The Trinity TY Visions for Education programme

Thinking about Transforming Education? Think Trinity

Join us in the School of Education in Trinity College Dublin for a week where we will explore learning spaces of the future and how to make education better for everyone.

If you are a current Transition Year student you can apply for a place on our TY Visions for Education programme. The programme will run from February 24th – 28th 2025. 

The programme will run on Monday to Friday between approximately 10.00 - 16.00 in the School of Education in Trinity College Dublin.

We will focus the TY week around the theme of learning spaces of the future.  Our goal is to encourage fun, inclusion and collaboration. 

The programme involves sessions around design thinking, diversity and equity, leadership, student voice and empowerment and innovation for learning.  The participants will complete a team-based project focused on learning experiences for the future In the team … ALL SKILLS ARE NEEDED AND VALUED.

We value the voices, thoughts and insights of young people.  In this programme, we are seeking as wide a range of voices as possible and we will provide a safe and welcoming space for all.  If you require any assistance in order to take part in our programme fully or are worried this programme might not be for you, don't hesitate to contact us at

Apply here to take part in our Trinity TY Visions for Education programme.

As there are a limited number of spaces, participants will be offered a place based on their responses in the application form. Our selection criteria aims to ensure we have a wide range of voices represented on the TY programme - young people committed to creating new visions for education. 

We reserve a number of places on the programme for students from DEIS and Trinity Access linked schools.

We will make offers of places by email to the successful students. We will also email your TY coordinator to let them know.

When you are offered a place, you have 5 days to notify us by email confirming you are accepting the place. Due to an anticipated high demand, we can only offer a place to students once. If you do not accept your place within 5 days we will offer the place to the next student on the list.

Due to the nature of this waiting list system and the extremely high number of applicants, we will only contact you if you are successful in securing a place.

We are unfortunately unable to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants owing to the volume of applications anticipated.

For further information please contact us at