Postdoctoral Researchers at The School of Engineering Welcome!
Postdoctoral fellows and other early career researchers are a very important part of the School of Engineering, so you are all very welcome!
We recognise that as a postdoc you are in a unique position: no longer a student but also not yet a permanent member of the university, heading down a career path which may bring you in one of several directions. We hope that during your time with us you will develop your skills and experience to give you the best possible chance of a successful future.
This page gives information about resources provided by the School and also by the university as a whole.
University Resources
Our HR (Human Resources) department is responsible for postdocs along with other TCD staff members. New postdocs can attend Induction Days organised by HR. The induction programme includes a tour of Trinity College, and key speakers from across the University. This day provides a fast track for integration and knowledge on services and key personnel in the University.
Recently, Trinity has launched the postdoc academy, which provides up to date resources and training on career development and runs a mailing list that you can subscribe to.
From time to time Trinity run a number of excellent in-house programs for staff on a variety of topics such as ‘grant writing’ and ‘wellness and resilience’. You can sign up for these free of charge. There are additional courses on teaching that can be useful for postdocs seeking teaching experience.
Mentorship Scheme for Early Career Researchers
Navigating a career in academia is a complicated business. Early career researchers (postgraduate, postdoctoral and junior faculty) are faced with a bewildering array of grant funding mechanisms which can be difficult to parse and prioritise while also navigating a diversity of other challenges such as achieving a healthy work-life balance, developing teaching skills and engaging in community outreach. As a postdoc, your PI can help you but if you would like further advice we have a scheme in which you will be paired with a mentor – a senior academic working in your field with whom you can discuss your concerns and raise questions in a confidential manner. If you would like to do this please contact Prof David Taylor at
Researcher Day
Every year, the School organisers a one-day event aimed specifically at postdocs. This is a mini-conference where you can give an oral presentation or poster about your work, hear talks from invited speakers about careers, research skills etc, and meet the other postdocs from your school to exchange knowledge and experiences.
The Engineering School Postdoc Group
The Postdoc Group is a forum for all postdocs in Engineering to exchange information on all topics related to your work and life. It also acts as a contact point between postdocs and academics in the School. We have a TEAMS site which contains information and links, here: Postdocs MS Teams Group. You are invited to contribute any knowledge, information and questions through this site.
The people managing the group are:
Neelam Yadav: Neelam is the postdoc representative on the Engineering School Executive.
Prof. David Taylor: David is the academic contact for the postdoc group.
Unnikrishnan Brijitha Madhavan Unni manages the TEAMS site.
Evgeny Shatskiy: Evgeny is our representative at the Postdoc Academy
Sinead O’Rourke: Sinead is postdoc rep to the Athena Swan EDI committee
Grants and Funding
There are several funding mechanisms open to postdocs at Trinity. Here are a few of the most prominent ones, going from the smaller sums with less independence to the bigger grants that transition you to running your own lab: