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Dr. Enda Bates
Deputy Course Director & Assistant Prof, Electronic & Elect. Engineering


Enda Bates is a composer, musician, producer and academic based in Dublin, Ireland, and an Assistant Professor and director of the Music and Media Technologies programme in Trinity College Dublin.

In 2010 he completed a PhD entitled The Composition & Performance of Spatial Music, while current research interests include spatial music, spatial audio for VR, the aesthetics of electroacoustic music, and the Augmented Electric Guitar. He is an active composer of acoustic and electroacoustic contemporary music and scores and other material are available from his page at the Irish Contemporary Music Centre. His music has been performed by, among others, the Crash Ensemble, the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Choir Ireland, Anne La Berge, Concorde, Trio Scordatura, Darragh Morgan, the Doelen Quartet, and New Dublin Voices. He has received various commissions and awards including the 37th Florilege Vocal de Tours, the 2008 Irish National Choir of the Year competition, the 2009 Gaudeamus Music Prize shortlist and the 2010 Música Viva Competition.

He is a founder member of the Spatial Music Collective and is an active performer, both of his own work and with The Spook of the Thirteenth Lock, Miriam Ingram, Nina Hynes/Dancing Suns, amongst others. He has also worked as a producer/engineer for a variety of artists and groups such as the Crash Ensemble, Mumbling Deaf Ro, Somadrone, and Conor Walsh.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

"What does THIS Mean?": A Collaborative Expert Evaluation of Health Data Representations for Older Adults in, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp365-372 , [Jean, Peterson, Murphy, Emma, Bates, Enda] Book Chapter, 2024 DOI

Accessibility of Health Data Representations for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Design in, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, pp486-493 , [Jean, Peterson, Murphy, Emma, Bates, Enda] Book Chapter, 2023 DOI

Vargas, M.F. and Fribourg, R. and Bates, E. and McDonnell, R., Now I Wanna Be a Dog: Exploring the Impact of Audio and Tactile Feedback on Animal Embodiment, 2023, pp912-921 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

Enda Bates, William David, Daniel Dempsey, Ambisonic Decoder Test Methodologies based on Loudspeaker Reproduction, Audio Engineering Society, 152nd European Convention, Online, May 7-8th, 2022, Audio Engineering Society, 2022 Conference Paper, 2022 URL TARA - Full Text

Enda Bates, Ambisonic Decoder Test Methodologies based on Binaural Reproduction, 150th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society , Online, May, 2021, 2021 Conference Paper, 2021 TARA - Full Text

Samuel Beckett's Play in Digital Culture: Technologies of Influence in, editor(s)Anita Rákóczy, Mariko Hori Tanaka, and Nicholas E. Johnson, , Influencing Beckett / Beckett Influencing, Budapest and Paris, L'Harmattan / Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, 2020, pp145 - 157, [Nicholas Johnson, Néill O'Dwyer, Enda Bates] Book Chapter, 2020 URL

Bates, Enda; Csadi, Sebastian; O'Dwyer, Hugh; Ferguson, Luke; Boland, Francis M., Recording & Composing Site-Specific Spatial Music for 360 Video, AES 146th Convention, Dublin, Ireland, March 2019, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019 URL

Csadi, Sebastian; Boland, Francis M.; Ferguson, Luke; O'Dwyer, Hugh; & Bates, Enda, Direct to Reverberant Ratio Measurements in Small and Mid-sized Rooms, AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio,, York, UK, March 2019, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019 URL

Néill O'Dwyer, Nicholas Johnson, Enda Bates, Rafael Pagés, Jan Ondøej, Konstantinos Amplianitis, David Monaghan and Aljo a Smolic, Samuel Beckett in Virtual Reality: exploring narrative using free viewpoint video, Leonardo, Just Accepted, (10.1162/leon_a_01721), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI URL

Sound Spatialization in, editor(s)Michael Filimowicz , Foundations in Sound Design for Interactive Media, New York, Routledge NY & London , 2019, pp141 - 160, [Enda Bates, Brian Bridges, Adam Melvin] Book Chapter, 2019 URL

Enda Bates, Hugh O'Dwyer, ; Karl-Philipp Flachsbarth, Francis M. Boland, A Recording Technique for 6 Degrees of Freedom VR, AES 144th Convention, Milan, Italy, May 2018, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018 URL

Nicholas Johnson (dir.), Néill O'Dwyer, Enda Bates, V-SENSE, 'Virtual Play, after Samuel Beckett', Various venues, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, - Theatre Production, 2017 URL

Enda Bates, Sean Dooney, Marcin Gorzel, Hugh O'Dwyer, Luke Ferguson and Francis M. Boland , Comparing Ambisonic Microphones - Part 2, AES 142nd Convention of the AES, Berlin, Germany., 20-23 May, 2017, AES, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Nicholas Johnson (dir.), Néill O'Dwyer, Enda Bates, Sugarglass, 'Intermedial Play, after Samuel Beckett', ATRL, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, - Theatre Production, 2017 URL

Enda Bates, Frank Boland, Marcin Gorzel, Hugh O'Dwyer, Luke Ferguson, Comparing Ambisonic Microphones - Part 1, AES International Conference on Soundfield Control, Guildford, UK, July 2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Enda Bates, Frank Boland, Spatial Music, Virtual Reality, & 360 Media, AES Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality, Los Angeles, USA, 30/09/2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016 URL

Enda Bates, SpaceMaps, Manifolds and a New Interface Paradigm for Spatial Music Performance, BEAST feast 2015, University of Birmingham, UK., 30-04-2015, 2015 Conference Paper, 2015 TARA - Full Text URL

Enda Bates, 'Ricochet', Pure Ambisonics Concert, ICSA 2015, 2015, - Music Production, 2015

Enda Bates, Before and after Kontakte: Developments and Changes in Stockhausen's Approach to Spatial Music in the 1960s and 70s, Compositions for Space: Electro-acoustic Music and its Contexts, TU Berlin, July 2014, edited by Dr. Martha Brech, Dr. Ralph Paland , 2014 Conference Paper, 2014 URL

Dr. Enda Bates, The Perception of Spatial Music in a Performance Context, Annual Conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, University of Ulster, Derry, May 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Spoken Mathematics using Prosody, Earcons and Spearcon, Enda Bates and Donal Fitzpatrick, 12th ICCHP Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Murphy E., Bates, E., Fitzpatrick, D., Designing Auditory Cues to Enhance Spoken Mathematics for Visually Impaired Users, 12th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Orlando, Florida, USA, October, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010 DOI

Enda Bates, The Composition and Performance of Spatial Music, Trinity College Dublin, 2010 Thesis, 2010

Dr. Enda Bates, Dr. Dermot Furlong, Score File Generators for Boids Based Granular Synthesis in Csound, 126th AES Convention,, Munich, May 2009, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Enda Bates, Dermot Furlong, Donnacha Dennehy, Adapting Polyphonic Pickup Technology for Spatial Music Performance, International Computer Music Conferenc, S.A.R.C. Belfast, August 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Gavin Kearney, Enda Bates, Dermot Furlong and Frank Boland, A Comparative Study of the Performance of Spatialisation Techniques for a Distributed Audience in a Concert Hall Environment , Proceedings of 31st International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, 31st International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, June 2007, AES, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007 URL

E. Bates, G. Kearney, D. Furlong and F. Boland., Localisation Accuracy of Advanced Spatialisation Techniques in Medium-Sized Concert Halls, Proc of 153rd meeting of the Acoustical Society Of America, 153rd meeting of the Acoustical Society Of America, June 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007 URL

Enda Bates, Gavin Kearney, Frank Boland and Dermot Furlong, Monophonic Source Localization for a Distributed Audience in a Small Concert Hall, 10th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-07), September, 2007, pp1 - 8 Conference Paper, 2007 URL

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Enda Bates, Zeynep Bulut, Mattia Cobianchi, Neasa Ní Chiarain, Sound & Technology, Sonic Spaces |, The Long Room Hub, 02 December, 2020, The Long Room Hub Invited Talk, 2020

Enda Bates, 'Broken, Unbroken', Trinity360, Soundfield Website, Soundfield Microphones, 2019, - Film production, 2019 URL

Enda Bates, 'Spem in Alium', (Trinity 360), Soundfield Website, Soundfield Microphones, 2019, - Film production, 2019

Bates, Enda; Eadie, Jimmy; Kang, Ji Youn; Mulvey, Gráinne; Dowling, Fergal; Nealon, Alexis, Workshop on Spatial Audio for Contemporary Music and Theatre, AES 146th Convention, Dublin, Ireland, March 2019, 2019 Invited Talk, 2019 URL

Enda Bates, String Pull, 2019, - Miscellaneous, 2019

Enda Bates, Spatial Music Composition Lecture, ZêzereArts Festival, Tomar, Portugal, 19/07/2019, 2019, ZêzereArts Festival Invited Talk, 2019

Enda Bates, What's That Sound, 2018, - Miscellaneous, 2018

Enda Bates, Practical Ambisonics, 2018, - Miscellaneous, 2018

Enda Bates, An Introduction to Ambisonics / Comparing Ambisonic Microphones, 2018, - Miscellaneous, 2018

O'Dwyer, Hugh, Bates, Enda and Boland, Francis M, A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Sound-Source Elevation in Adverse Environments, Audio Engineering Society Convention 144, Milan, Italy, May 2018, (9968), 2018 Conference Paper, 2018 URL

Enda Bates, Spatial Audio and VR, Immersive Stories Conference, Dublin International Film Festival, Dublin, Ireland, Feb 2018, 2018, Dublin International Film Festival Invited Talk, 2018

Hyunkook Lee, Enda Bates, Gavin Kearney, Henrik Oppermann, Tom Parnell, Ulli Scuda, Capturing Sound for 360VR, AES 142nd Convention of the AES, Berlin, Germany., May, 2017, AES Invited Talk, 2017

Enda Bates, Composing and Producing Spatial Music for Virtual Reality and 360 Media , ISSTA International Festival and Conference on Sound in the Arts, Science and Technology, Derry, UK., Sep 2016, ISSTA, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Hyunkook Lee, Enda Bates, Gavin Kearney, Tom Parnell, Capturing and Rendering Audio for VR, AES UK North Workshop, Huddersfield, UK, 25th March, 2017, AES UK North Invited Talk, 2017

Enda Bates, Spatial Music for VR Workshop, Spatial Music Masterclass, Unit 4, James Joyce St, Dublin, July 30th, 2016, Spatial Music Collective Invited Talk, 2016

Enda Bates, Spatial Music for VR Workshop, Spatial Music Masterclass, Unit 4, James Joyce St, Dublin, July 30th, 2016, Spatial Music Collective Invited Talk, 2016

Enda Bates, Frank Boland, Composing and Producing Spatial Music for Virtual Reality and 360 Media, ISSTA International Festival and Conference on Sound in the Arts, Science and Technology, Ulster University, Derry., 09/2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Enda Bates, 'From Within, From Without', Trinity 360 Project, TCD, 2016, - Music Production, 2016

Enda Bates, Introducing Trinity 360, Music at Trinity Lecture Series, Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2016, TCD Invited Talk, 2016

Enda Bates, Space Mapping, [HE]Arts of Stem Festival, University of Ulster, 25th Feb, 2016, Ulster University Invited Talk, 2016

Enda Bates, 'Park Sounds', 2016, - Musical Score, 2016

Enda Bates, 'Strings, Tension & Flight', 2014, - Music Production, 2014

Dr. Enda Bates, The How, What and Why of Spatial Music, The How, What and Why of Spatial Music, Stevens Institute, Hoboken, NJ 07030, United States, April 19th, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Enda Bates, Roger Doyle, Brian Bridges, Hugh O'Neil, Symposium: Irish Modern Music , Symposium: Irish Modern Music, Dulwich College, Shunyi, Beijing, P. R. China, March, 2012 Invited Talk, 2012

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Immersive 360 Video Productions
  • Summary
    • This collaboration project involved the production of two immersive 360 degree videos featuring spatial musical performances, and associated behind-the-scenes videos documenting the making of each production. The first video consisted of a performance by a saxophone quintet in four, distinct locations around the Trinity campus in June 2018. The final 360 video of the performance was released on the Soundfield Website in March 2019. The second video consisted of a performance of Thomas Tallis' landmark work of 16th century choral spatial music, Spem in Alium. The piece was performed by New Dublin Voices choir in the Samuel Beckett Theatre in May 2019, and the final video released in December 2019. The productions have been documented in detail on the Trinity360 blog, and via behind the scenes video on the Soundfield website.
  • Funding Agency
    • Rode Microphones
  • Date From
    • 25/10/2018
  • Date To
    • 20/12/2019
  • Title
    • Trinity 360
  • Summary
    • TRINITY 360 is an ongoing project of 360 video music productions funded as part of the Trinity Creative initiative.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 09/2015


Chamber Music; Choral Music; Composition and Algorithmic composition, spectral music; Computer Music; electroacoustic music; interactive audio and sound design; microtonal music; music cognition and perception; Music Composition; music production ; Music Technology; New Music; spatial audio; spatial music


Awards and Honours

Cork Choral Festival Composer in Residence 2013

Música Viva Competition Prize winner 2010

Gaudeamus Music Prize shortlist 2009

Florilege Vocal de Tours - Special Prize for a New Production 2008


Audio Engineering Society - full member 01/01/2015

Audio Engineering Society - Chair of the Ireland Regional Section 01/01/2019

Association of Irish Composers 2013

Irish Music Rights Organization (IMRO) 2005

Irish, Sound, Science and Technology Association (ISSTA) 2012