Dr. Clare Clarke

Dr. Clare Clarke

Associate Professor, English


Research and Teaching Interests I joined the School of English at Trinity as an Assistant Professor in 19th-Century Literature in 2014, having previously taught at Queen's University Belfast and having held an IRC Post-Doctoral research fellowship at Trinity in 2012-2013. Research I have two major research interests: late-nineteenth century popular fiction and crime and detective fiction from the Victorian period to the present day. I have published widely on Victorian crime fiction in journals such as Victorian Periodicals Review, Victorian Literature and Culture, and CLUES: A Journal of Detection. My first monograph Late-Victorian Crime Fiction in the Shadows of Sherlock (Palgrave Macmillan: 2014) was the winner of the HRF Keating Award for best non-fiction crime book of the year. My second monograph, British Detective Fiction 1891-1901: The Successors to Sherlock Holmes was published by Palgrave in July 2020. I am currently working on three projects: a new monograph project, which is a cultural history of private detection in Britain; a new edition of The Return of Sherlock Holmes for Edinburgh University Press; The Cambridge Companion to True Crime, co-edited with my colleague Prof Bernice M. Murphy. Teaching Much of my teaching involves nineteenth-century popular literature and/or crime fiction. My Sophister Option courses are 'Nineteenth-Century Detective Fiction: The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes', 'The Art of Murder', and `Reading Like a Victorian: The Woman in White in instalments. At Fresher level, I am convenor of 'British Romantic Literature' and teach on 'Pulp', 'Victorian Literature,' 'US American Identities', `Cultures of Retelling, and the Trinity Elective module 'Travel and Literature. At Postgraduate level, I am the Co-Director, with Professor Darryl Jones, of the MPhil in Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies. I convene the core module 'Perspectives in Modern and Contemporary Literature.' On the MPhil I also offer the option module 'Shedunnit: Women and Crime from the 19th to the 21st century.' PhD and Postdoctoral Supervision I welcome enquiries about doctoral and postdoctoral research on the following topics: crime fiction, true crime, Victorian periodical and newspaper culture, fin de siècle literature, popular genres, professional authorship. I would especially warmly welcome proposals for projects dealing with late Victorian popular fiction, particularly crime or detective fiction. For a full list of my publications please see: https://www.tcd.ie/research/profiles/?profile=clarkc11 Contact Dr Clare Clarke School of English Arts Building Room 4004 Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2, Ireland Email: clare.clarke@tcd.ie

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Clare Clarke, Late Victorian Crime Fiction in the Shadows of Sherlock, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 1 - 221ppBook, 2014
  • Clare Clarke, British Detective Fiction 1893-1900: The Successors to Sherlock Holmes., Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, xii - 166ppBook, 2020
  • Clare Clarke, "Something for the 'Silly Season': policing and the press in Israel Zangwill's The Big Bow Mystery.", Victorian Periodicals Review , 48, (1), 2015, p121 - 137Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • Clare Clarke, Imperial Rogues: reverse colonization fears in Pearson's Magazine 1897, Guy Boothby's A Prince of Swindlers, and late-Victorian detective fiction., Victorian Literature and Culture , 41, (3), 2013, p527 - 545Journal Article, 2013
  • Clare Clarke, Horace Dorrington, criminal detective: investigating the re-emergence of the rogue in Arthur Morrison's The Dorrington Deed-Box (1897)., CLUES: A Journal of Detection, 28, (2), 2010, p7 - 18Journal Article, 2010, TARA - Full Text
  • Professionalism and the Cultural Politics of Work in the Sherlock Holmes stories. in, editor(s)Kate MacDonald , The Masculine Middlebrow 1880-1940, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp73 - 90, [Clare Clarke]Book Chapter, 2011
  • "Holmes, Doyle, and Victorian Publishing." in, editor(s)Janice Allan and Christopher Pittard , The Cambridge Companion to Sherlock Holmes, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp2 - 21, [Clare Clarke]Book Chapter, 2019
  • Charlotte Riddell. in, editor(s)Bernice M Murphy and Elizabeth McCarthy, eds , Lost Souls, McFarland, 2016, [Clare Clarke]Book Chapter, 2016
  • "Jo Nesbo: Murder in the Folkhemmet. in, editor(s)Bernice M Murphy and Stephen Matterson , Twenty-First Century Popular Fiction. , Edinburgh, EUP, 2018, [clare clarke]Book Chapter, 2018
  • LT Meade, Sisters of Sherlock, and the Strand Magazine in, editor(s)Alexis Easley, Clare Gill, and Beth Rodgers, eds , The Edinburgh History of Victorian Women and Print Media, 1830-1900, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2019, pp1-20 , [Clare Clarke]Book Chapter, 2019
  • Fergus Hume in, editor(s)Kevin Morrison , Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, Jefferson, NC, McFarland, 2018, [Clare Clarke]Book Chapter, 2018
  • Detective Fiction, Lesa Scholl, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women Writers, Basingstoke and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, [Clare Clarke]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2019
  • CLUES: A Journal of Detection, 39, 1, (2021), 1 - 116p, Clare Clarke, Eva Burke, [Co-editor]Journal, 2021
  • Clare Clarke, Review of Samuel Saunders' The Nineteenth Century Periodical Press and the Development of Detective Fiction, Review of The Nineteenth Century Periodical Press and the Development of Detective Fiction, by Samuel Saunders , CLUES: A Journal of Detection, 40, (2), 2022, p131-132Review, 2022
  • Clare Clarke, Private Inquiries and Secret Watchings: A Cultural History of the Victorian Detective, 2027Book, 2027
  • The Return of Sherlock Holmes, Clare Clarke, Edinburgh University Press, (Edinburgh Edition of the Works of Arthur Conan Doyle), Edinburgh:, Edinburgh University Press, 1905, -Critical Edition (Book), 1905
  • Clare Clarke, "Forget Sherlock Holmes and try these other Victorian detectives." The Independent, 2022, -Miscellaneous
  • Clare Clarke, Beyond Sherlock Holmes: five Victorian detective stories you must read." The Conversation., 2021, -Miscellaneous
  • Clare Clarke, Matthew Sweet, Shrabani Basu, Invited panellists., The Real World of Arthur Conan Doyle: British Library Histfest, 2021Invited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, 'Invited Expert Guest on RTE Arena: Celebrating Patricia Highsmith at 100', 2021, -Broadcast
  • Clare Clarke, Move over Sherlock: The Radical Edge to Enola Holmes (Netflix)." Independent.ie , The Independent , 2021Review Article
  • Clare Clarke, "It's Alive: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein at 200" Irish Times , 2018, -Miscellaneous
  • Clare Clarke , "Our Culture is Obsessed with Beautiful Dead Girls." Irish Times 11 June 2018., 2018, -Miscellaneous
  • Clarke, Clare, and Brian Cliff. , "Crime Pays, from academia to bestseller lists." Irish Times 27 March 2017., 2017, -Miscellaneous
  • Clare Clarke , "Detective Fever: why we are addicted to Sherlock Holmes and Victorian Crime." Irish Times 6 January 2016., 2016, -Miscellaneous
  • Clare Clarke, "A shrine of pilgrimage": dark tourism in late-Victorian London, crime reporting, and The Big Bow Mystery., City, Space, and Spectacle in Nineteenth-Century Performance, University of Warwick (hosted in Venice, Italy), May 2018, 2018Oral Presentation
  • Clare Clarke, "Science at her finger ends": science, crime, and gender in L.T. Meade's The Brother hood of the Seven Kings (1899) and The Strand Magazine. , Messengers from the Stars - Episode IV, Science Fiction and Fantasy, University of Lisbon. , Nov 2016, 2016Oral Presentation
  • Clare Clarke, "Lady Detectives and lady authors: Bestselling women's crime stories of the fin de siècle." , "Queens of Crime." , Institute of English Studies, University of London., June 2014, 2014Oral Presentation
  • Clare Clarke, "The most popular book of modern times": Fergus Hume's The Mystery of a Hansom Cab (1886). , "Lesser Victorians." , Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. , Sept 2013, 2013Conference Paper
  • Clare Clarke, "A topsy-turvy world": the global and the local in the bestselling crime novel of the nineteenth century. , "The Global and the Local." BAVS/NAVSA/AVSA. , University of Ca Foscari, Venice., June 2013, 2013Oral Presentation
  • Clare Clarke, "The pleasures and pitfalls of work in the Sherlock Holmes stories and The Strand Magazine." , "Work and Leisure" RSVP 43rd Annual Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK. , July 2011, 2011Conference Paper
  • Clare Clarke, "Detecting the nation: anxieties of empire in late-Victorian detective fiction." , "States of Crime: The State in Crime Fiction." , June 2011, 2011, 2011Conference Paper
  • Clare Clarke, "The very last person you'd dream of suspecting": criminal detectives in 1890s magazine fiction. , "Capital Crimes." , Crime Research Network, Cardiff University., October 2009, 2009Conference Paper
  • Clare Clarke, "L'homme C'est Rien, L'oeuvre C'est Tout": the case of the unindustrious professional in Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories. , "The Masculine Middlebrow.", Inst. of English Studies, University of London., March 2009, 2009Conference Paper
  • Clare Clarke, "Fresher, crisper, more workmanlike": professional writing and criminal professionals in the Sherlock Holmes short stories. , "Century's End: Re-evaluating Literature, Art and Culture at the Fin de Siècle." , Queen's University Belfast, SEpt 2008, 2008Conference Paper
  • Clare Clarke, 'A Shrine of Pilgrimage: Dark Tourism in Late Victorian Newspapers' Ripper Reportage'., Edge Hill University EHU19's Seminar Series (2022), EDge Hill University (online), 9 May 2022, 2022, Edge Hill UniversityInvited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, Bah Humbug! The weird and wonderful world of Victorian Christmas cards, Bah Humbug! The weird and wonderful world of Victorian Christmas cards, Trinity Long Room Hub (online), Dec 2021, 2021, Trinity Long Room HubInvited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, Faculty in Focus with Dr Clare Clarke. Chair: Prof Eve Patten., aculty in Focus with Dr Clare Clarke. , Trinity Long Room Hub (online), Nov 2020, 2020, Trinity Long Room HubInvited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, 'Conan Doyle and Cities', 'Arthur Conan Doyle in Edinburgh', Edinburgh Napier University, 24-25 September, 2020, Edinburgh Conan Doyle NetworkInvited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, Conan Doyle and London, Conan Doyle and London, The Institute of English Studies at the School of Advanced Study University of London (online), 15 Nov , 2019, The Institute of English Studies at the School of Advanced Study University of LondonInvited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, Bah Humbug!: Christmas and Victorian print culture, A Festive Research Showcase, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, 4 Dec, 2019, Office of the Dean of Research, TCDInvited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, A Shrine of Pilgrimage: Dark Tourism in late-Victorian crime writing, newspapers, and Ripper reportage, North-West Long Nineteenth-Century Research Seminar, Manchester Metropolitan University (online), 15 July, 2020, School of English, Manchester Metropolitan UniversityInvited Talk
  • Clare Clarke, Dark Tourism in late-Victorian London, crime reporting, and Israel Zangwill's The Big Bow Mystery (1891). , Work/Leisure, Duty/Pleasure: Research Society for Victorian Periodicals Annual Conference, University of Brighton, UK, 25 July 2019, 2019Oral Presentation
  • Clare Clarke, 'Was Sherlock Irish? ', Newstalk , Newstalk, 2018, -Broadcast

Research Expertise

Languages and literature, History, Heritage and Archaeology,


  • IRC New Foundations Award 2019
  • Royal Irish Academy Charlemont Award 2014
  • British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies (BACLS) Event Endorsement grant 2019
  • 2017-2020 Principal Investigator for Eva Burke, IRC Doctoral Scholarship, PI for Doctoral Funding, 36 months (2017-2020) 2017
  • IRCHSS Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2012
  • Queen's University Belfast Special Research Scholarship, doctoral funding (fees and maintenance) 2008-2010
  • TCD Provost's Project Award 2020
  • TCD Arts and Social Sciences Benefaction Fund 2016
  • HRF Keating Award for Best Nonfiction Crime Book 2015
  • TCD Arts and Social Sciences Benefaction Fund 2015
  • Membership of the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals present
  • Executive Board member of RSVP (Research Society for Victorian Periodicals) 2022
  • Membership of the Irish Network for Nineteenth-Century Studies (Association Rep for Trinity College Dublin) present
  • Membership of the British Association for Victorian Studies present
  • Invited member of judging committee, Robert and Vineta Colby Book Prize, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals 2018
  • Journal reviewer: Journal of Victorian Culture; Victorian Literature and Culture; CLUES; Victorian Periodicals Review 2018-2022