Dr. Harun Siljak
Kinsella Assistant Professor, Electronic & Elect. Engineering
Email HARUN.SILJAK@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3412www.harunsiljak.comPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Siljak, H. and Macaluso, I. and Marchetti, N., Distributing Complexity: A New Approach to Antenna Selection for Distributed Massive MIMO, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7, (6), 2018, p902 - 905Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- M. Barros, H. Siljak, A. Ekky, N. Marchetti, A Topology Inference Method of Cortical Neuron Networks based on Network Tomography and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, IEEE Networking Letters, 1, (4), 2019, p142 - 145Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Velagic, Jasmin and Osmic, Nedim and Hodzic, Faris and Siljak, Harun, Outdoor navigation of a mobile robot using GPS and GPRS communication system, Proceedings ELMAR-2011, 2011, pp173--177Conference Paper, 2011
- Siljak, Harun, How Many Non-combitorialists Does it Take to Solve a Tiling Problem?, Jurnalul Mathematic Aradean, (3), 2011, p21--27Journal Article, 2011
- Siljak, Harun, Afine transformacije ravnine, Math. e, 12, 2007, p0--0Journal Article, 2007
- Siljak, Harun, Inverzija, Math. e, 14, (1), 2009, p0--0Journal Article, 2009
- Glogic, Irfan and Siljak, Harun, Diferenciranje i integriranje pod znakom integrala, Math. e, 18, 2010, p0--0Journal Article, 2010
- Siljak, Harun and Velagic, Jasmin, A novel algorithm for following of moving target in outdoor mobile robot environment based on inverse matching, 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control \& Automation (MED), 2012, pp548--554Conference Paper, 2012
- Juric, Zeljko and Siljak, Harun, Weak limits and their calculation in analog signal theory, COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 32, (3), 2013, p1009--1029Journal Article, 2013
- Juric, Z and Siljak, H, One variant of self-tuning DC motor adaptive controller, 2013 36th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2013, pp936--941Conference Paper, 2013
- Siljak, Harun, Centroids and Tiling Problems, Mathematical Reflections, 4, (5), 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Juric, Zeljko and Siljak, Harun, Novel matrix-based improvement of nodal analysis for circuits with singularities, 2013 XXIV International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), 2013, pp1--8Conference Paper, 2013
- Juric, Zeljko and Siljak, Harun, A new formula for the number of combinations and permutations of multisets, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 5, (17-20), 2011, p875--881Journal Article, 2011
- Siljak, Harun, Teorija haosa u komunikacijama: metode odbrane i napada, VIII International Symposium on Telecommunications BIHTEL, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- Centroids and Tiling Problems in, Mathematical Reflections: the next two years, XYZ Publishing, 2012, pp491--496 , [Siljak, Harun]Book Chapter, 2012
- Siljak, Harun and Subasi, Abdulhamit, A novel approach to Hurst analysis of motor vibration data in aging processes., Journal of Vibroengineering, 16, (5), 2014Journal Article, 2014
- Siljak, Harun, Normed Trek, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 36, (3), 2014, p53--55Journal Article, 2014
- Siljak, Harun and Subasi, Abdulhamit, Fourier spectrum related properties of vibration signals in accelerated motor aging applicable for age determination, Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc -- Maintenance and Reliability, 16, (4), 2014, p616--621Journal Article, 2014
- Siljak, Harun, INVERSE MATCHING-BASED MOBILE ROBOT FOLLOWING ALGORITHM USING FUZZY LOGIC, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 29, (4), 2014, p369--377Journal Article, 2014
- Siljak, Harun, 'The Cantor Trilogy', 2015, - 299--310Fiction and creative prose, 2015
- Siljak, Harun, Murder on the Einstein Express and Other Stories, Springer, 2016Book, 2016
- Murder on the Einstein Express in, Murder on the Einstein Express and Other Stories, Springer, 2016, pp41--72 , [Siljak, Harun]Book Chapter, 2016
- In Search of Future Time in, Murder on the Einstein Express and Other Stories, Springer, 2016, pp27--37 , [Siljak, Harun]Book Chapter, 2016
- Normed Trek in, Murder on the Einstein Express and Other Stories, Springer, 2016, pp3--10 , [Siljak, Harun]Book Chapter, 2016
- Bilic, Damir and Hasicic, Mehrija and Siljak, Harun, Practical implementation of solar car optimized route estimation, 2016 XI International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL), Murder on the Einstein Express and Other Stories, 2016, pp1--5Conference Paper, 2016
- Hasicic, Mehrija and Bilic, Damir and Siljak, Harun, Sensor fusion for Solar Car Route Optimization, 2016 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2016, pp456--459Conference Paper, 2016
- Cunha, Manuel Alcino and Koutavas, Vasileios and Lanese, Ivan and Mezzina, Claudio Antares and Miszczak, Jaros{\l, COST Action IC1405 Reversible computation, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Hasicic, Mehrija and Bilic, Damir and Siljak, Harun, Criteria for Solar Car Optimized Route Estimation, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 51, 2017, p289--296Journal Article, 2017
- Siljak, Harun and Subasi, Abdulhamit, Berthil cepstrum: a novel vibration analysis method based on marginal Hilbert spectrum applied to artificial motor aging, Electrical Engineering, 100, (2), 2018, p1039--1046Journal Article, 2018
- Siljak, Harun and Seker, Serhat, Hurst analysis of induction motor vibrations from aging process., Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2, (1), 2014, p16--19Journal Article, 2014
- Siljak, H and Hivziefendic, J and Kevric, J, An extended model of a level and flow control system, 2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2017, pp603--607Conference Paper, 2017
- Ferreira, Carla and Kuhn, Stefan and Lanese, Ivan and Schordan, Markus and Schultz, Ulrik Pagh and Siljak, Harun and Ulidowski, Irek and Wille, Robert and Zulehner, Alwin and Mehic, Miralem, COST Action IC1405 Reversible Computation Extending Horizons of Computing Working Group 4â"Report on Case Studies Grant Period 2 report, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Siljak, Harun and Subasi, Abdulhamit and Upadhyaya, Belle R, Hardware implementation of auto-mutual information function for condition monitoring, Computers \& Electrical Engineering, 66, 2018, p30--39Journal Article, 2018
- Siljak, Harun, Soviet Street Mathematics: Landau's License Plate Game, Mathematical Intelligencer, 40, (2), 2018, p64--66Journal Article, 2018
- Siljak, Harun, Reversibility in space, time, and computation: the case of underwater acoustic communications, International Conference on Reversible Computation, 2018, pp346--352Conference Paper, 2018
- Zaimovic, Senad and Siljak, Harun and Jokic, Dejan, Artificial Colloquist: Treating Social Anxiety Disorder Using Altera FPGA, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51, (6), 2018, p336--341Journal Article, 2018
- Siljak, Harun and Psara, Kyriaki and Philippou, Anna, Distributed antenna selection for massive MIMO using reversing Petri nets, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 8, (5), 2019, p1427--1430Journal Article, 2019
- Philippou, Anna and Psara, Kyriaki and Siljak, Harun, Controlling Reversibility in Reversing Petri Nets with Application to Wireless Communications, International Conference on Reversible Computation, 2019, pp238--245Conference Paper, 2019
- Siljak, Harun and Macaluso, Irene and Marchetti, Nicola, Dynamical systems in wireless communications: The road less traveled by, arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.02661, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Schultz, Ulrik Pagh and Ferreira, Carla, COST Action IC1405 Reversible Computation Extending Horizons of Computing Working Group 4â"Report on Case Studies Grant Period 4 report, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Giannini, Paola and Neykova, Rumyana and Antares, Claudio and Mezzina, Ulrik Schultz and Vidal, German, COST Action IC1405 Reversible Computation Extending Horizons of Computing, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Siljak, Harun and de Rosny, Julien and Fink, Mathias, Reversible hardware for acoustic communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, 58, (1), 2020, p55--61Journal Article, 2020
- Putting the SC in SCORE: Solar Car Optimized Route Estimation and Smart Cities in, Modeling and Optimization in Green Logistics, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp75--86 , [Hasicic, Mehrija and Siljak, Harun]Book Chapter, 2020
- Barros, Michael Taynnan and Siljak, Harun and Mullen, Peter and Papadias, Constantinos and Hyttinen, Jari and Marchetti, Nicola, Objective Multi-variable Classification and Inference of Biological Neuronal Networks, arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12670, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- G. Adonias, H. Siljak, M. Barros, N. Marchetti, M. White, S. Balasubramaniam, Reconfigurable Filtering of Neuro-Spike Communications using Synthetically Engineered Logic Circuits, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 14, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Renan C Moioli, Pedro HJ Nardelli, Michael Taynnan Barros, Walid Saad, Amin Hekmatmanesh, Pedro E Gória Silva, Arthur S de Sena, Merim Dzaferagic, Harun Siljak, Werner Van Leekwijck, Dick Carrillo, Steven Latré, Neurosciences and Wireless Networks: The Potential of Brain-Type Communications and Their Applications, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 23, (3), 2021, p1599 - 1621Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Harun Siljak, Nouman Ashraf, Michael Taynnan Barros, Daniel Perez Martins, Bernard Butler, Arman Farhang, Nicola Marchetti, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Evolving Intelligent Reflector Surface Toward 6G for Public Health: Application in Airborne Virus Detection, IEEE Network, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Dick Carrillo, Lam Duc Nguyen, Pedro HJ Nardelli, Evangelos Pournaras, Plinio Morita, Demóstenes Z Rodríguez, Merim Dzaferagic, Harun Siljak, Alexander Jung, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Irene Macaluso, Mehar Ullah, Gustavo Fraidenraich, Petar Popovski, Containing future epidemics with trustworthy federated systems for ubiquitous warning and response, Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Amoldeep Singh, Kapal Dev, Harun Siljak, Hem Dutt Joshi, Maurizio Magarini, Quantum Internet-Applications, Functionalities, Enabling Technologies, Challenges, and Research Directions, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Harun Siljak, Irene Macaluso, Nicola Marchetti, Artificial Intelligence for Dynamical Systems in Wireless Communications: Modeling for the Future , IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, 7, (4), 2021, p13 - 23Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Dejan Joki", Slobodan Lubura, Vladimir Rajs, Milan Bodi", Harun Šiljak, Two Open Solutions for Industrial Robot Control: The Case of PUMA 560, Electronics, 9, (6), 2020, p972Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Mehic, M., Niemiec, M., Siljak, H., Voznak, M., Error reconciliation in quantum key distribution protocols, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12070 LNCS, 2020, p222-236Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Siljak, H., Reversible computation in wireless communications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12070 LNCS, 2020, p208-221Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Mezzina, C.A., Schlatte, R., Glück, R., Haulund, T., Hoey, J., Holm Cservenka, M., Lanese, I., Mogensen, T.Æ., Siljak, H., Schultz, U.P., Ulidowski, I., Software and reversible systems: A survey of recent activities, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12070 LNCS, 2020, p41-59Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Philippou, A., Psara, K., Siljak, H., Controlling reversibility in reversing petri nets with application to wireless communications: Work-in-progress paper, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11497 LNCS, 2019, p238-245Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Šiljak, H., Subasi, A., 1325. A novel approach to Hurst analysis of motor vibration data in aging processes, Journal of Vibroengineering, 16, (5), 2014, p2250-2255Journal Article, 2014
- Siljak, H., Subasi, A., Fourier spectrum related properties of vibration signals in accelerated motor aging applicable for age determination,W"a"ciwo"ci sygna"ów wibracyjnych zwi"zane z widmem Fouriera w przyspieszonych badaniach starzenia si" silnika maj"cych na celu okre"lenie jego wieku, Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc, 16, (4), 2014, p616-621Journal Article, 2014
- Šiljak, H., Inverse matching-based mobile robot following algorithm using fuzzy logic, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 29, (4), 2014, p369-377Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Juri", Ž., Šiljak, H., A New formula for the number of combinations and permutations of multisets, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 5, (17-20), 2011, p875-881Journal Article, 2011
- Harun, S., Einicke, K., Kennedy, J., Byrne, S., Noise mitigation of UAV operations through a Complex Networks approach, 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control, Glasgow, 21 - 24 Aug, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Barros, M.T. and Siljak, H. and Mullen, P. and Papadias, C. and Hyttinen, J. and Marchetti, N., Objective Supervised Machine Learning-Based Classification and Inference of Biological Neuronal Networks, Molecules, 27, (19), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Siljak, H. and Barros, M.T. and D'Arcy, N. and Martins, D.P. and Marchetti, N. and Balasubramaniam, S., Applying Intelligent Reflector Surfaces for Detecting Violent Expiratory Aerosol Cloud using Terahertz Signals, IEEE Network, 2022, p1-8Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- H. Siljak, M. Barros, L. Cooke, N. Marchetti, Intelligent Dynamic Indoor Aerosol Sensing using Terahertz Band Wireless Communication Systems, IEEE Networking Letters, 4, (4), 2022, p184 - 188Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Siljak Harun, Networks of Twin Peaks: the Dale Cooper Effect , The Mathematical Intelligencer , 2022, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2022
- Juric Zeljko, Siljak Harun, Rigorous Interpretation of Engineering Formulae for the Convolution and the Fourier Transform Based on the Generalized Integral , IEEE Access , 10 , 2022, p29451 - 29460Journal Article, 2022
- Siljak Harun, The Codex of Bosnian SF , Arab and Muslim Science Fiction: Critical Essays , 74 , 2022, p194 -Journal Article, 2022
- Siljak Harun, Nardelli Pedro HJ, Moioli Renan Cipriano, Cyborg Insects: Bug or a Feature? , IEEE Access , 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Goswami Debjani, Dzaferagic Merim, Siljak Harun, Das Suvra Sekhar, Marchetti Nicola, Analysis of Temporal Robustness in Massive Machine Type Communications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10, (8), 2023, p6915 - 6927Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Silva, P.E.G. and Nardelli, P.H.J. and De Sena, A.S. and Siljak, H. and Nevaranta, N. and Marchetti, N. and De Souza, R.A.A., Semantic-Functional Communications in Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Network, 38, (4), 2024, p241-249Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Goria Silva, P.E. and Dester, P.S. and Siljak, H. and Marchetti, N. and Nardelli, P.H.J. and de Souza, R.A.A., Improving Event Transmissions via Novel Multiuser Communication Scheme, 2023, pp1659-1663Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
- Dey, I. and Siljak, H. and Marchetti, N., Classical Capacity of Arbitrarily Distributed Noisy Quantum Channels, 2023Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
- Siljak Harun, Reversibility in Space, Time, and Computation: The Case of Underwater Acoustic Communications: Work in Progress Report , 2018, Springer International Publishing Cham , 2018, pp346 - 352Conference Paper, 2018
- Murray Hazel, Horgan Jerry, Santos Joao F, Malone David, Siljak Harun, Implementing a Quantum Coin Scheme , 2020, IEEE , 2020, pp1 - 7Conference Paper, 2020
- Siljak Harun, Chinaâ s quantum satellite enables first totally secure long-range messages , 2020, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Silva Pedro E Gória, Dester PlÃnio S, Siljak Harun, Marchetti Nicola, Nardelli Pedro HJ, de Souza Rausley AA, Semantic-functional Communications for Multiuser Event Transmissions via Random Maps , arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.03223 , 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Chakraborty Mouli, Siljak Harun, Dey Indrakshi, Marchetti Nicola, Joint Modelling of Quantum and Classical Noise over Unity Quantum Channel , arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.03894 , 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Å ILJAK HARUN, BASU BISWAJIT, Natural Synchronization of Wireless Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring , STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING 2021 , 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Mehic Miralem, Siljak Harun, SarDub19: An Error Estimation and Reconciliation Protocol , arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12816 , 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Si Minghao, Wang Yunjia, Siljak Harun, Seow CheeKiat, Yang Hongchao, A lightweight CIR-based CNN with MLP for NLOS/LOS identification in a UWB positioning system , IEEE Communications Letters , 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Si Minghao, Wang Yunjia, Zhou Ning, Seow Cheekiat, Siljak Harun, A Hybrid Indoor Altimetry Based on Barometer and UWB , Sensors , 23 , (9 ), 2023, p4180 -Journal Article, 2023
- Å iljak Harun, McDermott Fiona, Quantum observer: the representation of quantum science and technology in visual media and arts , Morals & Machines , 2 , (2 ), 2023, p54 - 63Journal Article, 2023
- Å iljak Harun, Guest Editorial Special Feature on Quantum Biology , IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications , 9 , (2 ), 2023, p233 - 234Journal Article, 2023
- McDermott Fiona, Å iljak Harun, Artistic Interventions in the ICT Industries: Legitimate Critical Practice or Empty Gestures in the Contemporary Digital Age? , 2023, DEU , 2023, pp194 - 198Conference Paper, 2023
- Silva Pedro E Goria, Dester Plinio S, Siljak Harun, Marchetti Nicola, Nardelli Pedro HJ, de Souza Rausley AA, A novel semantic-functional approach for multiuser event-trigger communication, Ad Hoc Networks, 159, 2024, p103496-Journal Article, 2024
- Raja G., Manoharan A., Siljak H., UGEN: UAV and GAN-aided Ensemble Network for Post-Disaster Survivor Detection through ORAN, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- PEN Team, Problems in Elementary Number Theory, 2009Journal Article
- Gillreath-Brown, Andrew and Lim, Jeongki and Siljak, Harun, 'Simulating Dystopian Worlds: A Sci-Fi Agent-based Modeling Anthology', 2019, -Visual art production
- Harun Siljak and Miralem Mehic, 'Error key estimation and reconciliation in a telecommunication system', UKIPO, 2022, 30 January 2023Patent
Research Expertise
My research interests lie in the study of complexity and communication in technical, natural, and social systems. - Complex systems science, cyber-physical systems, control and analysis of large, complex networks in different domains of engineering, biology, and linguistics. - Control and optimisation of complex systems using local, incomplete information, distributed structures and energy-efficient techniques. Study of cyber-physical systems in a complex setting, swarms of autonomous devices. - Unconventional computing and communications as well as future computing and communication paradigms, including but not limited to reversible computation and reversibility as an engineering principle, quantum computation and communications, molecular communications. - Policy, language, and economy of socio-technical interactions. These are intimately tied with the E3 challenges at Trinity: Communities are complex networks, in complex economical, communication, and policy relationships with technology. Production is about control. Resources in circular economy are subject to reversibility and so are the complex networks in our environment. Wellbeing is increasingly dependent on unconventional (e.g. molecular) communications. Data is inherently complex, and carries biases and effects of policy, language, economy.
TitleComplexity and Control of Distributed Massive MIMO (COCODIMM)SummaryMassive MIMO in both, its co-located and distributed variant, has become an important part of future 5G plans so it needs to be understood well to be fully utilised. The nature and the scale of massive MIMO systems both imply existence of complexity observed in complex systems science manner, especially in the distributed massive MIMO case. Complexity in massive MIMO has not been investigated so far, therefore this research aims to fill this gap and grasp its complexity features by providing quantification, qualification and useful models of massive MIMO as a complex system. As a natural extension, this research also deals with devising control algorithms based on Massive MIMO models developed from complexity standpoint, verification of these algorithms and their implementation on real Massive MIMO systems, together with a thorough mathematical analysis using tools from control theory. Finally, this research will introduce reversible computing in Massive MIMO, investigating its effects on control and performance. Results of the research are diverse, ranging from publications explaining complexity in Massive MIMO setting, over novel tools and metrics developed for the specific application of complex systems science to Massive MIMO, to functional controller prototypes based on algorithms developed. This in turn represents the multidisciplinarity of the proposal as well, combining telecommunication systems with complex systems science, control theory, but also embedded system design and computer science. This proposal also includes some promising preliminary results of cellular automaton modelling and antenna selection control of Massive MIMO system.Funding AgencyECDate From2017Date To2020
TitleARTSFORMATIONSummaryDigitalisation has spread to every aspect of life. Recently, this transformation has been associated with serious security risks and impacted the privacy of citizens and the data of millions of users. The EU-funded ARTSFORMATION project explores how the arts can contribute towards a more sustainable and inclusive digital future in Europe. More specifically, the project aspires to boost Europe's ability to use the arts in tackling complex technological transformations, such as data ethics and quality, artificial intelligence, unequal participation opportunities in the digital economy, and more. Through research on the transformational capabilities of the arts, and by involving actors from many different sectors of society, the project intends to mobilise the arts towards a better and more participatory digital world.Funding AgencyECDate From2020Date To2023
Communications engineering, Bioinformatics and computational biology, Electrical engineering, Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics, Theory of computation,
- Alumni Research Award, International Burch University Sarajevo 2023
- International Mathematical Olympiad Honourable Mention 2007
- International Mathematical Olympiad Honourable Mention 2006
- Irish Systems and Control Committee (Irish NMO of IFAC) honorary secretary
- Founding member of the Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANNT BiH), former President of the Membership Committee
- Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) member, founding member of Western Balkans Chapter, former Board Member
- Member of the Irish Mathematical Trust
- IEEE Senior Member (2020), founder and counselor of the IEEE SB at International Burch University Sarajevo 2015-2017, member of IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
- Associate Editor of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2020
- Review Editor of Non-Conventional Communications and Networks (specialty section of Frontiers in Communications and Networks) 2020
- Member of Technical Program Committee for multiple workshops: ICNC'19WAHS and ICNC'20WAHS (International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications: Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks), CCNC'21TCB6GN (IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, 1st International Workshop on Traffic Congestion in Beyond 5G/6G Networks), MolCom 2019 (4th Workshop on Molecular Communications, Linz, Austria) 2019
- Reviewer for IEEE IoT Journal, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE Letters of the Computer Society, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Systems Journal, and others. 2017
- External reviewer for PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Catalonia. 2023
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications 2023
- External examiner for PhD, Amrita University, India 2024
- Advisory board member for Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments (TISE) Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters 2022
- Member of Technical Program Committee for the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NanoCom), IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (Balkancom), and several others. 2019