Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Björn Quiring , Shakespeare's Curse , 1 , London/New York , Routledge , 2014, 280 ppBook, 2014, URL
- Björn Quiring (Ed.) , "If Then the World a Theatre Present...": Revisions of the Theatrum Mundi Metaphor in Early Modern England , Berlin/Boston , de Gruyter, 2014, 246ppBook, 2014
- "God and not we hath safely fought today": Theologisch-politische Undarstellbarkeiten in Shakespeares Kriegstheater in, Michael Auer, Claude Haas , Kriegstheater: Darstellungen von Krieg, Kampf und Schlacht in Drama und Theater seit der Antike, Stuttgart , Metzler/Springer Nature , 2018, pp49 - 64, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter, 2018
- Milton's God and Hobbes' Leviathan: Elective Affinities in, editor(s)Kay Jankrift, Alexander Kagerer, Christian Kaiser and María Ángeles Martín Romera , Natur und Herrschaft: Analysen zur Physik der Macht, Berlin and New York, de Gruyter, 2016, pp273 - 284, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2016
- Fluch in, editor(s)Daniel Weidner , Handbuch Literatur und Religion, Stuttgart , Metzler, 2016, pp363 - 367, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2016
- Lost in Paradise: Miltons Eva in, editor(s)Andreas Höfele, Beate Kellner , Natur Geschlecht Politik: Denkmuster und Repräsentationsformen vom Alten Testament bis ins 18. Jahrhundert , Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink - Brill , 2020, pp175 - 198, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter, 2020
- Andreas Höfele, Christoph Levin, Reinhard Müller and Björn Quiring, Formations of the Formless: Chaos from the Ancient World to Early Modernity , 1st Edition , Berlin/Boston, Walter de Gruyter , 2021, 244 ppBook, 2021
- The Tartarean Jurisdiction of Chaos in Milton's "Paradise Lost" in, editor(s)Andreas Höfele, Christoph Levin, Reinhard Müller and Björn Quiring , Formations of the Formless: Chaos from the Ancient World to Early Modernity , Berlin/Boston, Walter de Gruyter , 2021, pp201 - 218, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2021
- Curse in, editor(s)Lowell Gallagher, James Kearney, and Julia Reinhard Lupton , Entertaining the Idea: Shakespeare, Philosophy and Performance , Toronto, University of Toronto Press , 2021, pp86 - 101, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2021
- Björn Quiring , Trials of Nature: The Infinite Law Court of Milton's "Paradise Lost", 1st Edition, London/New York, Routledge, 2021, 394ppBook, 2021
- Björn Quiring , Shakespeares Fluch: Die Aporien ritueller Exklusion im Königsdrama der englischen Renaissance , Paderborn and Munich, Wilhelm Fink, 2009Book, 2009
- Björn Quiring , Interpreting Hamlet's Pregnant Silences: Nietzsche and Benjamin, Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft , 52, (3-4), 2021, p315 - 333Journal Article, 2021
- Björn Quiring , Pain and Memory in Benjamin's Mourning Play, Benjamin-Studien , 3, 2014, p153 - 163Journal Article, 2014
- Björn Quiring , Joseph S. Jenkins, "Inheritance Law and Political Theology in Shakespeare and Milton: Election and Grace as Constitutional in Early Modern Literature and Beyond", Review of "Inheritance Law and Political Theology in Shakespeare and Milton: Election and Grace as Constitutional in Early Modern Literature and Beyond", by Joseph S. Jenkins , Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik , 2014, p153 - 163Review, 2014
- Björn Quiring , Dieter Groh, Die Ausrufung der Naturgesetze in John Miltons "Paradise Lost", Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft , 2010Journal Article, 2010
- Björn Quiring , Dieter Groh, "Mark the high noises": "King Lear" und der natürliche Grund des Donners, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 144, 2008Journal Article, 2008
- Björn Quiring , A Consuming Dish: Supplementing Raffield, Law & Literature, 17, (4), 2005Journal Article, 2005
- "Under Their Head Embodied All in One": The Representational Production of Cosmic Order in Milton's "Paradise Lost" in, editor(s)Michael Waltenberger and Frieder von Ammon , Mikrokosmen. Ästhetische Formen und diskursive Figurationen einer Repräsentativität des Partikularen , Berlin , Peter Lang , 2022, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter, 2022
- "Look on the Tragic Loading of this Bed": Performing Community and its Other in Shakespeare's "Othello" in, editor(s)Björn Quiring , "If Then the World a Theatre Present...": Revisions of the Theatrum Mundi Metaphor in Early Modern England, Berlin and New York , de Gruyter , 2014, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter, 2014
- "Men should be that they seem": Antitheatralität in Shakespeares "Othello" in, editor(s)Gabriele Brandstetter, Stefanie Diekmann and Christopher Wild , Theaterfeindlichkeit, Paderborn and Munich , Wilhelm Fink , 2011, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2011
- "A Fiction That We Must Inhabit": Sense Production in Urban Spaces According to Alan Moore's and Eddie Campbell's "From Hell" in, Comics and the City: Urban Space in Print, Picture and Sequence, London and New York , Continuum , 2010, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2010
- Lost in Proto-Performance: Tod Browning's "West of Zanzibar" and the Last Stand of the Primal Father in, The Cinema of Tod Browning, Jefferson (NC) , McFarland , 2008, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2008
- Kästchenwahl: Die Performanz der Latenz in Shakespeares "Merchant of Venice" in, editor(s)Stefanie Diekmann and Thomas Khurana , Latenz: 30 Annäherungen an einen Begriff, Berlin , Kadmos , 2007, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter, 2007
- Björn Quiring, Rhetoriken der Aneignung in William Wordsworths "Prelude", Internationales Jahrbuch für Rhetorik, 42, (1), 2023, p99 - 115Journal Article, 2023
- "A Contest Between Words and Deeds": Karl Kraus and Hannah Arendt on Proto-Totalitarian "Wahrlügen" in, editor(s)Gal Hertz , Ron Mieczkowski und Ari Linden , Karl Kraus 1933: Citing Violence, Inciting Critique, Boston/Berlin, de Gruyter, 2025, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter, 2025
- Björn Quiring, Out-paganing the Pagans: "Paradise Lost" as Christian Theogony, Milton Quarterly, 58, (1-2), 2024Journal Article, 2024
- A Hall of Sound Mirrors/Schallspiegelkabinett in, editor(s)Elín Hansdóttir and Anne Kockelkorn , Long Place (Exhibition Catalogue) , Berlin , Distanz, 2021, pp75 - 81, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Björn Quiring , Dieter Groh, "Göttliche Weltökonomie: Perspektiven der Wissenschaftlichen Revolution vom 15. bis zum 17. Jahrhundert", Review of Göttliche Weltökonomie: Perspektiven der Wissenschaftlichen Revolution vom 15. bis zum 17. Jahrhundert, by Dieter Groh , Arbitrium, Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Literaturwissenschaft , 2013Review
- "The Traditional Accent of the Ecstasy of Catastrophe": Dublin als Katastrophengebiet in Joyces "Ulysses" in, Unfälle der Sprache: Literarische und philologische Erkundungen der Katastrophe, Vienna and Berlin , Turia und Kant , 2014, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Introduction in, editor(s)Björn Quiring , "If Then the World a Theatre Present...": Revisions of the Theatrum Mundi Metaphor in Early Modern England, Berlin and New York, de Gruyter, 2014, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter
- Björn Quiring (Ed.) , Theatrum Mundi: Die Metapher des Welttheaters von Shakespeare bis Beckett , Berlin , August Verlag , 2013, 224ppBook
- Armen Avanessian and Björn Quiring (Eds.) , Abyssus Intellectualis: Spekulativer Horror, Berlin , Merve , 2013, 296 ppBook
- Unlesbarkeit (Poes The Man of the Crowd) in, Denkfiguren. Für Anselm Haverkamp/Figures of Thought. For Anselm Haverkamp , Berlin , August Verlag , 2013, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Zur Einführung in, editor(s)Armen Avanessian and Björn Quiring , Abyssus Intellectualis: Spekulativer Horror, Berlin, Merve, 2013, [Armen Avanessian and Björn Quiring]Book Chapter
- Einführung in, editor(s)Björn Quiring , Theatrum Mundi: Die Metapher des Welttheaters von Shakespeare bis Beckett, Berlin, August Verlag, 2013, [Björn Quiring]Book Chapter
- The Foundational Sounds of Vitruvius in, editor(s)Brandon LaBelle und Cláudia Martinho , Site of Sound # 2: Of Architecture and the Ear, Berlin, Errant Bodies , 2011, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Björn Quiring , "With Real Hunger To Transubstantiate": Die Dispersion der Eucharistie in John Miltons "Paradise Lost", Mitteilungen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 573, "Pluralisierung und Autorität in der Frühen Neuzeit", (1), 2011Journal Article
- Die unsicheren Grenzübergänge der Philologien in, editor(s)Johanna-Charlotte Horst et al. , Unbedingte Universitäten: Was passiert? Stellungnahme zur Lage der Universität, Zurich , Diaphanes , 2010, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Die Repräsentation von devianten und normativen Körpern in Tod Brownings Film "Freaks" in, editor(s)Matthias Rothe and Hartmut Schröder , Körpertabus und Umgehungsstrategien, Berlin , Weidler , 2005, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Zippy the Pinhead: Ein Superheld der Avantgarde? in, editor(s)Stefanie Diekmann and Matthias Schneider , Szenarien des Comic: Helden und Historien im Medium der Schriftbildlichkeit, Berlin , Sukultur , 2005, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Judging the New Bloomusalem: Persistent Apocalyptic Remnants in Joyce's "Ulysses" in, editor(s)Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer , Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings , Trier , WVT , 2013, [Björn Quiring ]Book Chapter
- Björn Quiring , Shylock or Timon? The Immanent Critique of Karl Kraus and Shakespeare's Theatre of Judgement, The Frankfurt School and Shakespeare, Kingston Shakespeare Seminar at Garrick's Temple, Kingston University, London [Online], June 25, 2022 , 2022Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring , Hamlet's Pregnant Silence: Nietzsche and Benjamin, Walter Benjamin and Shakespeare, Kingston Shakespeare Seminar at Garrick's Temple, Kingston University, London, April 4, 2019 , 2019Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring, Hamlet's Pregnant Silence, Walter Benjamin and Shakespeare, Warburg Institute London, November 29, 2018, 2018Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , Before the Law? The Tribunal of Nature in Milton's "Paradise Lost", Talma Yzraely Memorial Lecture, Department of English and American Studies, Tel Aviv University, April 11, 2018, 2018Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , "And a Million Million Slimy Things Lived On, and So Did I": Samuel T. Coleridges "Ancient Mariner" mit Kant und Sade, Colloquium: Texte. Zeichen. Medien , University of Erfurt, June 7, 2017 , 2017Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring , "Crack Nature's Moulds!": The Convergence of First and Last Judgment in "King Lear", Conference: First Philosophy, Last Judgments: The Lear Real , Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, April 28, 2017 , 2017Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , "All Things with Double Terror": Nature as First and Last Judgment in Milton's "Paradise Lost", Renaissance Colloquium and Center for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies , Princeton University , November 10, 2016, 2016Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring, "All Things with Double Terror": Nature as First and Last Judgment in Milton's "Paradise Lost", Department of Comparative Literature, Cornell University, Ithaca, November 3, 2016, 2016Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , Nature as First and Last Judgment: Remarks on the Early History of an Absolute Metaphor, : Yale University, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, April 3, 2014, 2014Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , William Wordsworth's "Prelude" and the Dialectics of Property, Center for Arts and Humanities, American University of Beirut, Lebanon , October 27, 2022 , 2022Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring, "King Lear" and the Curse of Nature, University of California, Irvine, School of Humanities, March 18, 2014, 2014Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , Shakespeares Fluch und die Souveränität des Theaters, Workshop: Ästhetische Souveränität , Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, November 6, 2013, 2013Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , The Production of Theatrical and Extra-theatrical Evidence in Shakespeare's "Othello", Conference: Stages of Knowledge, Spaces of Faith: Allegory, New Science and Baroque Theater, Tel Aviv University and Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, February 19, 2013 , 2013Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , Gravitationsgesetz und Sündenfall in Miltons "Paradise Lost", Workshop: Just in Case: Poetiken des Falls , Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, June 23, 2012 , 2012Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , "At the Time of the Catastrophe, Important Legal Debates Were in Progress": Recht, Ökonomie und Katastrophe in Joyces "Ulysses", Conference: Kata/strophe: Ereignis, Figur und Wissensstruktur, Universität Potsdam, May 25, 2012 , 2012Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , "They Smile At Me Who Shortly Shall Be Dead": Der prophetische Entzug der Gegenwart in Shakespeares York-Tetralogie, Workshop: Prophetie - Poetik - Politik , Förderkolleg der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, July 28, , 2011Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , "The Greatest Share of Endless Pain": Sakrament und Schmerz in Miltons "Paradise Lost", Workshop: Grenzen der Profanierung, Förderkolleg der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, July 7, 2011 , 2011Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , Der Fluch " ein Ausnahmefall der Sprechakttheorie?, 5. Workshop des Instituts für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, February 12, 2010, 2010Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , König Lear und die Naturalisierung des Ausnahmezustands, Autumn Conference of the German Shakespeare Society , Cologne, November 28, 2009, 2009Invited Talk
- "With Real Hunger To Transubstantiate": Die Dispersion der Eucharistie in John Miltons "Paradise Lost", Workshop: Sakramentale Repräsentation , Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin, January 31, 2009 , 2009Invited Talk
- Björn Quiring , "The Law I Gave to Nature": Aporetic Proclamations of Natural Law in "Paradise Lost", Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, New York , March 29, 2014, 2014Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring , "Dowered with Our Curse and Strangered with Our Oath": "King Lear" and the Naturalized State of Exception, Ports and Piers and Roads " Self and World in Early Modern Culture , Universidade de Porto , April 24, 2010, 2010Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring, Die Ausrufung der Naturgesetze in John Miltons "Paradise Lost", Workshop: Studientag Literatur und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, June 13, 2009, 2009Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring , "I remember thine eyes well enough": The Eclipse of Anagnorisis in "King Lear", Conference: Wrong Again, Tragedy's Comedy, DFG Research Colloquium "Representation"Rhetoric"Knowledge" , Universität Potsdam, June 30, 2006 , 2006Conference Paper
- The Aporias of Theologico-Judical Exclusion and Shakespeare's "Richard III", Björn Quiring , Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America , San Francisco , March 23, 2006, 2006Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring, Legal Levitations, Law, Satire, Incapacity, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York, February 13, 2005, 2005Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring , The Mystery of Twofold Justice in Wordsworth's "Prelude", Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas (online), 31 March, 2023 , 2023Conference Paper
- Björn Quiring , The Ecstasy of Eternal Administration: The Conflation of Divine Judgment and Eternal Bliss in "Paradise Lost" and the "Doctrina Christiana", International Milton Symposium 13, University of Toronto , 10 July, 2023 , 2023Conference Paper
- Guest Researcher at the Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research (ZfL), Berlin 2022
- Gesellschaft für Englische Romantik (Society for English Romanticism) 2022
- Peer reviewer for Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, University of Michigan Press 2006