Professor Eve Patten
Professor, English
Director of the Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity Long Room Hub
Email epatten@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1299http://people.tcd.ie/epattenBiography
Eve Patten was born in Belfast and educated at Oxford University and Trinity College, Dublin. She came to Trinity in 1996, after spending three years as a British Council lecturer in Eastern Europe.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- 'Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene and 1940s Ireland' in, editor(s)Dorothea Depner and Guy Woodward , Irish Culture and Wartime Europe, 1938-1948, Dublin , Four Courts Press, 2015, pp99 - 112, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2015
- " 'Breaking Away': Beatrice Grimshaw and the Commercial Woman Writer" in, editor(s)Anna Plz and Whitney Standlee , Irish Women's Writing 1878-1922: Advancing the Cause of Liberty, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2016, pp82 - 99, [Eve Patten and Jane Mahony]Book Chapter, 2016
- Eve Patten, Review, Review of Irish Cultures of Travel: Writing on the Continent 1829-1914 , by Raphael Ingelbien , Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 2, (1), 2018, p305-307Review, 2018
- Eve Patten, Review, Review of The Best are Leaving: Emigration and Postwar Culture, by Clair Wills , Irish University Review, 47, (1), 2018, p569-590Review, 2018
- Mark Sweetnam, 'Biblical Literature', Oxford Bibliography of British and Irish Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, -Bibliography, filmography, etc., 2018
- 'From Enniskillen to Nairobi: The Coles in British East Africa' in, editor(s)Daniel Roberts and Jonathan Wright , Ireland's Imperial Connections, 1775--1947, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp37 - 56, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Eve Patten, Irish Literature in Transition 1940-80, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 1 - 391ppBook, 2020
- Eve Patten, 'Trinity Professors versus Men of Letters: Ferguson, Dowden and De Vere', Irish University Review, 52, (1), 2022, p133 - 148Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Eve Patten, Ireland, Revolution, and the English Modernist Imagination, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2022, 1 - 240ppBook, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- 'The Irish Novelist as Critic and Anthologist' in, editor(s)Liam Harte , The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Fiction, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp623 - 641, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2020
- Eve Patten, 'Romanian Literary History at a Crossroads', Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, 67, (3), 2022, p47 - 52Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Eve Patten, 'Transmission and Agreement: Reading and the Contemporary Irish Novel', Studia Philologia, 69, (3), 2024, p47 - 64Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- "Life purified and reprojected: autobiography and the modern Irish novel" in, editor(s)Liam Harte , Modern Irish Autobiography: Self, Nation and Society, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp51 - 70, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2007
- "Contemporary Irish Fiction" in, editor(s)John Wilson Foster , The Cambridge Companion to the Irish Novel, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp259 - 276, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2006
- Eve Patten, "Ireland? Whose Ireland? Interrogating Irish Studies", Issues in English , 5, (1), 2006, p17 - 27Journal Article, 2006
- Eve Patten, Review of Letters to W.B.Yeats and Ezra Pound from Iseult Gonne, by A.Norman Jeffares, Anna MacBride White and Christine Bridgewater , Notes and Queries, New Series 52, (1), 2005, p145-146Review, 2005
- Eve Patten, Review of The Cities of Belfast, by Nicholas Allen and Aaron Kelly , Irish Studies Review, 13, (3), 2005, p442-443Review, 2005
- Eve Patten, Review of Conquering England: Ireland in Victorian London, by Fintan Cullen and Roy Foster , Irish Studies Review, 14, (1), 2006, p132-134Review, 2006
- Eve Patten, Samuel Ferguson and the Culture of Nineteenth-Century Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts, 2004Book, 2004, TARA - Full Text
- Nicholas Allen and Eve Patten (editors), That Island Never Found: Essays and Poems for Terence Brown , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, 9 - 197ppBook, 2007
- "The Sign of the Cross: Travels in Toibin's Europe" in, editor(s)Paul Delaney , Reading Colm Toibin, Dublin, Liffey Press, 2008, pp83 - 96, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2008
- Eve Patten, Richard Pine (editors), Literatures of War, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, 1 - 466ppBook, 2008
- 'Olivia Manning', in Robert Clark, Emory Elliot and Janet Todd (eds), The Literary Encyclopaedia, 2009, [Eve Patten]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2009, URL
- Eve Patten, 'Irish Novels, Revivalist and Otherwise'; review of J.W.Foster, Irish Novels 1890--1940 (OUP, 2009), The James Joyce Literary Supplement, 24, (1), 2010, p18 - 19Review, 2010
- Eve Patten, Review of Revising Robert Burns and Ulster: Literature, Religion and Politics c. 1770--1920, by Frank Ferguson and Robert Holmes (eds) , Irish Historical Studies , vol 37, (no 146), 2010, p322-3Review, 2010
- Samuel Ferguson's Hibernian Nights' Entertainments in, editor(s)James H. Murphy , The Oxford History of the Irish Book vol iv: The Irish Book in English, Oxford , Oxford University Press, 2011, pp442-8 , [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2011
- Eve Patten, Imperial Refugee: Olivia Manning's Fictions of War, Cork, Cork University Press, 2012, 260ppBook, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- ' "Why not war writers?": Considering the cultural front' in, editor(s)Eve Patten and Richard Pine , Literatures of War, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, pp17 - 30, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2008
- Eve Patten, 'Ireland's "two cultures" debate: Victorian science and the Literary Revival' , Irish University Review, 33, (1), 2003, p1 - 13Journal Article, 2003
- Aidan O'Malley and Eve Patten, Ireland, West to East: Irish Cultural Connections with Central and Eastern Europe , Oxford, Peter Lang, 2013, 1 - 291ppBook, 2013
- 'Modernity and Nineteenth-Century Ireland: the making of a "national reader"' in, editor(s)Mihaela Irimia and Andreea Paris , Literature and the Long Modernity, Amsterdam, New York, Rodopi, 2014, pp309 - 323, [Eve Patten]Book Chapter, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Eve Patten and Jason McElligott, The Perils of Print Culture: Book, Print and Publishing History in Theory and Practice , Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 1 - 242ppBook, 2014
- Eve Patten, 'Olivia Manning: A Woman at War', Review of 'Olivia Manning: A Woman at War', by David, Deirdre , Modern Language Review, 110, (1), 2015, p250-1Review, 2015
- Jane Ohlmeyer, Giovanna M R Lima, Sarah Bowman, Eve Patten, Micheal O Siochru, (2020), '1641 Depositions: Sharing our history, building a legacy' [pdf]Impact Case Study, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Aoife King (ed), Rita Duffy, CaitrĂona Lally, Jacob J. Erickson, Donna Lyons et al., What the Pandemic Means: Perspectives from the Trinity Long Room Hub Covid-19 Blog Collection, 2021, - 1-56Miscellaneous, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Eve Patten, Caoimhe Whelan, Caitriona Curtis, Policy and the Arts & Humanities in Ireland: A Position Paper by the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute, 2021, - 1-11Miscellaneous, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Elspeth Payne, Caoimhe Whelan, Eve Patten, Improving Arts and Humanities Engagement in Ireland's Civic and Community Sphere. Experiences, challenges, and opportunities for researchers based in HEIs, 2022, - 29Miscellaneous, DOI , TARA - Full Text
Research Expertise
Main research interests: nineteenth and twentieth century British and Irish literature; nineteenth-century Irish cultural and civic history, and in particular the cultural history of Dublin; the writings of Samuel Ferguson, William Rowan Hamilton, Emily Lawless; the cultural history of Irish science in the nineteenth century; Yeats the the Literary Revival; modern Irish Studies and cultural theory; contemporary Irish fiction and the modern Irish autobiographical novel. Other research interests cover twentieth-century British cultural history and fiction. Specific interests in the war-related and travel writings of Rebecca West and Olivia Manning; current research in the area of British modernist writers and Ireland. Irish and British book and publishing history (C19th and 20th).
- Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2005
- Member of IASIL (International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature). Member of European Society for the Study of English