Efficient Confluent Edge Networks (ECO-eNET)
Project Overview:
The ECO-eNET project will perform foundational research on emerging transmission technologies, to form a new confluent edge network that brings together optical and radio transport to scale to new levels of efficiency and capacity for 6G, by integrating confluent front-/mid-/back-haul (xhaul) with cell-free and distributed multiple-input multiple-output based access networks. The combination of photonic radio fixed wireless and free space optical transmission is used for fixed wireless connections, enabling the creation of an edge mesh network. New monitoring and slice-aware control protocols will unify the radio intelligent controllers with the transport software defined networking to efficiently deliver high-capacity flex grid wavelength multiplexed signals over standard single mode fibre and the fixed wireless links. Radio signals can be flexibly processed at different split phy points throughout the network or remain in analog radio over fibre format end-to-end.
The unique ECO-eNET combination of wired and wireless transport is further exploited for wireless control of the wired network segments, enhanced clock synchronization, and optical space and wavelength switching, groomed over FlexE ethernet. AI layer controls are added to orchestrate the federation of edge processing and splitting of AI models for optimum efficiency in executing user applications and smart network control functions. The ECO-eNET project brings together an interdisciplinary team of industry and academic partners to explore the full potential of these important emerging technologies to support the capacity, ultra-high energy efficiency, low latency, and robustness needed in 6G networks.
Funding Agency:
EU Horizon Horizon Europe the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation (europa.eu)
Principal Investigator:
Dan Kilper
Research staff:
Aleksandra Kaszubowska
- https://connectcentre.ie/people/aleksandra-kaszubowska/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandrakaszubowska/
Dr. Devika Dass
Dr. Rishu Raj
- Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology
- University of Bristol Homepage | University of Bristol
- Institute of Accelerating Systems and Application Institute of Accelerating Systems & Applications (iasa.gr)
- Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zurich ETH Zurich - Homepage | ETH Zurich
- Cosmote Kinites Tilepikoinonies Monoprosopi Innovation Radar > Innovator > COSMOTE KINITES TILEPIKOINONIES MONOPROSOPI AE (europa.eu)
- Accelleran Accelleran | Open Private 5G, Today
- Mbryonics Limited MBRYONICS | Building The Internet In Space – R&D Lab and Manufacturing for Photonics
- Polariton Technologies Home - Polariton
- Tallinn University of Technology TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology
- Adva Optical Networking ADVA
Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology