ISCC (Irish Systems and Control Committee)
1. Information about the NMO and membership details
The following organizations/Universities are members of ISCC and the representatives from the respective organizations are listed below:
Chair: Prof Biswajit Basu (Trinity College Dublin)
Contact Email:
- Prof John Ringwood (Maynooth University)
- Prof Seán McLoone (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Prof Gordon Lightbody (University College Cork)
- Prof Vikram Pakrashi (University College Dublin)
- Profs Larry Stapleton and Mary Doyle-Kent (South Eastern Technological University, formerly WIT)
- Prof Harun Siljak (Trinity College Dublin)
- Profs Martin Hayes and Dan Toal (University of Limerick)
- Profs Aidan O’ Dwyer and Michael Conlon (TU for Dublin)
- Dr Ruth Kerrigan (Integrated Environmental Solutions)
2. Activities
The Irish NMO has been active in taking leadership role in the areas of digital, social and environmental sustainability.
Conference/workshops organized:
Center for Ocean Energy Research (COER) seminar series in 2022.
2022 MORE/COER Wave Energy Workshop, Turin 29th April 2022
Center for Ocean Energy Research (COER) seminar series in 2021.
Center for Ocean Energy Research (COER) seminar series in 2020.
Maynooth University Wave Energy Workshop 24 Jan, 2020
Workshop on Floating Offshore Energy Devices GREENER 2019 Trinity College Dublin, 24-25 Sep, 2019
5th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences 21-23 August 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland
29th Irish Signals and Systems Conference, 2018 in QUB
Workshop on Offshore Wind and Wave Energy, 16 October, 2017 hosted by Trinity College Dublin
International workshop on nonlinear hydrodynamics, stochastic dynamics and control of offshore structures, 4 Aug 2017 hosted by Trinity College Dublin
2016 UKACC 11th International Conference on Control (CONTROL 2016): Note: UKACC is the UK IFAC NMO
Activities for outreach/school students/public:
ISCC members from Maynooth University have been visiting schools to show senior students different elements of engineering. The showcased activities ranged from robotics and communications to biomed and some of the PhD students were sent to wax lyrical about the wonders of ocean energy engineering.
COER also organized demo of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converter (WEC) at Green Day.
Upcoming workshops/conferences:
A side event focussed on control has been organized by the NMO as a part of Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC) 2022.
A workshop on Offshore Hydrodynamics and Wind Farm Control has been planned for 12 September 2022 by the NMO to be hosted at Trinity College Dublin.
Activities outside IFAC which promote IFAC Values and Mission:
Representatives of the board of the Irish NMO co-founded the new IEEE International Working Group in “Universal Access to Technology (UAT)”
3. Code of Conduct
The Irish NMO’s code of conduct is aligned to the IFAC principle recognizing its role as a worldwide federation for promoting automatic control for the benefit of humankind. The ISCC is committed and obliged to the Mission and Vision of IFAC and to maintain ethical and professional standards in its academic and industrial activities. In summary, all activities within ISCC as well as volunteers/members acting on behalf of or for ISCC are to act in accordance with IFAC’s Code of Conduct, adhering to (1) Honesty and Integrity (2) Excellence and Relevance (3) Sustainability (4) Diversity and Inclusivity (5) Compliance to Laws.
4. Constitution and Terms of Reference
1. Ireland Systems and Control Committee (ISCC)
- To act as the Ireland National Member Organisation for the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) and to appoint representatives to IFAC Technical Committees.
- To coordinate and promote the practice and science of systems and control in Ireland.
- To attract into membership of ISCC representatives from those nationally recognised professional institutions and societies with a commitment to systems and control.
- To organise two lectures/webinars every year promoting interest in systems and control.
- To act as a focal point for informed views about systems and control.
3. Representatives from any organisation deemed by the Committee to have an interest in, or an association with, systems and control and related disciplines may become a member of the Committee.
4. Membership is through application to the Committee.
5. Members are required to uphold the aims and objectives of the Committee, as expressed above.
6. A Chair-Elect shall be appointed by the Committee to serve for a period of three years with the possibility of further re-appointments.
7. An Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer shall be appointed by the Committee.
8. The administration of finance is the responsibility of the Honorary Treasurer. Annual accounts are to be prepared for presentation by the Honorary Treasurer.
9. Membership fees are to be reviewed annually and set by the Committee.
Annual Meetings
10. In addition to the webinars/lectures, ISSC will organise an annual meeting of the Committee with all Ireland persons on IFAC and other technical committee.