Kemble Lectures
The Kemble Lectures are delivered annually by distinguished academics in the inter-disciplinary field of Anglo-Saxon studies. They commemorate the pioneering scholar John Mitchell Kemble, who died in 1857 in the Gresham Hotel on O'Connell Street, Dublin, and was buried in Mount Jerome Cemetery.

The postponed 2021 Kemble lecture takes place on 24th February at 5pm in the Long Room Hub. The lecturer is Prof. Chris Jones of the University of Andrews and his title is 'Each His Own Lord: Anglo-Saxons, neo-Old English, the New English Nationalism and Brexit'. Attendees are asked to register using Eventbrite:
John Scattergood, ‘Introduction: John Mitchell Kemble (1807-1857)’
Previous lectures
- 2005 Jane Roberts ‘On the Disappearance of Old English’
- 2006 Eric Stanley ‘Fear, mainly in Old English’
- 2007 Tom Shippey ‘Kemble, Beowulf, and the Schleswig-Holstein Question’
- 2008 Martin Carver ‘Reading Anglo-Saxon Graves’
- 2009 David Dumville on the Durham Liber Vitae
- 2010 Simon Keynes on Kemble
- 2011 S.A.J.Bradley, ‘John Kemble’s curious acquaintance: N. F. S. Grundtvig and his remarkable reception of Anglo-Saxondom’
- 2012 Janet Bately, ‘The Dating of Old English Prose: Some Problems and Pitfalls’
- 2013 Hans Sauer, ‘Kemble’s Beowulf and Heaney’s Beowulf’
- 2014 Dáibhi Ó Croínín, ‘Engaging Mr Kemble’
- 2015 Hugh Magennis, ‘Anglo-Saxon Studies and Religion, 1540-1850’
- 2016 Elizabeth O’Brien, ‘Anglo-Saxon Burials in an Insular Context’
- 2017 Daniel Anlezark, ‘Old English Poetry and the Problem of History’
- 2018 Andy Orchard, 'The Poetic Craft of Cynewulf’
- 2020 Clare Lees, 'Poetry and History in the 1850s: Ann Hawkshaw and John Mitchell Kemble'
- 2021 Chris Jones, 'Each His Own Lord: Anglo-Saxons, neo-Old English, the New English Nationalism and Brexit'