Tom Norton

“MMT played a hugely significant and positive part in my development and career path to becoming a broadcast sound engineer at RTÉ. Having a detailed insight into acoustics, advanced recording techniques, music theory and composition has been of enormous value.
Also, being surrounded by an eclectic mix of equally motivated and (much more) talented individuals from such a wide variety of backgrounds was hugely beneficial in three ways; 1) being inspired by the work of your fellow classmates which leads to further curiosity, inspiration and creativity 2) working within an environment where people of varied backgrounds come together is a perfect preparation for the real world working environment 3) maintaining contact with many classmates who have gone on to work in various industries relating to sound/vision production and academia has allowed me to continue to call on their expertise and help some 15 years after graduating from MMT!
I will forever be grateful for the supportive, creative environment that Dermot and his colleagues have created and for having spent the time I did at MMT.”