Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Tom Walker, 'The Pornographer and McGahern's Allusive Practice', Irish University Review, 47, (2), 2017, p281 - 297Journal Article, 2017
- 'Patrick Kavanagh' in, editor(s)Gerry Dawe , The Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets, Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp141 - 152, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2017
- '"our more profound Pre-Raphaelitism": W.B. Yeats, Aestheticism and Blast' in, editor(s)Philip Coleman, Kathryn Milligan and Nathan O'Donnell , Blast at 100: A Modernist Magazine Reconsidered, Brill, 2017, pp79 - 92, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2017
- 'X: A Quarterly Review and McGahern's modernism' in, editor(s)Zeljka Doljanin and Máire Doyle , John McGahern: Authority and Vision, Manchester University Press, 2017, pp9 - 24, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2017
- '"fine contrary excess": Seamus Heaney, Derek Mahon, and Thomas's Northern Irish Afterlives' in, editor(s)Edward Allen , Reading Dylan Thomas, Edinburgh University Press, 2018, pp215 - 232, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2018
- '"something in the making": The Troubles and the Singularity of Northern Irish Literature' in, editor(s)Peter Herman , Terrorism and Literature, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp303 - 319, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2018
- '"the lonely flight of Mind": W.B. Yeats, Louis MacNeice and the Metaphysical Poetry of Dodds's Scholarship' in, editor(s)Stephen Harrison, Christopher Pelling and Christopher Stray , Rediscovering E.R. Dodds: Scholarship, Poetry and the Paranormal, Oxford University Press, 2019, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2019
- 'Richard Murphy: Radio Poet' in, editor(s)Benjamin Keatinge , Making Integral: Critical Essays on Richard Murphy, Cork, Cork University Press, 2019, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2019
- Collaborative Poetics, special issue of Modernist Cultures , 14, 1, (2019), Alex Runchman and Tom Walker, [eds.]Journal, 2019
- 'Austin Clarke' in, editor(s)Jay Parini , British Writers Supplement XV, Scribners, 2009, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2009
- '"an inconstant stay": Paul Muldoon, Seamus Heaney and the Ends of Shakespeare's Sonnets' in, editor(s)Nicholas Taylor-Collins and Stanley van der Ziel , Shakespeare and Contemporary Irish Literature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp49 - 70, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2018
- '"home rule in our literature": Irish-British Poetic Relations at Mid-Century' in, editor(s)Eve Patten , Irish Literature in Transition, 1940-1980, Cambridge University Press, 2020, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2020
- Tom Walker, 'The Culture of Art in 1880s Ireland and the Genealogy of Irish Modernism', Irish Studies Review, 26, (3), 2018, p304 - 317Journal Article, 2018
- Alex Runchman and Tom Walker, 'Introduction: Modernism's Collaborative Poetics', Modernist Cultures Special Issue: Collaborative Poetics, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- 'Yeats's MacNeice' in, editor(s)Ellen McWilliams and Brian Griffin , Irish Studies in Britain: New Perspectives on History and Literature, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010, pp160 - 173, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2010
- Modernist Accommodations in, editor(s)Lauren Arrington and Matthew Campbell , Oxford Handbook of W.B. Yeats, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp429 - 444, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2023
- Tom Walker, W. B. Yeats, George Moore and the Abject Impressionist Self, Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures, 1, (2), 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Colum's Revivalist Poetics amid the Institutions of Modernism in, editor(s)Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan , The Writings of Padraic Colum: 'That Queer Thing Genius', 2024, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2024
- Tom Walker, 'Things, Thoughts, and Walter Pater in "Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen"', International Yeats Studies, 4, (1), 2020, p73 - 79Journal Article, 2020
- Charles, I. Armstrong, Adrian Paterson, Tom Walker, The Edinburgh Companion to W. B. Yeats and the Arts, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024Book, 2024
- The Wild Swans at Coole (1917, 1919), Michael Robartes and the Dancer (1921) and the Limits of Portraiture in, editor(s)Charles I. Armstrong, Adrian Paterson and Tom Walker , The Edinburgh Companion to W. B. Yeats and the Arts, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2024
- Nicholas Grene and Tom Walker, Derek Mahon: A Retrospective, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024Book, 2024
- Towards the New Atlantic: Mahon's Early Politics in, editor(s)Nicholas Grene and Tom Walker , Derek Mahon: A Retrospective, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2024
- Nicholas Grene, Derek Mahon: A Retrospective, First, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, 1 - 355ppBook, 2024
- Tom Walker, 'Some Variant Dates of Composition for Louis MacNeice's Poems', Notes & Queries , 56, (3), 2009, p427 - 428Journal Article, 2009
- Tom Walker, '"Even a still life is alive": Visual Art and Bloomsbury Aesthetics in the Early Poetry of Louis MacNeice', The Cambridge Quarterly , 38, (3), 2009, p196 - 213Journal Article, 2009
- Tom Walker, 'The West of Ireland in John McGahern's Amongst Women and Patrick McCabe's The Butcher Boy', Beyond Philology , 4, 2007, p193 - 203Journal Article, 2007
- Tom Walker, 'MacNeice's Byzantium: The Ghosts of Yeats and Eliot in The Burning Perch', The Review of English Studies, 62, (257), 2011, p785 - 804Journal Article, 2011
- 'Louis MacNeice among his Irish Contemporaries, 1939 and 1945' in, editor(s)Fran Brearton and Alan Gillis , The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Poetry, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp196 - 209, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2012
- '"A true story": The Third Policeman and the Writing of Terror' in, editor(s)Ruben Borg, Paul Fagan and Werner Huber , Flann O'Brien: Contesting Legacies, Cork , Cork University Press, 2014, pp126 - 142, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2014
- Tom Walker, Louis MacNeice and the Irish Poetry of his Time, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015Book, 2015
- 'Nine Rivers from Jordan: Denis Johnston's European Journey and Irish Search' in, editor(s)Dorothea Depner and Guy Woodward , Irish Culture and Wartime Europe, 1938-48, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2015, pp161 - 173, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter, 2015
- 'Derek Mahon', The Literary Encyclopedia, 2013, [Tom Walker]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013, URL
- Tom Walker, '"To set the darkness echoing": Poetic Allusion', The English Review, 19, (3), 2009Journal Article
- Tom Walker, 'How Does Your Garden Grown', Review of The Ulster Renaissance: Poetry in Belfast 1962-1972, by Heather Clark , The Cambridge Quarterly, 36, (4), 2007Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Wisdom of Two: The Spiritual and Literary Collaboration of George and W. B. Yeats , by Margaret Mills Harper , Notes and Queries, 55, (3), 2008Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Yeats, The Master of Sound: An Investigation of the Technical and Aural Achievements of William Butler Yeats , by Brian Devine , Notes and Queries, 55, (4), 2008Review
- Tom Walker, Review of The Proper Word: Collected Criticism - Ireland, Poetry, Politics, by Gerry Dawe (ed. Nicholas Allen) , Irish Studies Review, 16, (3), 2008Review
- Tom Walker, 'Same War, Different Story', Review of Tim Kendall, ed., The Oxford Handbook of British and Irish War Poetry and Clair Wills, That Neutral Island: A Cultural History of Ireland During the Second World War , by Tim Kendall, Clair Wills , The Cambridge Quarterly, 37, (3), 2008Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Paul Muldoon. Poetry, Prose, Drama: A Collection of Essays , by Elmer Kennedy-Andrews, ed., , Notes and Queries, 56, (1), 2009Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Seamus Heaney: Poet, Critic, Translator , by . Ashby Bland Crowder and Jason David Hall, eds , Notes and Queries, 56, (2), 2009Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Irish Periodical Culture, 1937-1972: Genre in Ireland, Wales and Scotland, by Malcolm Ballin , Irish Studies Review, 17, (3), 2009Review
- Tom Walker, 'Creature Comforts', Review of On Sympathy , by Sophie Ratcliffe , The Cambridge Quarterly , 38, (1), 2009Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Louis MacNeice and the Poetry of the 1930s, by Richard Danson Brown , Irish Studies Review 18.1 (2010)., 18, (1), 2010Review
- Tom Walker, 'So Little and So Much', Review of Love of the World: Essays,, by John McGahern (ed. Stanley van der Ziel) , The Cambridge Quarterly , 39, (3), 2010Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Yeats's Poetic Codes , by Nicholas Grene , Notes and Queries, 58, (3), 2011Review
- Tom Walker, Review of W. B. Yeats and George Yeats: The Letters, by ed. Ann Saddlemyer , Irish Studies Review, 20, (3), 2012Review
- Tom Walker, Review of The Yeats Circle: Verbal and Visual Relations in Ireland, 1880-1939 , by Karen Brown , Yeats Annual, 19, 2013Review
- Tom Walker, 'What A Dark Sea!', Review of Louis MacNeice: The Classical Radio Plays, by ed. Amanda Wrigley and S. J. Harrison , The Cambridge Quarterly, 43, (2), 2014Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Irish Poetry under the Union, 1801 - 1924 , by Matthew Campbell , Irish Studies Review, 23, (4), 2015Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Culture, Northern Ireland, and the Second World War, by Guy Woodward , Britain and the World, 9, (2), 2016Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Art in Ireland Since 1910, by Fionna Barber , Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2013Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Wilhelmina Geddes: Life and Work, by Nicola Gordan Bowe , Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2016Review
- Tom Walker, Derek Mahon, 2015, -Miscellaneous
- Tom Walker, Review of Margaret Clarke exhibition, NGI, Apollo: The International Art Magazine, (August), 2017Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Modern Painters, Old Masters: The Art of Imitation from the Pre-Raphaelites to the First World War , by Elizabeth Prettejohn , Apollo: The International Art Magazine, (September), 2017Review
- Tom Walker, 'Augusta Gregory's Italy and the Irish Literary Renaissance', American Conference for Irish Studies, University College Cork, 2018, 2018Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, '"an inconstant stay": Paul Muldoon, Seamus Heaney and the Ends of Shakespeare's Sonnets', International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, Radbound University, Nijmegen, 2018, 2018Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, Review of 'Brian O'Doherty Language and Space', IMMA, Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2018Review
- Tom Walker, Review of 'Roderic O'Conor and the Moderns: Between Paris and Pont-Aven', National Gallery of Ireland, Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2018Review
- Tom Walker, Review of 'Mary Swanzy: Voyages', IMMA, Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2018Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Inventing the Myth: Political Passions and the Ulster Protestant Imagination, by Colin Parr , Irish University Review, 2019Review
- Tom Walker, Review of A history of Irish modernism , by Gregory Castle and Patrick Bixby , Irish Studies Review, 28, (1), 2020, p143-145Review
- 'Leeds Zaria Coleraine: A prehistory of The Honest Ulsterman' in, editor(s)Gregory McCartney , A Magazine of Revolution?: An Exploration of The Honest Ulsterman , Belfast, Honest Ulsterman, 2020, pp148 - 155, [Tom Walker]Book Chapter
- Tom Walker, Before the Savage God: Yeats and French Symbolist Painting in the 1890s, "Yeats and Eros" / "Yeats and Paris", Sorbonne nouvelle University, Paris, 2019Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, George Moore and W.B. Yeats's Impressionist Portraits, First Impressions: The Impact of Impressionism on English Literature, University of Bristol, 2021, 2021Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, Towards the New Atlantis: Reassessing Mahon"s Early Politics, Derek Mahon: A Celebration, Trinity College Dublin, November 2021, 2021Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, Yeats's Arthuriana: Aestheticism and its English Discontents, Yeats and English, University of York, December 2021, 2021Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, Histories Galore: Irish Literary Studies in the Age of Platform Publishing, English Shared Futures Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, July 2022, 2022Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, `Colum"s Revivalist Poetics amid the Institutions of Modernism", IASIL, University of Limerick, July 2022, 2022Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, Aesthetic Culture, Portraiture and Revolutionary Ireland, EFACIS Phd Seminar, Leuven Centre for Irish Studies, August 2022, 2022Invited Talk
- Tom Walker, Review of The Letters of Denis Devlin., by Sarah Bennett (ed.) , 51, (1), 2021Review
- Tom Walker, All Aboard, Review of Exhibition - Jack B. Yeats: Painting and Memory (NGI), Apollo: The International Art Magazine, (October), 2021Review
- Tom Walker, Review of Ireland's Gramophones: Material Culture, Memory and Trauma in Irish Modernism, by Zan Cammack , Estudios Irlandeses, (17), 2022Review
- Tom Walker, The haunted paintings of Patricia Hurl, Review of Exhibition: PATRICIA HURL IRISH GOTHIC (IMMA), Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2023Review
- Tom Walker, Stage presence " the theatrical paintings of John Lavery, Review of `Lavery. On Location", by National Gallery of Ireland , Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2023Review
- Tom Walker, Romancing Romance: William Morris, Early Yeats and the Religion of Art, Yeats and Elevation: The Nobel Prize Centenary Conference, Stockholm University, 2023, 2023Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, The Later Yeats and the Irish Poetic Movement?, Yeats Nobel Dinner Symposium, Dublin, 2024Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, Irish Poetry in Transatlantic Modernist Magazines, especially Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, Irish Poetry in Transatlantic Modernist Magazines, especially Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, KU Leuven, 2024, 2024Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, W.B. Yeats, Louis MacNeice and India, Modernism, India and the Colonial Gaze Conference, University of Delhi, 2024, 2024Invited Talk
- Tom Walker, Learning to be Modern: Yeats, Asian Culture and the Spectres of Partition, Irish Cultures in Contact, Flensburg, 2024Conference Paper
- Tom Walker, Stage presence " the theatrical paintings of John Lavery, Review of Lavery. On Location (, Apollo: The International Art Magazine, 2023Review
- Tom Walker, The society painter who wanted to reshape Irish art, Review of More Power To You: Sarah Purser: A Force for Irish Art, Apollo:: The International Art Magazine, 2024Review
- Robert Rhodes Prize for Books on Literature by the American Conference for Irish Studies 2015
- IRC New Horizons' Research Project Grant - One Starter Grant 2015