MMT - Linda Buckley Short Film
MMT Graduate and Lecturer, Linda Buckley, talks about her career since MMT (a short film by Mark Linnane)
MMT - Adrian Hart Short Film
MMT Graduate, Adrian Hart, Composer and Producer discusses life during and after MMT (a short film by Mark Linnane).
MMT is a one of a kind course. I joined the course with an interest to learn more about music and production technology but left with a much wider understanding of the field than I expected. It gives the students a wide range of creative and technology-oriented subjects to dive into, each has its own specific intricacies, but they are all connected by an underlying thread, which is audiovisual music and the more universal representation of it as a perception of the same. This aspect makes the course, in my opinion, an intense and challenging but also a highly rewarding experience for anyone interested in the beauty of music, sound, and audition.
My year in Trinity College Dublin studying for the M.Phil. in ‘Media and Music Technology’ was one of the most productive and challenging year of my musical education and it definitely helped my personal growth.
The MMT program provided me with a strong understanding of the the theory of how and why we hear music, which has greatly informed my professional work as a producer and audio engineer. The course also helped me to consider music with regards to new and emerging technologies, and what to prepare for in the future of recorded music.