Dr. Alice Jorgensen

Dr. Alice Jorgensen

Assistant Prof in English Literature, English

3531896 2475

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Alice Jorgensen, Emotion, Morality and Agency in Waerferth's Version of Gregory's Dialogues, English Studies, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Poisoned arrows and flames of grace: Emotions inside and outside in Felix's Life of St Guthlac and the Old English prose Life of St Guthlac in, editor(s)Javier Díaz Vera, Edel Porter , PERIPHERAL AFFECTS: CULTURAL MODELS FOR EMOTIONS IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC VERNACULARS, 700-1400, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024, [Alice Jorgensen]Book Chapter, 2024
  • Alice Jorgensen, Emotional Practice in Old English Literature, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 2024, i - 276ppBook, 2024
  • Shame, Disgust, and Ælfric's Masculine Performance in, editor(s)Renée R. Trilling, Robin Norris and Rebecca Stephenson , Feminist Approaches to Early Medieval England, Amsterdam University Press, 2023, pp143 - 168, [Alice Jorgensen]Book Chapter, 2023
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of The Battle of Maldon: War and Peace in Tenth-Century England. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021., by Mark Atherton , Journal of British Studies, 61, (3), 2022, p728-729Review, 2022, DOI
  • Alice Jorgensen, Why Does Mary Weep? Emotion and Gender in Advent lines 164-213 (Advent Lyric VII), Neophilologus, 106, (1), 2022, p127 - 146Journal Article, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Alice Jorgensen, Thijs Porck, Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History, Review of Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History, by Thijs Porck , Speculum, 96, (2), 2021, p548-550Review, 2021
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of Andreas: An Edition., by Richard North and Michael D. J. Bintley (editors) , TOEBI Newsletter, 38, 2021, p36-40Review, 2021, URL
  • Alice Jorgensen, Shame and the Breast in Ælfric's Life of St Agatha and the Harley Psalter, JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 120, (3), 2021, p326 - 351Journal Article, 2021, URL
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of Emotion and Medieval Textual Media, by Mary Flannery (editor) , TMR: The Medieval Review, 20.06, 2020Review, 2020
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of How the Anglo-Saxons Read Their Poems, by Daniel Donoghue , Early Medieval Europe, 28, (3), 2020, p489-491Review, 2020
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of The Psalms in Medieval English Literature From the Conversion to the Renaissance, by Tamara Atkin and Francis Leneghan (editors) , JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 118, (2), 2019Review, 2019
  • Alice Jorgensen, 'Get Lost', The Dublin Review, Dublin, 2017, 59 - 66Fiction and creative prose, 2017
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of Demon Possession in Anglo-Saxon England, by Peter Dendle , JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 116, (2), 2017, p223-225Review, 2017
  • The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Sian Echard and Robert Rouse, The Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain, Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, [Alice Jorgensen]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2017, DOI
  • Alice Jorgensen, Voting with the Heart, Clio's Psyche, 23, (2), 2017, p158 - 162Journal Article, 2017
  • Mary Clayton, Alice Jorgensen and Juliet Mullins (editors), England, Ireland, and the Insular World: Textual and Material Connections in the Early Middle Ages, Tempe, AZ, ACMRS, 2017Book, 2017
  • Alice Jorgensen, 'Like a Brother', The Honest Ulsterman, Londonderry, Verbal Arts Centre, 2016, - unpaginated (3388 words)Fiction and creative prose, 2016, URL
  • Alice Jorgensen, Reading Emotion in "The Battle of Brunanburh", Neophilologus, 100, 2016, p663 - 676Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of The Anglo-Saxon Psalter, by M.J.Toswell , Speculum, 90, (4), 2015, p1175-1176Review, 2015
  • Introduction in, editor(s)Alice Jorgensen, Frances McCormack and Jonathan Wilcox , Anglo-Saxon Emotions: Reading the Heart in Old English Language, Literature and Culture, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015, pp1 - 17, [Alice Jorgensen]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Learning About Emotion from the Old English Prose Psalms of the Paris Psalter in, editor(s)Alice Jorgensen, Frances McCormack and Jonathan Wilcox , Anglo-Saxon Emotions: Reading the Heart in Old English Language, Literature and Culture, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015, pp127 - 141, [Alice Jorgensen]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Alice Jorgensen, Frances McCormack and Jonathan Wilcox (eds), Anglo-Saxon Emotions: Reading the Heart in Old English Language, Literature and Culture, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015Book, 2015
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of The Middle English 'Wise Book of Philosophy and Astronomy': A Parallel-Text Edition. Middle English Texts 47. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013., by Carrie Griffin , Óenach, 6, (1), 2014, p47-53Review, 2014
  • Alice Jorgensen, SCOTT T. SMITH. Land and Book: Literature and Land Tenure in Anglo-Saxon England., Review of Land and Book: Literature and Land Tenure in Anglo-Saxon England., by Scott T. Smith , Review of English Studies, 65, (269), 2014, p342-343Review, 2014, DOI
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of Stealing Obedience: Narratives of Agency and Identity in Later Anglo-Saxon England., by Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe , The Medieval Review, 2013Review, 2013
  • Alice Jorgensen, 'It shames me to say it': Ælfric and the concept and vocabulary of shame, Anglo-Saxon England, 41, 2013, p249 - 276Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of Translating Beowulf, by Hugh Magennis , Óenach: FRMSI Reviews, 4, (1), 2012, p1-9Review, 2012
  • Alice Jorgensen, Historicizing Emotion: The Shame-Rage Spiral in Ælfric's 'Life of St Agatha', English Studies, 93, (5), 2012, p529 - 538Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of The Irish Annals: Their Genesis, Evolution and History, by Daniel P. Mc Carthy , Óenach, 2, (1), 2010Review, 2010
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of Lettering the Self in Medieval and Early Modern France, by Katherine Kong , Oenach, 2, (2), 2010, p15-23Review, 2010
  • Alice Jorgensen, 'The Trumpet and the Wolf: Noises of Battle in Old English Poetry', Oral Tradition, 24, (2), 2010, p319 - 336Journal Article, 2010
  • 'Introduction: Reading the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle' in, editor(s)Alice Jorgensen , Reading the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: Literature, History, Language, Turnhout, Brepols, 2010, pp1 - 28, [Alice Jorgensen]Book Chapter, 2010
  • 'Rewriting the Aethelredian Chronicle: Narrative Style and Identity in Anglo-Saxon Chronicle MS F' in, editor(s)Alice Jorgensen , Reading the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: Language, Literature, History, Turnhout, Brepols, 2010, pp113 - 138, [Alice Jorgensen]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Alice Jorgensen (editor), Reading the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: Language, Literature, History, Turnhout, Brepols, 2010Book, 2010
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of The Medieval Warrior Aristocracy: Gifts, Violence, Performance and the Sacred, by Andrew Cowell , Oenach: Reviews, 1, (1), 2009Review, 2009
  • The Kemble lectures on Anglo-Saxon studies, 2005-2008, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, [eds.], 2009Editorial Board, 2009
  • Power, poetry, and violence: 'The battle of Maldon' in, editor(s)Bolton, Brenda and Meek, Christine , Aspects of power and authority in the middle ages, Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, pp235 - 249, [Jorgensen, Alice]Book Chapter, 2007
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of Corinne Saunders (ed.), Cultural Encounters in the Romance of Medieval England, Studies in Medieval Romance II; Robert Allen Rouse, The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England in Middle English Romance, Studies in Medieval Romance III, TOEBI Newsletter [Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland], 22, (Spring), 2006Review, 2006
  • Alice Jorgensen, Review of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Collaborative Edition. 7: MS E, by Susan Irvine , Early Medieval Europe, 13, (4), 2005Review, 2005
  • 'Byrstas' and 'bysmeras': The Wounds of Sin in the 'Sermo Lupi ad Anglos' in, editor(s)Matthew Townend , Wulfstan, Archbishop of York. The Proceedings of the Second Alcuin Conference, Turnhout, Brepols, 2004, pp397 - 411, [Alice Cowen]Book Chapter, 2004

Research Expertise

History, Heritage and Archaeology, Languages and literature,


  • International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England (formerly International Society of Anglo-Saxonists) present
  • Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland present
  • FMRSI (Forum for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Ireland) present