Trinity College Dublin School of Engineering takes immense pride in announcing that Prof. Alan O’Connor, Head of the School of Engineering, and his esteemed colleagues have been recognised with the prestigious International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) Outstanding Paper Award for their exceptional scientific paper. The award-winning research, titled “Investigating the Effects of Climate Change on Structural Actions”, delves into the critical impact of climate change on infrastructure and lays the foundation for enhancing structural resilience in the face of extreme weather events. The paper is open access and available here.

The IABSE Outstanding Paper Award celebrates the authors of ground-breaking research published in the IABSE Journal Structural Engineering International (SEI), rewarding contributions of the highest quality in the field of structural engineering. The award, presented annually in the categories of Scientific Paper and Technical Report, serves to encourage innovation and foster knowledge exchange among researchers worldwide.

Led by Dr. André Orcesi of Cerema and including a diverse team of experts from prominent institutions across the globe, the award-winning paper addresses the pressing challenges posed by climate change to infrastructure assets and services. Climate change-induced extreme weather events have emerged as a significant threat to societies and built environments, necessitating proactive measures for increased resilience.

The research recognises that climate change impacts are path-dependent and location-specific, contingent upon climate variability, asset design life, function, and condition. Understanding the potential consequences of climate change is crucial to determine the vulnerability of structures and devise strategies to mitigate potential losses.

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Prof. Alan O’Connor, who heads the School of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, collaborated with his colleagues in investigating the effects of climate change on structural performance in three different continental regions: Europe, North America, and Asia. By analysing evolving loading scenarios and exposure to extreme events, the researchers aimed to unravel key relationships between hazard levels and structural vulnerability under various climate change scenarios.

Commenting on the award, Prof. O’Connor stated :

“We are deeply honoured and thrilled to receive the IABSE Outstanding Paper Award. This recognition highlights the significance of collaborative research in addressing the challenges of climate change on structural engineering. Together with our esteemed colleagues from around the world, we are committed to advancing knowledge and promoting resilient infrastructure for a sustainable future, in line with Trinity's E3 mission of developing the knowledge, technologies, and aptitudes to design and actively shape the planet’s natural resources through its unique integration of engineering, natural, and computer sciences.”

The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) was established in 1929 with a mission to advance the practice of structural engineering worldwide for the service of the profession and society. Operating on a global scale, the association organises conferences, publishes the esteemed journal Structural Engineering International (SEI), and presents annual awards to acknowledge exceptional achievements in the field.

Trinity College Dublin School of Engineering, as a leading institution in engineering education and research, is honoured to have Prof. Alan O'Connor and his colleagues as part of its esteemed faculty. Their dedication to advancing knowledge in structural engineering and addressing the challenges of climate change reflects the institution's commitment to making a positive impact on society.

In conclusion, Trinity College Dublin School of Engineering extends its heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Alan O’Connor and his co-authors on receiving the IABSE Outstanding Paper Award. Their research stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in creating a more resilient and sustainable future for our built environment.

For further information on Prof. Alan O’Connor's research and the School of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, please contact

About Trinity College Dublin School of Engineering:

Trinity College Dublin School of Engineering is renowned for its commitment to excellence in education, research, and innovation. As a leading engineering school in Ireland and internationally, it fosters a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment that addresses real-world challenges. The School is dedicated to producing graduates who are equipped with the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on society and contribute to shaping a sustainable future. For more information, visit

About the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE):

The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) is a prestigious international organisation committed to promoting excellence in the field of structural engineering and bridge construction. The association fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and research to advance the understanding and practice of structural engineering worldwide. The IABSE Outstanding Paper Award recognises exceptional contributions to the discipline and celebrates researchers who are at the forefront of innovative advancements. For more information, visit