Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Shakespeare in Iran, Afghanistan, and the Persian-speaking Diaspora in, editor(s)Alexa Alice Joubin , Contemporary Readings in Global Performances of Shakespeare, London and New York, Bloomsbury, 2024, pp81 - 102, [Ema Vyroubalova and Shauna OBrien]Book Chapter, 2024
  • Early Modern Literary Studies (EMLS): Special Issue: European Women in English Early Modern Drama, 27, (2017), Ema Vyroubalova, Edel Semple, [Special Issue Editor], 2015-2017Journal, 2017
  • Ema Vyroubalova and Edel Semple, "Shakespeare and Early Modern Europe", Shakespeare, 14, (1), 2018, p80 - 96Journal Article, 2018
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Edel Semple, Introduction to European Women in Early Modern , Early Modern Literary Studies, (27), 2017, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
  • "Accents yet unknown:" In Search of Shakespeare's Foreign Accents in, editor(s)Adele Lee , Shakespeare and Accentism, New York, Routledge , 2021, pp25 - 41, [Ema Vyroubalova ]Book Chapter, 2021
  • James Robert Wood and Ema Vyroubalova, The Literary Papers of the Reverend Jermyn Pratt, 1723-1791, Norwich , Norfolk Record Society, 2022Book, 2022
  • Ema Vyroubalova and Gemma Navickiene, Shakespeare in Lithuanian, Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose, 1, (19), 2023, p12 - 18Journal Article, 2023
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Shauna O'Brien, Mohammadreza Hassanzadeh Javanian, "This is a Political Play": Making Coriolanus Relevant in Contemporary Iran, Asian Theatre Journal, 41, (1), 2024, p177 - 196Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
  • Zsolt Almási, Ema Vyroubalova, Krystyna Kujawi"ska-Courtney, Oana-Alis Zaharia, Klára Škrobánková, Madalina Nicolaescu, Politics, Shakespeare, East-Central Europe: Theatrical Border Crossings, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 28, 2023, p45 - 68Journal Article, 2023
  • Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai Philologia: Special issue: Theorizing Literary Animals, 67, 2, (2022), 9 - 288p, Ema Vyroubalova, [Guest editor], 06/2021-06/2022Journal, 2022
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Translating Shakespeare's Untranslatable Histories, Renaissance Studies, 37-38, (1), 2023, p95 - 108Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
  • "Chronology" in, editor(s)Jennifer Summit and Caroline Bicks , The History of British Women's Writing, 1500-1610, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, ppxiv - xxx, [Ema Vyroubalova]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Ema Vyroubalova and James Robert Wood, Propping up the King's Two Bodies in Richard II, Early English Studies, 4, 2011, p1 - 24Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Ema Vyroubalova, , Review of Shakespeare in Transition: Political Appropriations in the Postcommunist Czech Republic, by Marcela Kostihova , The European English Messenger, 24, (1), 2015, p78-79Review, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • "Multilingual Ethics in Henry V and Henry VIII" in, editor(s)Alexa Huang and Elizabeth Rivlin , Shakespeare and the Ethics of Appropriation, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp179 - 192, [Ema Vyroubalova]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Ema Vyroubalova, , Review of Europe's Languages on England's Stages, 1590-1620 (Ashgate, 2012), by Marianne Montgomery , English Text Construction, 6, (1), 2013, p206-208Review, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Ema Vyroubalova, "A New and Large Discourse on the Travels of Sir Anthony Sherley" in Reading East: Irish Sources and Resources, eds. Jane Grogan and Marina Ansaldo , 2012, -Miscellaneous, 2012, URL
  • The Irish Masque at Court (1613), Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia, 1st , London, The Literary Dictionary Company, 2013, pp1111 - 1112, [Ema Vyroubalova ]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Ema Vyroubalova, "Shakespeare in Changing Times and a Changing World", The Shakespearean International Yearbook, 14, 2014, p167 - 188Journal Article, 2014
  • Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue, Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia, 1st , London, The Literary Dictionary Company, 2013, pp1140 - 1142, [Ema Vyroubalova]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • English Grammar, Rober Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia, 1st , London, The Literary Dictionary Company, 2013, pp1145 - 1146, [Ema Vyroubalova]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Review of Shakespeare, Trauma and Contemporary Performance, by Silverstone, Catherine , Early Modern Studies Journal, 5, 2013, p127-129Review, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Richard Hakluyt's Babel : Foreign Languages and Historical Consciousness in The Principal Navigations in, editor(s)Isabelle Bour, Line Cottegnies , Scénographie du recit de voyage et imaginaire viatique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) , Paris, France, Hermann, 2018, pp137 - 150, [Ema Vyroubalova]Book Chapter, 2018
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Review , Review of Shakespeare in Bits, by MindConnex Learning Company , This Rough Magic, (December), 2013Review, 2013, TARA - Full Text
  • Conspiring Languages and Images in Samuel Ward's '"The Double Deliverance" (1621) in, editor(s)Crawford Gribben and Scott Spurlock , Puritans in the Trans-Atlantic world 1600-1800, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp47 - 65, [Ema Vyroubalova]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Linguistic Alterity and Foreignness in Early Modern England, 1534-1625 , Stanford University, 2010Thesis
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Foreign Languages and Historical Consciousness in Hakluyt's Principal Navigations, Colloquium on Travel Narrative, Paris, France, December , 2010Conference Paper
  • Ema Vyroubalova, 'Her Majesty's Encounter with That Braving Polack': Poles and Bohemians in Early Modern England, Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, USA, December , 2008Conference Paper
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Queen Katherine's Predicament in Henry VIII, Shakespeare Association of America, Dallas, USA, March, 2008Conference Paper
  • Ema Vyroubalova, The Tower of Babel in Early Modern England, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Seminar, University of Haifa, Israel, February , 2011Invited Talk
  • Ema Vyroubalova, Foreign Languages and Foreign Lands in Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Performance, Place, Queen's University Belfast, 2.- 3.11, 2012Conference Paper
  • Ema Vyroubalova, "The Celtic Periphery meets the Jacobean Court: Ben Jonson's The Irish Masque and For the Honour of Wales", School Research Seminar, University College Dublin, 5/4, 2012, School of English, UCDInvited Talk
  • Ema Vyroubalova , To translate or not to translate: Rendering Multilingual and Multidialectal Passages in Shakespeare , Shakespeare Association of America, Toronto, Canada, 30.3.2013, 2013Conference Paper
  • Ema Vyroubaova, Methods behind Designing Global Shakespeare Courses, Shakespeare 450, Paris, France, April 2014, 2014Conference Paper
  • Ema Vyroubalova, The Levant in Early Modern English Travel Narratives: Waypoint or Destination?, Othello's Island, Larnaca, Cyprus, April , 2014, 2014Conference Paper

Research Expertise

Languages and literature, Performing arts,


  • Visiting Professorships and Fellowships Benefactions Fund (for hosting Prof. Alexa Huang) 2013
  • Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund; TCD; for travel to Othello's Island Conference in Cyrpus 2014
  • Visiting Professorships Benefactions Fund (for hosting Dr. Dror Abend-David) 2014
  • Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund; TCD; for search at Shakespeare's Globe in London 2013
  • Modern Languages Association of America Travel Grant for attending the Convention 2011
  • Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund; TCD; for research for my book manuscript at the British Library 2012
  • Irish Renaissance Seminar
  • Shakespeare Association of America 2013
  • Modern Language Association of America 2012
  • Reader for Early Modern Studies Journal 2012-present
  • Editor for The Literary Encyclopedia ("Shakespeare on Film" section) 2014-
  • Reader for Early Modern Studies Journal 2012-present
  • Editor for The Literary Encyclopedia ("Shakespeare on Film" section) 2014-