th Anniversary Celebration', https://dcu.mused.org/en/, https://dcu.mused.org/en/, Dublin City University, 2022, 1 - 15Exhibition
  • Padraic Whyte, Curiouser and Curiouser: The Great Children's Book Quiz, International Literature Festival Dublin, Dublin, 24/05/2022, 2022, International Literature Festival DublinInvited Talk
  • Pádraic Whyte, KPMG Book Awards, Inis Magazine, 2022, p8 - 12Journal Article
  • Padraic Whyte, Padraic Colum to Aikane: Ireland, Hawai`i, and Retelling Myths for Children, The Center for Biographical Research, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 14/03/2024, 2024, The Center for Biographical Research, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1 - 20ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, Reflecting on Children's Book of the Year Awards, INIS Magazine, 68, 2023, p10 - 11Journal Article
  • Padraic Whyte, Reading Rooms: Fostering Constructive and Inclusive Dialogue Between Communities, 2022Meetings /Conferences Organised
  • Padraic Whyte, Bold Girls: A Literary History of Wild Irish Girls, 2018, 2018, Trinity Long Room HubMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Padraic Whyte, Eilís Dillon, Eilís Dillon: Centenary Celebration, DLR Lexicon, March 2020, 2020Invited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, 'An Post Irish Book Awards', RTE One, 2024, 1 - 5Broadcast
  • Elizabeth Nixon, Padraic Whyte, Joe Buggy, Sheila Greene, Discourses on Sexual Responsibility, Fatherhood and Masculinity Among Young Men from Lower Socio-Economic Groups , Dublin, Crisis Pregnancy Agency, 2010, p1 - 160Report, URL
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Robert Louis Stevenson', Talking Histories, Newstalk Radio, 2013, 1 - 15Broadcast
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Roald Dahl', Talking Histories, Newstalk Radio, 2011, 1 - 12Broadcast
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Telling Tall and Tiny Tales; Children's Books Exhibition - with catalogue', The Ark: A Cultural Centre for Children, catalogue, Dublin, The Ark, 2012, 2012 - 2013Exhibition
  • Padraic Whyte, The Pollard Collection of Children's Books: Constructing a History of Irish Children's Literature', Long Room Hub Library Lecture Series to mark the tercentenary of the Old Library, Trinity College, Trinity College Dublin, 2013, 1 - 40ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, Children's Literature and 19th Century Ireland: An Exploration of the Pollard Collection of Children's Books', Queen's University Belfast, Queen's University Belfast, February 2013, 2013, Dr Crawford Gribben, 1 - 12ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, Betsy Beinecke Shirley Lecture on American Children's Literature; 'Children's Literature and New York City: A Whistle-Stop Tour', Betsy Beinecke Shirley Lecture on American Children's Literature;, Yale University, November 2012, 2012, Yale University, 1 - 30ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, Chair of CBI Children's Book of the Year Award: Announcing Winners, 2013, Dublin, 2013, 1 - 10ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, 'It's not the past that matters, it's the way you see it.' Ireland and children's fiction, National Library of Ireland, Dec 2011, 2011, National Library, 1 - 35ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, Children's Literature in the Classroom, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi, India, February, 2014, TCD Global Relations/ JMC staff, 1 - 18ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, Critical Approaches to Children's Literature, St Stephen's College, Delhi, India, February, 2014, TCD Global Relations/ St Stephen's Literary Society, 1 - 18ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, Critical Theory and Children's Literature, Elphinstone College, Mumbai, February, 2014, TCD Global Relations, 1 - 18ppInvited Talk
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Children's Book of the Year Award Announcements', RTE Television, 2014, 1 - 15Broadcast
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Richard Dawkins and Fairytales', RTE Radio 1, Today with Sean O'Rourke, 2014, 1 - 15Broadcast
  • Padraic Whyte, 'Upon the Wild Waves: A Journey through Myth in Children's Books - with online catalogue', Book of Kells Exhibition, Long Room, Trinity College Library, Dublin, TCD Library Website, 2015, 2014 - 2015Exhibition, URL
  • Padraic Whyte, 'TG4 IMEALL - Interview about Upon the Wild Waves', Arts show, TG4 Television, 2014, 1 - 18Broadcast

Research Expertise

  • Title
    Discourses on Sexual Responsibility, Fatherhood and Masculinity Among Young Men from Lower Socio-Economic Groups'
    his research set out to explore sexual responsibility, experiences of fatherhood and constructions of masculinity among young men aged 17 to 25 years from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds in Ireland. The study was conducted against a backdrop of research that documents an important social-class dimension to sexual attitudes and behaviours. Lower socio-economic status and lower levels of education have been consistently associated with various indicators of risky sexual behaviour. Closely related to men"s sexual experiences is the possibility for men of becoming a father. Little research in Ireland has examined young men"s constructions of fatherhood, the influences on these constructions, or how men make the transition to fatherhood, especially following an unplanned pregnancy. This study seeks to address this gap.
    Funding Agency
    Crisis Pregnancy Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Reading Rooms: Fostering Constructive and Inclusive Dialogue Between Communities
    This inter-disciplinary project sought to investigate and advance the potential of shared reading groups to promote purposeful and meaningful dialogue among Northern Ireland interface communities. Trinity College Dublin partnered with Verbal, a voluntary organisation with nearly 30 years" experience working to improve cross-community relations in Northern Ireland. The project aimed to design a new framework and identify suitable literary texts for cross-community groups; conduct a pilot shared reading group; seek feedback from participants on group processes in relation to health and well-being, literary texts, and shared futures; and present findings in a report.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council/ Dept of Taoiseach
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Storytelling, Islands, and Identities: Ireland and Hawai"i, 1924-2024
    As a Fulbright Scholar, I explored the relationship between Ireland and Hawai"i in terms of storytelling, islands, and identities in children"s literature. I travelled to Hawai"i to mark the centenary of the publication of Padraic Colum"s collection of Hawaiian myths `At the Gateways of the Day" (1924) and spent time in the archives, analysing the complexities and controversies behind this publication.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The National Collection of Children's Books
    He was co-recipient of a major Irish Research Council/Government of Ireland research grant to establish the National Collection of Children"s Books (NCCB) project. Along with Dr Keith O'Sullivan, Pádraic received funding of over €350,000 for an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional project to help establish Dublin as a world centre of children's literature research. Over a period of two years, a team of researchers documented children"s book collections held in Trinity College Library, the National Library of Ireland, the Church of Ireland College of Education Library, the Cregan Library, St Patrick"s College (DCU) and Dublin City Library and Archive, Pearse Street. Trinity"s Research Impact Unit published the NCCB Research Impact Case Study in 2022.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The LA-TRAC Project
    The LA"TRAC project is a collaboration between the Ark, a Cultural Centre for Children, and the School of English and seeks to establish a Living Archive for Teachers, Researchers, Artists, and Children. Guided by principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion as well as Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the research project breaks new ground and asks " how do we go about creating living cultural archives for, about, and with children?
    Funding Agency
    Trinity Research Boost Programme
    Date From
    Date To

Languages and literature, Education, Performing arts,


  • International Research Society for Children's Literature Edited Book Award, 2019 2019
  • Trinity Postgraduate Award 2002-2004
  • Queen's University Institute of Irish Studies Research Fellowship, 2008-2009 2008
  • Fulbright Scholar Award 2023/24
  • International Research Society for Children's Literature present
  • Children's Books Ireland present
  • Advisor and funding assessor for the Dutch Research Council: Committee member in the SSH Open Competition M 2022 of the Dutch Research Council. 2022