Outgoing non-EU Exchange Students

About the programmes

In addition to the Erasmus programme, the School of English participates in a wide range of international exchanges, which are organised through the International Admissions and Study Abroad team in Academic Registry. Please note that places are limited and highly competitive: the minimum academic requirement is an Upper Second (II.1), and the exchanges are open to College-wide competition. While you will not be expected to pay tuition fees at the host institution, you are advised to carefully consider the financial implications before applying for non-EU exchanges, as flights and accommodation can be expensive.

List of the international exchanges available to Trinity students

A complete list of the international exchanges available to Trinity students is available on the College's Study Abroad website: https://www.tcd.ie/study/study-abroad/outbound/options/

While most of these universities have excellent programmes for students of English, feel free to approach the Study Abroad Coordinator in the School if you have any queries.  It is important for students interested in the University of California (UC) to note that the University includes campuses at Berkeley, Los Angeles, Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and San Diego. Students apply in the first instance to the University, and, if successful, will then be invited to list their preferred campuses (but you are not guaranteed a spot at one of your preferred locations).


Applications for these non-EU exchanges must be made through the International Admissions and Study Abroad team. Following selection at Trinity, you should consult the departmental and institutional pages of your host university and also enquire whether you need to register on modules by a specific deadline. The onus is on you to liaise with the relevant administrative staff at the host institution and also with the International Admissions and Study Abroad staff here at Trinity College.


While the International Admissions and Study Abroad office is the best source of information about these exchanges, you are more than welcome to approach the Study Abroad Coordinator in the School of English if you have any queries:

Dr. Ema Vyroubalová
Room 5089
Arts Building
Email: vyroubae@tcd.ie