Energy Use in Smart City Networks
Project Overview:
Energy use in smart city networks is optimised through technologies like IoT, 5G, and cloud computing. These enable real-time data collection for efficient resource management. Smart city infrastructure, such as smart utility meters and grids, air quality monitors, and waste management systems, leverage IoT devices for streamlined operations and enhanced sustainability. Smart city services focus on energy efficiency, safety, and public services, utilizing technologies like smart grids, intelligent transportation systems, and smart lighting to improve urban living.
Funding Agency:
Science Foundation of Ireland
Principal Investigator:
Dan Kilper
Research staff:
Dr. Rishu Raj
Ms. Urooj Tariq
Dunlop Oriel House 34 Westland Row Trinity College Dublin, CONNECT SFI Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin CONNECT | Ireland’s research centre for Future Networks and Communications (