Professor John Scattergood

Professor John Scattergood

Fellow Emeritus, English


John Scattergood was born in 1940. He was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School, Nuneaton (Warwidks.)from 1951-58, the University of Birmingham (1958-62) and King's College London (1962-64). He taught in the University of Bristol from 1964 to 1980 after which he became Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English at Trinity College Dublin. He holds degrees of BA, MA and Litt.D and was elected FTCD in 1981. He has been at various times Senior Lecturer (1984-87, 1990-91), Dean of Arts (Lerrers) (1996-2001), Senior Proctor (2002-2005). He retired in 2006. He was Pro-Chancellor of the University of Dublin from 2008 to 2015. He was elected a Member of the Royal Irish Academy in 1991.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • John Scattergood, The Authorship of The Boke of Cupide, Anglia, 82, 1964, p137 - 149Journal Article, 1964
  • John Scattergood, 'The Boke of Cupide': An Edition, English Philological Studies, 9, 1965, p47 - 83Journal Article, 1965
  • John Scattergood, An Unpublished Middle English Poem, Archiv fur das Studium der neurem sprachen und literaturen , 203, 1966, p277 - 282Journal Article, 1966
  • John Scattergood, 'The Two Ways': An Unpublished Religious Treatise by Sir John Clanvowe, English Philological Studies, 10, 1967, p33 - 56Journal Article, 1967
  • John Scattergood, An Inedited Manusccript of 'The Stacions of Rome', English Philological Studies, 11, 1968, p51 - 54Journal Article, 1968
  • John Scattergood, Political Context, Date and Composition in 'The Sayings of the Four Philosophers', Medium Aevum, 38, 1968, p157 - 165Journal Article, 1968
  • John Scattergood, Two Medieval Booklists, The Library, 23, 1968, p236 - 239Journal Article, 1968
  • John Scattergood, Adam Davy's 'Dreams' and Edward II, Archiv fur das Studium der Sprachen und Literaturen, 206, 1969, p253 - 260Journal Article, 1969
  • John Scattergood, On British Museum MS Harley 1735, Review of English Studies, 21, 1970, p237 - 238Journal Article, 1970
  • John Scattergood, The Lost Tradition: Essays on Middle English Alliterative Poetry, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2000, 1 - 253ppBook, 2000
  • V.J.Scattergood, Politics and Poetry in the Fifteenth Century, London, Blandford Press, 1971, 1 - 415ppBook, 1971
  • John Scattergood, Skelton's 'Ryotte': 'A Rustye Gallande', Notes and Queries, 219, 1974, p83 - 85Journal Article, 1974
  • Dennis Casling and John Scattergood, One Aspect of Stanza-Linking, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 75, 1974, p79 - 91Journal Article, 1974
  • John Scattergood, The Manciple's Manner of Speaking, Essays in Criticism, 24, 1974, p124 - 146Journal Article, 1974
  • John Scattergood, Revision in some Middle Englissh Political Verses, Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 211, 1974, p287 - 299Journal Article, 1974
  • John Scattergood, 'Winter wakeneth al my care...' lines 11-15, English Philological Studies, 14, 1975, p59 - 64Journal Article, 1975
  • Ruth Pitman and John Scattergood, Some Illustrations of the Unicorn Apologue from Barlaam and Ioasaph, Scriptorium, 21, 1977, p85 - 90Journal Article, 1977
  • John Scattergood, The Originality of 'The Shipman's Tale', The Chaucer Review, 11, 1977, p210 - 231Journal Article, 1977
  • John Scattergood, A Caxton Prologue and Chaucer, The Chaucer Newslett, (2), 1980, p14 - 15Journal Article, 1980
  • John Scattergood, The Works of Sir John Clanvowe: The Boke of Cupide and The Two Ways, first, Cambridge and Totowa NJ, D.S. Brewer and Rowman and Littlefield, 1975, 1 - 96ppBook, 1975
  • John Scattergood, A Note on the Moral Framework of Donne's 'The Sunne Rising', Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, (92), 1981, p307 - 314Journal Article, 1981
  • Chaucer and the French War: Sir Thopas and Melibee in, editor(s)Glyn S. Burgess , Court and Poet: Selected Proceedings of the Third Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 1981, pp287 - 296, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1981
  • John Scattergood, 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' and the Sins of the Flesh, Traditio, 37, 1981, p347 - 381Journal Article, 1981
  • Middle English Prose in, editor(s)Boris Ford , The New Pelican Guide to English Literature Vol. 1: Medieval Literature , London, Penguin Books , 1982, pp103 - 120, [T.P. Dolan and V.J. Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1982
  • John Scattergood, Proverbial Verses in Trinity College Dublin MS 212, Notes and Queries, 227, 1983, p29 - 43Journal Article, 1983
  • John Scattergood, Chaucer's Curial Satire: 'The Ballade de Bon Conseyl', Hermathena , 133, 1982, p29 - 46Journal Article, 1982
  • John Scattergood and James Sherborne (editors), English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages, first, London, Duckworth, 1983, i-xi 1 - 220ppBook, 1983
  • Literary Culture at the Court of Richard II in, editor(s)V. J. Scattergood and J. W. Sherborne , English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages, London, Duckworth, 1983, pp29 - 43, [V. J. Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1983
  • John Scattergood (editor), John Skelton: The Complete English Poems, first, London and New Haven, Penguin Books and Yale University Press, 1983, 1 - 573ppBook, 1983
  • John Scattergood (editor), Literature and Learning in Medieval and Renaissance England: Essays presented to Fitzroy Pyle, first, Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 1984, 1 - 233ppBook, 1984
  • 'The Battle of Maldon' and History in, editor(s)John Scattergood , Literature and Learning in Medieval and Renaissance England: Essays presented to Fitzroy Pyle, Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 1984, pp11 - 24, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1984
  • John Scattergood, 'The Parlement of the Thre Ages', Leeds Studies in English, 14, 1983, p167 - 181Journal Article, 1983
  • Sir John Clanvowe, Joseph L. Strayer, Dictionary of the Middle Ages, first, III, New York, 1983, pp408 - 408, [John Scattergood]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1983
  • John Scattergood and Myra Stokes, Travelling in November: Sir Gawain, Thomas Usk, Charles of Orleans and the 'De Re Militari', Medium Aevum, 53, 1984, p78 - 83Journal Article, 1984
  • John Scattergood, An Unrecorded Fragment of the Prose Lancelot in Trinity College Dublin MS 212, Medium Aevum, 53, 1984, p301 - 306Journal Article, 1984
  • John Scattergood, Skelton and the Elegy, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 84, 1984, p333 - 347Journal Article, 1984
  • John Scattergood, Perkyn Revelour and 'The Cook's Tale', The Chaucer Review, 19, 1984, p14 - 23Journal Article, 1984
  • 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' , Norris J. Lacy, The Arthurian Encyclopedia, first, New York and London, 1986, pp506 - 511, [John Scattergood]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1986
  • John Scattergood, 'In Leonardo's Garden', Dublin, School of English, Trinity College Dublin, 2007, i-x, 1 - 53Poetry, 2007
  • John Scattergood, 'For Another Year', Dublin, School of English, Trinity College Dublin, 2009, 1 - 14Poetry, 2009
  • John Scattergood, Skelton and Traditional Satire: 'Ware the Hauke', Medium Aevum, 55, 1986, p203 - 216Journal Article, 1986
  • John Scattergood, Political and Social Issues in Chaucer: 'Lak of Stedfastnesse', The Chaucer Review, 21, 1987, p469 - 475Journal Article, 1987
  • 'Winner and Waster' and the Mid-Fourteenth-Century Economy in, editor(s)Tom Dunne , The Writer as Witness: Literature as Historical Evidence, Cork, Cork University Press, 1987, pp39 - 57, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1987
  • A.J. Minnis with V.J. Scattergood and J.J. Smith, Oxford Guides to Chaucer: The Shorter Poems, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995, i-xiv, 1 - 578ppBook, 1995
  • The Short Poems in, editor(s)A.J. Minnis with V.J. Scattergood and J.J. Smith , Oxford Guides to Chaucer: The Shorter Poems, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995, pp455 - 512, [V.J. Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1995
  • Julia Boffey and John Scattergood (editors), Texts and their Contexts: Papers from the Early Book Society, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 1997, 1 - 252ppBook, 1997
  • Trinity College Dublin MS 73: A Lollard Bible and some Protestant Owners in, editor(s)Julia Boffey and John Scattergood , Texts and their Contexts: Papers from the Early Book Society, Dublin, Four Courts press, 1997, pp223 - 240, [John Scattergood and Guido Latre]Book Chapter, 1997
  • Helen Conrad O'Briain, Anne Marie D'Arcy and John Scattergood (editors) , Text and Gloss: Studies in Insulaar Learning and Literature Presented to Joseph Donovan Pheifer, Sublin, Four Courts Press, 1999, 1 - 214ppBook, 1999
  • Eating the Book: Riddle 47 and Memory in, editor(s)Helen Conrad O'Briain, Anne Marie D'Arcy and John Scattergood , Text and Gloss: Studies in Insular Learning and Literature Presented to Joseph Donovan Pheifer, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 1999, pp1 - 214, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1999
  • Chaucer in the Suburbs in, editor(s)Myra Stokes and T.L. Burton , Medieval Literature and Antiquities: Studies in Honour of Basil Cottle, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 1987, ppi-xxii, 1 - 201, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1987
  • John Scattergood, 'Lenvoy a Bukton' and Proverb's , Nottingham Medieval Studies, 31, 1987, p98 - 107Journal Article, 1987
  • John Scattergood, The 'Busyness' of Love: A Theme in Chaucer's Dawn Songs, Essays in Criticism, 37, 1987, p110 - 120Journal Article, 1987
  • Fashion and Morality in the Late Middle Ages in, editor(s)Daniel Williams , England in the Fifteenth Century: Proceedings of the 1986 Harlaxton Symposium, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1987, pp255 - 272, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1987
  • 'The Contention between Liberality and Prodigality': A Late Morality in, editor(s)Albert H. Tricomi , Early Drama to 1600, Binghamton NY, Centre for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1987, pp153 - 167, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1987
  • John Scattergood, A Graveyard Formula in Hamlet V. i. 115-131, Notesd and Queries, 35, 1988, p470 - 471Journal Article, 1988
  • Insecurity in Skelton's 'Bouge of Courte' in, editor(s)Piero Boitani and Anna Torti , Genres, Themes and Images in English Literature from the Fourteenth to the Fifteenth Ceentury, Tubingen, Gunter Naar, 1988, pp191 - 214, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1988
  • 'Skelton's Lyrics': Tradition and Innovation in, editor(s)David Lampe , The Fifteenth Century, Binghamton NY, Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1988, pp19 - 39, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1988
  • Skelton and Heresy in, editor(s)Daniel Williams , Early Tudor England: Proceedings of the 1987 Harlaxton Symposium, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1989, pp157 - 170, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1989
  • John Skelton's 'Garlande of Laurell' and the Chaucerian Tradition in, editor(s)Barry Windiatt and Ruth Morse , Chaucer Traditions: Studies in Honour of Derek Brewer, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp122 - 138, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1990
  • John SCAttergood, The Date and Composition of George Ashby's Poems, Leeds Studies in English, 21, 1990, p167 - 176Journal Article, 1990
  • The Johgleur, the Copyist and the Printer: the Tradition of Chaucer's 'Wordes unto Adam, his Own Scriveyn' in, editor(s)Keith Busby and Erik Kooper , Courtly literature and Culture: Proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Conference of the Courtly Literature Society 1986, Amsterdam, Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature 25, 1990, pp499 - 508, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1990
  • John Scattergood, Old Age, Love and Friendship in Chaucer's 'Envoy to Scogan', Nottingham Medieval Studies, 35, 1991, p92 - 101Journal Article, 1991
  • The London Manuscripts of John Skelton's Poems in, editor(s)Felicity Riddy , Regionalism in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts: Essays Celebrating the Publication of a Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 1991, pp171 - 182, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1991
  • John Scattergood, The Early Annotations to John Skelton's Poems, Poetica, \35, 1992, p53 - 63Journal Article, 1992
  • John Scattergood, Chaucer's 'Complaint of Venus' and the 'Curiosite' of Graunson, Essays in Criticism, 44, 1994, p171 - 189Journal Article, 1994
  • Simon Fish, 'A Supplication for the Beggers' and Protestant Polemics in, editor(s)Dirk Imhof, Gilbert Tournoy, Francine de Nave and Ingrid van de Wijer , Antwerp, Dissident Typographical Centre: The Role of Antwerp Printers in the Religious Conflicts in England (16th Century), Antwerp, Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, 1994, pp71 - 78, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1994
  • 'The Tale of Gamelyn': The Noble Robber as Provincial Hero in, editor(s)Carol M. Meale , Readings in Medieval English Romance, Cambridge and Totowa NJ, D.S. Brewer, 1994, pp159 - 194, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1994
  • 'The Tale of Gamelyn': The Noble Robber as Provincial Hero in, editor(s)Carol M. Meale , Readings in Medieval English Romance, Cambridge and Totowa NJ, D.S. Brewer, 1994, pp159 - 194, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1994
  • Misrepresenting the City: Genre, Intertextuality and William FitzStephen's 'Description of London' (c. 1173) in, editor(s)Julia Boffey and Pamela King , London and Europe in the Later Middle Ages, London, Westfield Publications in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 9, 1995, pp1 - 34, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1995
  • John Scattergood, Skelton's 'Magnyfycence' and the Tudor Royal Household, Medieval English Theatre, 15, 1995, p210 - 48Journal Article, 1995
  • 'An Old Man's Prayer' and Bastard Feudalissm in, editor(s)Stefan Horlacher and Marion Islinger , Expedition nach der Wahrheit: Poems, Essays and Papers in Honour of Theo Stemmler, Heidelberg, Karl Winter, 1996, pp119 - 130, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1996
  • Courtliness in Some Fourteenth-Century English Pastourelles in, editor(s)Evelyn Mullally and John Thompson , The Court and Cultural Diversity: Selected Papers from the Eighth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society 1995, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 1997, pp161 - 178, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1997
  • 'Patience' and Authority in, editor(s)A.J. Minnis, Charlotte C Morse and Thorlac Turville-Petre , Essays on Ricardian Literature in Honour of J.A. Burrow, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1997, pp295-315 - [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1997
  • 'Pierce the Ploughman's Crede': Lollardy and Texts in, editor(s)Margaret Aston and Colin Richmond , Lollardy and Gentry in the Later Middle Ages, Stroud, Gloucestershire and New York, Sutton Publishing and St Martin's Press, 1997, pp77 - 94, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1997
  • 'Charles of Orleans', 'John Clanvowe', 'Adam Davy', Henry Scpgan', 'John Skelton' , Paul E. Szarmack, M. Tessa Tavormina and Joel T. Rosenthal, Medieval England: An Encyclopedia, New York and London , 1998, pp170 - 171, [John Scattergood]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1998
  • A Defining Moment: The Battle of Flodden and English Poetry in, editor(s)Jennifer Britnell and Richard Britnell , Vernacular Literature and Current Affairs in the Early Sixteenth Century: France, England and Scotland, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2000, pp62 - 77, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2000
  • Authority and Resistance: The Political Verse in, editor(s)Susanna Fein , Studies in the Harley Manuscript: The Scribes, Contents and Social Context of British library MS Harley 2253, Kalamazoo, MI, Western Michigan University, 2000, pp163 - 201, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2000
  • Dressing the Part in 'Magnyfyccence': Allegory and Costume in, editor(s)Andre Lascombes , Allegory in the Theatre: Actes de la Table Ronde VII: Francois Rabelais University, Tours, Bern, Peter Lang, 2000, pp455 - 75, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2000
  • John Leland's 'Itinerary' and the Identity of England in, editor(s)Amanda J. Piesse , Sixteenth Century Identities, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000, pp58 - 74, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2000
  • National and Local Identity: Maps and the English Country House Poem in, editor(s)Trevor Harris and Jean-Paul Regis , (Re) Mapping the Centres: Membership and State, Tours, Francois Rabelais University, Tours, 2000, pp13 - 27, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2000
  • 'Iste Liber constat Johanni Masci: Trinity College Dublin MS 155 in, editor(s)A.J. Minnis , Middle English Poetry: Texts and Traditions. Essays in Honour of Derek Pearsall, York and Woodbridge, York Medieval Press, 2001, pp191 - 101, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2001
  • 'The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye': The Nation and its Place in, editor(s)Helen Cooney , New Essays on Fifteenth Century English Poetry, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, pp28 - 49, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2001
  • John Scattergood, Making Arrows: 'The Parliament of Fowls' 211-217, Notes and Queries, (247), 2002, p444 - 447Journal Article, 2002
  • 'The Cook's Tale' in, editor(s)Robert M. Correale and Mary Hamel , Sources and Analogues to the Canterbury Tales I, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2002, pp75 - 86, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2002
  • John Scattergood, Writing the Clock: The Reconstruction of Time in the Late Middle Ages, The European Review, 211, 2003, p453 - 474Journal Article, 2003
  • John Scattergood, Chaucer's Joke against the Egle: 'The House of Fame' 1011-1017, Notes and Queries, 249, 2004, p233 - 234Journal Article, 2004
  • John Scattergood, Validating the High Life: 'Of Arthour and of Merlin' and 'Kyng Alisaunder', Essays in Criticism, 54, 2004, p323 - 350Journal Article, 2004
  • 'George Ashby' and 'John Skelton', H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp619 - 620, [John Scattergood]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2004
  • 'Wynnere and Wastoure' 407-414 and 'Le Roman de la Rose' 8813-8854 in, editor(s)Thea Summerfield and Keith Busby , People and Texts: Relationships in Medieval Literature. Studies Presented to Erik Kooper, Amsterdam and New York, Rodopi, 2007, pp99 - 109, [Karen Hodder and John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2007
  • A Pocketful of death: Horology and Literature in Renaissance England in, editor(s)Philip Coleman , On Literature and Science: Essays, Reflections, Provocations, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, pp43 - 61, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2007
  • John Scattergood, George Ashby's 'Prisoner's Reflections' and the Virtue of Patience, Nottingham Medieval Studies, 37, 1993, p102 - 109Journal Article, 1993
  • Contributions on 'The General Prologue', 'The Shipman's Tale' and 'The Manciple's Tale' in, editor(s)Larry D. Benson , The Riverside Chaucer, Boston, Mass. , Houghton Mifflin, 1987, pp815 - 815, [J.A. Burrow and John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 1987
  • The Unequal Scales of Love: Andreas Capellanus's 'De Amore' and some later Texts in, editor(s)Helen Cooney , Writings on Love in the English Middle Ages, New York, Palgrave, 2006, pp163 - 79, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2006
  • The Complete English Poems of John Skelton, John Scattergood, Revised Edition, (Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies), Liverpool:, Liverpool University Press, 2015, i-ix, 1 - 566Critical Edition (Book), 2015
  • 'Saint Erkenwald and its Literary Relations in, editor(s)Susan Powell , Saints and Cults in Medieval England: Proceedings of the 2015 Harlaxton Symposium, Donington (Lincx), England, Shaun Tyas, 2017, pp339 - 362, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2017
  • London, Briitish Library MS Harley 913 and Colonial Ireland in the Early Fourteenth Century in, editor(s)Karen Pratt, Bart Besamusca, Matthias Meyer, Ad Putter , The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript: Text Collections from a European Perspective, Gottingen, Germany, V & R unipress, 2017, pp307 - 325, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2017
  • John Scattergood, TCD MS 115: An Ovid for the Middle Ages, Hermathena, 194, 2013, p23 - 37Journal Article, 2013
  • Sebastian Sobecki and John Scattergood (eds), A Critical Companion to John Skelton, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, viii 1 - 233ppBook, 2018
  • John Skelton (?1460-1529) : A Life in Writing in, editor(s)Sebastian Sobecki and John Scattergood , A Critical Companion to john Skelton, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, pp5 - 25, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2018
  • Classical Literature in, A Critical Companion to john Skelton, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, pp52 - 70, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2018
  • Trinity College Dublin MS 73: A Lollard Bible in the Age of Print in, editor(s)Paul Arblaster, Ingrid Bertrand, Veronique Bragard and Dirk Delabastita , Sparks anSparkss and Lustrous Words: Essays in Honour of Guido Latre, Louvain, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2019, pp41 - 51, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2019
  • John Scattergood, Trinity College Dublin MS 347 and a Possible Source for Chaucer's Shipman's Tale, VII 11-19, The Chaucer Review, 55, (2), 2020, p237 - 244Journal Article, 2020
  • John Scattergood, 'On the Eve: Politics and the Copying of Trinity College Dublin MS 73', Journal of the Early Book Society, 23, 2021, p61 - 79Journal Article, 2021
  • John Scattergood with Niamh Pattwell and Emma Williams, Trinity College Library Dublin:: A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Middle English and Some Old English, First, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2021, i -- xxxvi - 1-- 366ppBook, 2021
  • John Scattergood, Trinity College Dublin MS 661 and the Attribution of 'On Time' to John Skelton, Notes and Queries, 68, (ii), 2021, p169 - 172Journal Article, 2021
  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Storytelling, Memory and 'Trouthe' in, editor(s)Roman Bleier, Brian Coleman and Clare Fletcher , Memory and Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New york, Wien, Peter Lang, 2022, pp3 - 28, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2022
  • Power Games in the English Poetry off Charles of Orleans in, editor(s)Richard Firth Green and R.F. Yeager , 'Of latine and of othire lare':Essays in Honour of David R. Carlson, Toronto, PIMS Pontifical Instute of Medieval Studies, 2022, pp192 - 209, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2022
  • John Scattergood, Time's Subjects: Horology and Literature in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance, First, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2022, 1 - 205ppBook, 2022
  • Corinna Salvadori Lonergan and John Scattergood (editors), Liber Amicorum: Medieval Studies, Translation, Creativity, First, Turin, Nueva Trauben, 2022, 1 - 391ppBook, 2022
  • The Shipman's Tale in, editor(s)Robert M. Correale and Mary Hamel. , Sources and analogues of the Canterbury Tales, Vol. II, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2005, pp565 - 581, [Scattergood, J.]Book Chapter, 2005
  • The Love-Lyric before Chaucer in, editor(s)Thomas G. Duncan , A Companion to the Middle English Lyric, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 2005, pp39 - 67, [Scattergood, J.]Book Chapter, 2005
  • Connac O Cuilleanain, Corinna Salvadori and John Scattergood, Italian Culture: Interactions, Transpositions, Translations, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 264ppBook, 2006
  • John Scattergood, Manuscnpts and Ghosts: Essays on the Transmission of Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Literature, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 320ppBook, 2006
  • Scattergood J., 'Humanism in Ireland in the Sixteenth Century: The Evidence of Trinity College Dublin MS 160, Italian Culture, 2006, p69 - 89Journal Article, 2006
  • Scattergood J., "'The Eyes of Memory": The Function of the Illustrations in Dublin, Trinity college Library MS 505', Readers and Writers of the Prose Brut, 2006, p203 - 226Journal Article, 2006
  • Scattergood J., Thomas Wyatt's Epistolary Satires and the Consolations of Intertextuality, Building the Past / Konstruktion del' eigenen Vergangheit, 2006, p67 - 83Journal Article, 2006
  • Scattergood J., London and Money: Chaucer's Complaint to his Purse, Chaucer and the City, 2006, p162 - 173Journal Article, 2006
  • Introduction to Mediaeval Latin lyrics in, editor(s)Helen Wassell , Mediaeval Latin lyrics, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2008, ppv - xxxviii, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2008
  • '"Portraying a life": Skelton's flytings and some related poems in, editor(s)David R. Carlton , John Skelton and early modern culture: papers honoring Robert S. Kinsman, Tempe, Arizona, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2008, pp189 - 214, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2008
  • Two medieval service books in, editor(s)Bernadette Cunningham, Siobhan Fitzpatrick and Petra Schnabel , Treasures of the Royal Irish Academy library, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2009, pp50 - 55, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2009
  • The Kemble lectures on Anglo-Saxon studies, 2005-2008, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, [eds.], 2009Editorial Board, 2009
  • John Mitchell Kemble (1807-1857) in, editor(s)Alice Jorgensen, Helen Conrad-O'Briain and John Scattergood , The Kemble lectures on Anglo-Saxon studies, 2005-2008, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2009, pp1-11 , [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2009
  • John Scattergood, Occasions for Writing: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Politics and Society, First , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2010, 1 - 272ppBook, 2010
  • John Scattergood, 'The Date of Sir John Clanvowe's The Two Ways and the "Reinvention of Lollardy"', Medium Aevum, 79, 2010, p116-120Journal Article, 2010
  • 'On the Road: Langland and Some Medieval Outlaw Stories' in, editor(s)John A. Burrow and Hoyt N Duggan , Medieval Alliterative Poetry: Essays in Honour of Thorlac Turville-Petre, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2010, pp195-211 , [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Erasing Oldcastle: Some Literary Reactions to the Lollard Rising of 1414' in, editor(s)Eilean Ni Chuilleanain and John Flood , Heresy and Orthodoxy in Early English Literature, 1350-1680, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2010, pp49-74 , [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2010
  • 'Alliterative Poetry: Religion and Morality' in, editor(s)Corinne Saunders , A Companion to Medieval Poetry, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp329-48 , [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2010
  • 'Alliterative Poetry and Politics' in, Corinne Saunders , A Companion to Medieval Poetry, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp349-66 , [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2010
  • John Scattergood, 'Reading between the Lines in Philip Larkin's Naturally the Foundation Will Bear your Expenses', Post: A Review of Poetry Studies, 2, 2010, p32-40Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • 'Let se who dare make up the reste': Fear and the Interpretation of Skelton's Speke Parott' in, editor(s)Helen Cooney and Mark S. Sweetnam , Enigma and Revelation in Renaissance English: Essays Presented to Eilean Ni Chuilleanain, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2012, pp16 - 34, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2012
  • 'Some Manuscript Versions of the Brut Chronicle in Trinity College Library' in, editor(s)W.E. Vaughan , The Old Library, Trinity College Dublin 1712-2012, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2013, pp40 - 54, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2013
  • 'The Movement: A personal View' in, editor(s)Gerald Dawe, Darryl Jones and Nora Pelizzari , Beautiful Strangers: Ireland and the world in the 1950s, Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, pp63 - 85, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Goodfellas, Sir John Clanvowe and Chaucer's Friar's Tale: 'occasions of sin' in, editor(s)Cliodhna Carney and Frances McCormack , Chaucer's Poetry: Words, Authority and Ethics, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2013, pp15 - 36, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Peter Idley and George Ashby in, editor(s)Julia Boffey and A.S.G. Edwards , A Companion to Fifteenth-Century English Poetry, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2013, pp113 - 125, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Copying and Complaint in Pre-Print Culture in, editor(s)Witold Konstanty Pietrzak et Magdalena Kozluk , Le Cabinet du Curieux: Culture, Savoirs, Religion de l'Antiquite a l'Ancien Regime, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, pp181 - 196, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Trinity College MS 516: A Clerical Historian's Miscellany in, editor(s)Carol M. Meale and Derek Pearsall , Makers and Users of Medieval Books: Essays in Honour of A.S.G. Edwards, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2014, pp121 - 131, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter, 2014
  • John Scattergood, John Skelton: The Career of an Early Tudor Poet, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2014, 1 - 432ppBook, 2014
  • Ezra Pound, Cantos I. 1-2 in, editor(s)Paul Corcoran , Line of Enquiry, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin Press, 2017, pp108 - 109, [John Scattergood]Book Chapter

Research Expertise

Medieval English Literature mainly from 1300 to 1550. Palaeography and codicology.

Languages and literature,


  • Member of the Royal Irish Academy