Trinity College Dublin’s School of Engineering is buzzing with excitement as Formula Trinity unveiled their latest race car, codenamed “Bertie” on 13th July in front of the iconic Front Square. The team is preparing to embark on an exhilarating journey, as they gear up to showcase their skills and innovation at the renowned International Formula Student competition organised by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. With the competition celebrating its 25th anniversary this July, Formula Trinity aims to make a lasting impression both in Class 1 and the AI events, solidifying its position as a leading force in student motorsport.

Formula Trinity’s journey in developing Bertie, their cutting-edge race car is a testament to the team’s commitment to innovation and excellence. Comprising 80+ dedicated students from various engineering and technology disciplines, they have poured their passion and expertise into designing, manufacturing, and fine-tuning a high-performance vehicle. The team’s unwavering dedication and collaboration have resulted in a remarkable creation that pushes the boundaries of engineering and motorsport.

A point of pride for the Formula Trinity Team is their meticulous and efficient budget management and financing, when compared to other teams in their category. Formula Trinity have built “Bertie” for a fraction of the budget of a similar team. One of the positive consequences of this approach is that Formula Trinity have fabricated nearly every part of Bertie and assembled everything themselves, saving budget and enjoying unparalleled learning experiences along the way.

Gerry Byrne, Senior Experimental Officer in the Department of Mechanical, Manufacturing & Biomedical Engineering and Faculty Advisor to Formula Trinity commented:

“Formula Trinity is a wholly student led initiative which forms no part of the Engineering course curriculum. In other words these students undertook this project to design and build a racing car as an extra curriculur activity which is in itself a great achievement. From the Team of 80+ members who come from a diverse range of schools in College, 46 are travelling to Silverstone to compete in the International Formula Student Competition taking place from July 19th to the 23rd”

The unveiling of the Formula Trinity car in front of Trinity College Dublin’s iconic Front Square was a momentous occasion. The university community, motorsport enthusiasts, and engineering aficionados gathered to witness the culmination of months of hard work and determination. The car’s sleek design, aerodynamic contours, and meticulous attention to detail drew admiration from all those in attendance. The unveiling served as a testament to the team’s passion and showcased the transformative impact of hands-on engineering projects.

With the Formula Trinity car now revealed, the team is gearing up for the journey to Silverstone, the historical home of British motorsport. Silverstone will serve as the backdrop for the International Formula Student competition, a prestigious event that brings together teams from universities around the world to test their skills, knowledge, and engineering prowess. Formula Trinity is poised to compete in both Class 1 and the AI events, ready to leave their mark on the global stage of student motorsport.

In the Class 1 competition, Formula Trinity will face off against other student teams in a series of dynamic challenges, including acceleration, skid pad, autocross, and endurance. These events will test the car’s speed, agility, and endurance, highlighting the team’s engineering prowess and driving capabilities. Formula Trinity’s cutting-edge vehicle is equipped to excel in these challenges, with advanced technologies and innovative design solutions that optimise performance.

Formula Trinity’s participation in the AI events demonstrates the team’s forward-thinking approach and adaptability to emerging technologies. The AI events push the boundaries of autonomous driving, challenging teams to develop intelligent algorithms that can navigate a course with precision and efficiency. Formula Trinity’s integration of AI technologies into their race car showcases their commitment to exploring the intersection of engineering, artificial intelligence, and motorsport.

Colm O’Brien, this year's Team Captain for Formula Trinity stated:

“I'm incredibly proud of the team and what we have created this year. We battled against timelines, budgets and procurement difficulties all year to bring the best possible package over to Silverstone to compete against the best universities in the world.”

“Last year we won 3 awards, the Aston Martin Diversity and Inclusion Award, Allan Staniforth award for Best Newcomer, and best Real world AI. And for 2023, we've improved on every aspect of the team and car.”

“In the process we've accelerated our members' education in engineering and other practical aspects, by introducing members to concepts and skills much earlier, and in a very hands-on manner; learning key transversal skills such as communication, leadership and problem solving. This year we've seen 3 of our alumni go to engineering roles in top Formula 1 teams, the pinnacle of automotive engineering. We also have alumni doing PhD's in Oxbridge, and building startups.”

“I truly can't emphasise enough the educational benefit of Formula Trinity: this isn't just a vehicle for fun or a vehicle for racing, this is a vehicle for learning.”

Colm also would like to extend his and the Formula Trinity Team's gratitude to their sponsors and supporters, some of whom are listed below:

Formula Trinity’s unveiling of their exceptional race car at Trinity College Dublin marks a significant milestone in the team’s journey. Their dedication, teamwork, and pursuit of engineering excellence have culminated in a cutting-edge vehicle ready to compete on the global stage. As they head to Silverstone for the International Formula Student competition, Formula Trinity embodies the spirit of innovation, pushing boundaries, and representing Trinity College Dublin with pride. We eagerly anticipate their performance and wish them the best of luck as they demonstrate the immense talent of Ireland's future engineers.


To stay up to date with the Team’s progress, follow them on social: