Professor Michael Shevlin
Professor, Education
Email mshevlin@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2623http://people.tcd.ie/mshevlinPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Trinity Education Papers,, 2, 2, (2013), Fiona Smyth, Michael Shevlin, [eds.]Journal, 2013
- Moving to higher education: Opportunities and barriers experienced by people with disabilities. in, editor(s)Shevlin, M., Mc Guckin, C., Bell, S., & Devecchi, C. , Access and participation in Irish higher education, London, UK, Palgrave , 2017, pp159 - 175, [Fleming, Ted, Andrew Loxley and Fergal Finnegan]Book Chapter, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- McConkey, R., Kelly, C., Craig, S, & Shevlin, M. , A decade of change in mainstream education for children with intellectual disabilities in the Republic of Ireland. , European Journal of Special Needs Education, 31, (1), 2016, p96 - 110Journal Article, 2016
- Richard Rose & Michael Shevlin, The development of case studies as a method within a longitudinal study of special educational needs provision in the Republic of Ireland. , Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. , 16, (2), 2016, p113 - 121Journal Article, 2016
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E., and O'Raw, P, Project IRIS - Inclusive Research in Irish Schools: A longitudinal study of the experiences of and outcomes for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in Irish Schools. , Trim, Co. Meath, National Council for Special Education, 2015Report, 2015
- M. Twomey & M. Shevlin, Parenting, autism spectrum disorders and inner journeys., Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 2016Journal Article, 2016, URL
- Historical Overview of developments in Special Education in Ireland in, editor(s)B. Walsh , Essays in the History of Irish Education, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016, pp181 - 201, [Michael Shevlin]Book Chapter, 2016
- European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32, 1, (2017), 1-169p, Mary Ruth Coleman Michael Shevlin, [eds.]Journal, 2017
- Bell, S., Devecchi, C., Mc Guckin, C., & Shevlin, M., Making the transition to post-secondary education: Opportunities and challenges experienced by students with ASD in the Republic of Ireland., European Journal of Special Needs Education., 32, (1), 2017, p54 - 70Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Banks, Joanne, McCoy, Selina, Frawley, Denise, Kingston, Gillian, Shevlin, Michael, Smyth, Fiona, Special Classes in Irish Schools-Phase 2: A Qualitative Study, NCSE Research Report, 24, Trim, Co. Meath, NCSE and ESRI, August, 2016, p1 - 110Report, 2016, URL
- Richard Rose & Michael Shevlin, A sense of belonging: childrens' views of acceptance in "inclusive" mainstream schools. International Journal of Whole Schooling. 13, (1), 65 - 80 ISSN: 1710-2146 , International Journal of Whole Schooling , 13, (1), 2017, p65 - 80Journal Article, 2017
- Rose, R. Shevlin, M. Twomey, M. and Yu Zhao, Gaining access to support for children with special educational needs in the early years in Ireland: parental perspectives, International Journal on Early Years Education, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- O'Moore, A.M and Shevlin, M., Critical issues for teacher training to counter bullying and victimisation in Ireland, Aggressive Behaviour, 26, 2000, p99 - 111Journal Article, 2000
- Shevlin,M & O'Moore,A.M, Fostering Positive Attitudes towards Young People with severe disabilities, Irish Educational Studies, 18, 1999, p165 - 179Journal Article, 1999
- Leadership approaches to inclusive education: learning from an Irish longitudinal study in, editor(s)M. Milton , Inclusive Principles and Practices in Literacy Education, Bingley, Emerald Publishing, 2017, pp53 - 67, [M. Shevlin & R. Rose]Book Chapter, 2017
- Insights into the Prevalence of Special Educational Needs in, editor(s)James Williams, Elizabeth Nixon, Emer Smyth, Dorothy Watson , Cherishing All the Children Equally? Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising, Dublin, ESRI, 2016, pp153 - 174, [McCoy, Selina, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael]Book Chapter, 2016, DOI , URL
- Developing Post-Secondary Education Programmes for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Trinity College, the University of Dublin in, editor(s)Patricia O'Brien, Michele Bonati, Friederike Gadow, Roger Slee. , People with intellectual disability experiencing university life, The Netherlands, Sense Publications, 2019, pp141 - 153, [Kubiak, J., Spassiani, N., Shevlin, M., & O'Keeffe, M. ]Book Chapter, 2019
- Van Aswegen J, Shevlin M, Disabling discourses and ableist assumptions: Reimagining social justice through education for disabled people through a critical discourse analysis approach, Policy Futures in Education, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Doyle A, Mc Guckin C, Shevlin M, Close the door on your way out : parent perspectives on supported transition planning for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Ireland, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 17, (4), 2017, p274 - 281Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- McCarthy P, Shevlin M, Opportunities and challenges in secondary education for blind/vision-impaired people in the Republic of Ireland, Disability and Society, 32, (7), 2017, p1007 - 1026Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Shevlin, M. and Rose, R., Understanding special educational provision in the Republic of Ireland: implications for support and teaching strategies, The Future of Education. 5th., Florence, Italy; Libreria Universitaria, 11-12 June 2015, edited by Broinowski, I. , 2015, pp189 - 193Conference Paper, 2015, URL
- Inclusive education in higher education: challenges and opportunities in, editor(s)Coleman, M.R. & Shevlin, M. , Postsecondary Educational Opportunities for Students with Special Education Needs, UK, Routledge, 2018, pp1 - 178, [Coleman, M.R. & Shevlin, M.]Book Chapter, 2018
- Michael Shevlin, Support provision for students with Special Educational Needs in Irish Primary Schools. , Journal of Research in Special Needs Education , 20 , ((1)), 2019, p51 - 63Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Michael Shevlin, Conducting the Pilot Study: A Neglected Part of the Research Process? Methodological Findings Supporting the Importance of Piloting in Qualitative Research Studies. , International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2019, p15Journal Article, 2019
- Scanlon, G., Barnes Holmes, Y., Shevlin, M., & Mc Guckin, C., Transition for pupils with Special Educational Needs: Implications for inclusion, practice, and policy., 1st., Oxford: UK., Peter Lang, 2019, 1 - 214ppBook, 2019
- Aston, D., Shevlin, M., & Mc Guckin, C., Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities., Guidance Matters, 2, 2019, p3Review Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
- Effective Practices for Helping Students Transition to Work in, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press, 2020, [Shevlin, M., Kubiak, J., O'Donovan, M., Devitt, M., Ringwood, B., Aston, D., & McGuckin, C.]Book Chapter, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne, Shevlin, Michael, Post-School Transitions for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2021Report, 2021, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Kenny, M., Shevlin, M., Noonan Walsh, P. and Mc Neela, E., Accessing mainstream: examining the struggle for parents of children who have learning difficulties, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 5, (1), 2005, p11 - 19Journal Article, 2005
- Shevlin, M, Kenny, M. and Mc Neela, E., Access routes to Higher Education for Young People with Disabilities: A Question of Chance?, Irish Educational Studies, 23, (2), 2004, p37 - 53Journal Article, 2004
- Rose, R. & Shevlin, M., Encouraging Voices: listening to young people who have been marginalized, Support for Learning, 19, (4), 2004, p155 - 161Journal Article, 2004
- Shevlin, M., Kenny, M. & Mc Neela, E., Participation in higher education for students with disabilities: an Irish perspective, Disability & Society, 19, (1), 2004, p15 - 30Journal Article, 2004
- Shevlin, M., Preparing for contact between mainstream pupils and their counterparts who have severe and profound and multiple learning disabilities, British Journal of Special Education, 30, (2), 2003, p93 - 99Journal Article, 2003
- Shevlin, M., Noonan Walsh, P.W., Kenny, M. Mc Neela, E. and Molloy, R., Experiencing Mainstream Education: Exploring the Perspectives of Parents of Young People who have Down Syndrome, REACH: Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 17, (1), 2003, p3 - 11Journal Article, 2003
- Shevlin, M., Special Education in Ireland: At the Crossroads, Exceptionality Education Canada, 12, (2&3), 2002, p125 - 136Journal Article, 2002
- Shevlin, M., Kenny, M. & Mc Neela, E., Curriculum access for pupils with disabilities, Disability & Society, 17, (2), 2002, p159 - 169Journal Article, 2002
- Shevlin, M., Kenny, M. & Mc Neela, E., Inclusion: fact or fiction?, REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 15, (1), 2002, p54 - 62Journal Article, 2002
- Hanafin, J., Shevlin, M. & Flynn, M., Responding to student diversity: lessons from the margin, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 10, (3), 2002, p409 - 423Journal Article, 2002
- Shevlin, M., Including young people with disabilities in mainstream schools: exploring implications for support teaching, LEARN Journal of Irish Learning Support Association, 24, 2002, p58 - 65Journal Article, 2002
- Kenny, M. & Shevlin, M., Normality and Power: Desire and Reality for Students with Disabilities in Mainstream Schools, Irish Journal of Sociology, 10, (2), 2001, p105 - 119Journal Article, 2001
- Butler, S. & Shevlin, M., Creating an Inclusive School: the Influence of Teacher Attitudes, Irish Educational Studies, 20, 2001, p125 - 138Journal Article, 2001
- Shevlin, M. and O'Moore, A. M., Linking Mainstream and Special: An Opportunity to Participate, International Journal of Special Education, 15, (1), 2000, p22 - 33Journal Article, 2000
- Shevlin, M. and O'Moore, A. M., Fostering positive attitudes: reactions of mainstream pupils to contact with their counterparts who have severe/profound intellectual disabilities, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 15, (2), 2000, p206 - 217Journal Article, 2000
- Shevlin, M. and O'Moore, A. M., Creating contact: facilitating interaction between mainstream pupils and their counterparts who have severe/profound intellectual disabilities, British Journal of Special Education, 27, (1), 2000, p29 - 34Journal Article, 2000
- Shevlin, M. and O'Moore, A. M., Schools' link programmes : establishing common ground, Oideas, 47, ((Spring)), 2000, p93 - 101Journal Article, 2000
- Shevlin, M., Establishing and maintaining contact between peers with and without severe or complex learning difficulties, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 1, (1), 2001Journal Article, 2001
- Caul, L., Mc Williams, S., Shevlin, M. & Leahy, F., Managing Violent Behaviour in the Secondary School: A European Perspective, Irish Educational Studies, 20, 2001, p84 - 96Journal Article, 2001
- Shevlin, M. and O'Moore, A. M., Link Programmes: Enabling Strangers To Meet, REACH : Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 12, 1999, p102 - 109Journal Article, 1999
- Shevlin, M., Special Education: Changing Perspectives, Learn, 21, 1999, p20 - 25Journal Article, 1999
- McCoy, S., Shevlin, M., Rose, R., Secondary school transitions for students with special educational needs in Ireland., European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35, (2), 2020, p154 - 170Journal Article, 2020
- Shevlin, M. & Rose, R., Encouraging Voices: respecting the insights of young people who have been marginalized, Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2003, 307ppBook, 2003
- Buchner, T., Shevlin, M., Inclusive Education, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Students with Intellectual Disabilities in European countries, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Rose, Richard Shevlin, Michael, Establishing Pathways to Inclusion, London, Routledge, 2021, 1 - 196ppBook, 2021
- Shevlin, M. and Walsh, P.N., Breakthrough: Disability awareness for young people, Dublin, St. Michael's House Research, 1994Book, 1994
- Disability in, editor(s)A. Lodge & K. Lynch , Diversity at School, Dublin, The Equality Authority, 2004, pp77 - 91, [Shevlin, M. & Kenny, M.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Creating an Inclusive Curriculum in, editor(s)P. Noonan Walsh & H. Gash , Lives and Times: Practice, policy and people with disabilities, Dublin, Rathdown Press, 2004, pp56 - 65, [Carpenter, B. & Shevlin, M.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Providing opportunities by encouraging voices in, editor(s)Michael Shevlin & Richard Rose , Encouraging Voices: respecting the insights of young people who have been marginalized, Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2003, pp3 - 14, [Rose, R. & Shevlin, M.]Book Chapter, 2003
- Living and learning: the school experiences of some young people with disabilities in, editor(s)Michael Shevlin & Richard Rose , Encouraging Voices: respecting the insights of young people who have been marginalized, Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2003, pp138 - 158, [Kenny, M., Mc Neela, E., Shevlin, M.]Book Chapter, 2003
- Recognising voices in, editor(s)Michael Shevlin & Richard Rose , Encouraging Voices: respecting the insights of young people who have been marginalized, Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2003, pp292 - 302, [Shevlin, M. & Rose, R.]Book Chapter, 2003
- Getting Good News: Implementing Positive Discipline in, editor(s)L. Mc Caul & S. Mc Williams , Managing Violent Behaviour in Secondary Schools : A European Perspective, Brussels, European Commission, 1999, pp34 - 42, [Shevlin, M. & Leahy, F.]Book Chapter, 1999
- Kenny, M., Mc Neela, E., Noonan Walsh, P.N. & Shevlin, M., In the Morning-the Dark Opens: A study of the experiences of parents of children with developmental disabilities in mainstream schools: why this choice was made, how it was achieved, and hopes for the future, Dublin, Centre for Disability Studies & The National Institute for the Study of Learning difficulties, 2004, 53Report, 2004
- Kenny, M., Mc Neela, E., & Shevlin, M., Access to third level education for people with physical and sensory disabilities,and specific learning difficulties (dyslexia), Dublin, AHEAD, 2001, 56Report, 2001
- Falling between Two Stools? Post-secondary Transition Planning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland in, editor(s)Kate Scorgie, Chris Forlin , Transition Programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education., Bingley, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp143-158 , [Banks, Joanne, Aston, Des, Shevlin, Michael]Book Chapter, 2022, DOI , URL
- Denise De Souza, Zelinna Pablo, Debashis Sarker, Maria Theresa von Fürstenberg, Alejandra Rios Urzua, Des Aston, Jennifer Banks, Donatella Camedda, Michael Shevlin, Critical Networks: Embedding Programmes for individuals with Intellectual Impairments in University Contexts in Australia, Chile and Ireland, Disability and Society, 2024, p1 - 24Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ringwood, B., Banks, J., & Shevlin, M., Breaking new ground? An analysis of the use of embedded occupational therapy in a postsecondary education programme for students with intellectual disabilities., British Journal of Learning Disabilities,, 52, 2024, p422 - 431Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Michael Shevlin Richard Rose, Including Voices: Respecting the Experiences of People from Marginalised Communities, Volume 23, Leeds, UK, Emerald Publishing Ltd., 2024, 1 - 241ppBook, 2024
- Kearns, H. and Shevlin, M., Initial teacher preparation for special educational needs: policy and practice in the North and South of Ireland, Teacher Development, 10, (1), 2006, p25 - 42Journal Article, 2006
- Henry, P. and Shevlin, M., Including a Child who is Selectively Mute in a Primary Classroom, REACH: Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 20, (1), 2006, p45 - 54Journal Article, 2006
- Hanafin, J., Shevlin, M., Kenny, M. and Mc Neela, E., Including Young People with Disabilities: Assessment Challenges in Higher Education, Higher Education, 2006Journal Article, 2006, URL
- Prospero Journal: A Journal of New Thinking in Philosophy for Education, 12, (2006), R. Rose and M. Shevlin, [eds.]Journal, 2006
- Shevlin, M. and Griffin, S., Responding to Special Educational Needs: an Irish Perspective, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2007Book, 2007
- Shevlin, M. and Rose, R., Encouraging Voices: respecting the insights of young people who have been marginalized, Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2003, 307ppBook, 2003
- Kenny, M., Mc Neela, E., Shevlin, M., and Daly, T., Hidden Voices: Young People with Disabilities Speak about their Second level Schooling, Cork, South West Regional Authority, 2000, 65ppBook, 2000
- Listen, hear and learn: gaining perspectives from young people with special educational needs in, editor(s)L. Kaikkonen , Jotain Eristyista (Something Special), Jyvaskyla, Ammattikorkeakoulu, 2005, pp91 - 102, [Shevlin, M. and Rose, R.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Frodl, T , Guest editorial, 2008, - 29Miscellaneous, 2008, URL
- Young people with disabilities: citizenship real or imaginary? in, editor(s)Gerry Jeffers and Una O' Connor , Education for Citizenship and Diversity in Irish Contexts, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 2008, pp159 - 168, [Michael Shevlin]Book Chapter, 2008
- Special Educational Needs in, editor(s)Brendan Walsh Rose Dolan , A Guide to Teaching Practice in Ireland, Dublin, Gill and MacMillan, 2009, pp116 - 135, [Michael Shevlin]Book Chapter, 2009
- Shevlin, M. and Rose, R, Pupils as partners in education decision making: responding to the legislation in England and Ireland, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 23, (4), 2008, p423 - 430Journal Article, 2008
- Shevlin, M., Kenny, M. and Loxley, A., A Time of Transition: Exploring special educational provision in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 8, (3), 2008, p162 - 173Journal Article, 2008
- Shevlin, M., Kenny, M. Loxley, A.,, A Time of Transition: Exploring special educational provision in the Republic of Ireland, Dublin, National Institute for Intellectual Disabilities, February, 2009, 105Report, 2009
- O' Brien, P., Shevlin, M., O' Keefe, M., Kubiak, J., Fitzgerald, S., Kenny, M. & Espiner, D., Opening up a new world; students with intellectual disability being included within a university setting., Annual ASSID Conference (43rd), University of Melbourne, Australia., November 2008, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- O' Brien, P., Shevlin, M., O' Keefe, M., Kenny, M., Fitzgerald, S., Edwards, S. & O' Shea, A. , Inclusive education: a tertiary experience and a transferable model?, Dublin, NIID, June, 2008, 97Report, 2008
- Mc Phillips, T. & Shevlin, M., Evaluating the teaching and learning experience for the child with dyslexia in special and mainstream settings in Ireland., Support for Learning, 24, (2), 2009, p63 - 72Journal Article, 2009
- O' Brien, P., Shevlin, M., Kenny, M., O' Keefe, M. , Opening up a whole new world: Students with intellectual disability being included within a university setting., IASSID World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2008, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- O' Brien, P., Shevlin, M., O' Keefe, M., Fitzgerald, S., Curtis, S. and M. Kenny, Opening up a whole new world for students with intellectual disability within a third level setting, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37, 2009, p285 - 292Journal Article, 2009
- Hanafin, J., O' Donoghue, T., Flynn, M., and M. Shevlin, The primary school's invasion of the privacy of the child: unmasking the potential of some current practices, Educational Studies, 35, 2009, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2009
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O' Raw,P., Special and inclusive education in the Republic of Ireland: reviewing the literature from 2000 to 2009., European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25, (4), 2010, p357 - 371Journal Article, 2010
- Inclusion and Teacher Training in, editor(s)V. Timmons & P. Noonan Walsh , A Long Walk to School: Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Boston, Sense Publishers, 2010, pp137 - 150, [Shevlin, M. and Kearns, H.]Book Chapter, 2010
- Valuing and learning from young people in, editor(s)R. Rose , Confronting Obstacles to Inclusion: International responses to developing inclusive education, London, Routledge, 2010, pp103 - 121, [Shevlin, M.]Book Chapter, 2010
- Griffin, S. & Shevlin, M., Responding to Special Educational Needs: An Irish perspective (2nd edition), Second, Dublin, Gill and MacMillan, 2011Book, 2011
- Rose, R. and Shevlin, M., Count Me In:Ideas for Actively Engaging Students in Inclusive Classrooms., London, Jessica Kingsley, 2010Book, 2010
- School leadership for special educational needs in, editor(s)Helen O' Sullivan & John West-Burnham , Leading and Managing Schools, London, Sage, 2011, pp126 - 140, [Shevlin, M. & Flynn, P.]Book Chapter, 2011
- Banks, Joanne, Shevlin, Michael and McCoy, Selina, Disproportionality in Special Education: Identifying Children with Emotional Behavioural Difficulties in Irish Primary Schools, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27, (2), 2012, p219 - 235Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McCoy, Selina, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, School matters: how context influences the identification of different types of special educational needs, Irish Educational Studies , 32, (2), 2012, p119 - 138Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Kate Carr-Fanning, Conor Mc Guckin, & Michael Shevlin, Using student voice to escape the spider's web: A methodological approach to de-victimizing students with ADHD., Trinity Education Papers, 2, 2013, p85 - 112Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Shevlin, M., Winter, E., Flynn, P., Developing inclusive practice: teacher perceptions of opportunities and constraints in the Republic of Ireland, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 17, (10), 2013, p1119 - 1133Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- (Dis)ability and choice: The dilemmas of young people's transitions to further and higher education in Ireland. in, editor(s)P. Kelly & A. Kamp , A critical youth studies for the 21st Century, The Netherlands, Koninklijke Brill NV., 2014, [Scanlon, G., Shevlin, M., & Mc Guckin, C.]Book Chapter, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Doyle, A., Mc Guckin, C., & Shevlin, M. , 'So how was it for you? Students with disabilities transitioning to higher education: a mixed methods study., Trinity Education Papers (Special issue: Examining theory and practice in inclusive education), , 2, (2), 2013, p92 - 111Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Clarke, M., Lodge, A. and Shevlin, M., Evaluating initial teacher education programmes: Perspectives from the Republic of Ireland, Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, ((2012)), 2012, p141 - 153Journal Article, 2012
- Fiona Smytha*, Michael Shevlina*, Tobias Buchnerb, Gottfried Biewerb, Paula Flynna, Camille Latimierc, Jan i kac, Mario Toboso-Martínd, Susana Rodríguez Díaze & Miguel A.V. Ferreiraf, Inclusive education in progress: policy evolution in four European countries, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29, (4), 2014, p433 - 445Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Mc Coy, S., Shevlin, M. et al., Understanding Special Class Provision in Ireland, Trim, Co. Meath, National Council for Special Education, 2014, p1 - 152Report, 2014
- Mc Guckin, C., Shevlin, M. et al., Moving to Further and Higher Education: An Exploration of the Experiences of Students with Special Educational Needs, Trim, Co. Meath, National Council for Special Education, 2013, p1 - 139Report, 2013
- Mc Guckin, C., Lewis, C. A., Shevlin, M., & Prentice, G. R., Experiences of workplace bullying among 'non-traditional' students: Cause for concern for both business and education?, Psychology, Society, & Education, 5, (2), 2014, p103 - 124Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, Transitions to postschool settings for students with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, IASSIDD, Inclusive Education Special Interest Research Group, International Perspectives on Transitions in Education and Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Online, 16.12.2020, 2020Oral Presentation
- Des Aston, Establishing Transition Pathways to Postsecondary Education for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Journey to Oz -Travelling Together Towards Inclusive Education, Dublin, 20.03.2019, AHEAD, 2019Oral Presentation, URL
Research Expertise
RECENT RESEARCH: . Creating a safe school environment Comenius / European (1997-9) . Teacher attitudes towards integration of young people with disabilities 1998-9 . Hidden Voices: the school experiences of young people with disabilities 1999-2000. . Access and inclusion issues for students with disabilities in third level education (commissioned by AHEAD as part of European funded project) 2000-1 . Canada-European Community Co-operation Agreement 2001-2003 . UNESCO Participation Programme 2001-3 Support for the families of Children with Developmental Disabilities . In collaboration with the Centre for Special Needs Education (University College, Northampton) Encouraging Voices Project: Ensuring that the voice of the child, particularly those previously marginalized, becomes integral to the education process. CURRENT RESEARCH: . In collaboration with NUI Maynooth and University College Dublin Student teacher profiles and experiences of teacher education - becoming teachers: a comparative study of the profiles of five Higher Diploma in Education cohorts. 2001-6. . In collaboration with Stranmillis College, Belfast: Initial Teacher Education and the conceptualisation of Special Educational Needs. 2004-ongoing. . In collaboration with the Centre for Special Needs Education (University College, Northampton): Exploring Voices of Disabled People in Education.
- National Council for Special Education 2008
- Arts & Disability sub committee of Arts Council 1997
- Appeals Committee-Exclusion of pupils from schools (Department of Education and Science) Present
- CEDR network to examine the impact of disadvantage in education 2003
- Special Education Review Committee 1993
- North-South committee on special education in Initial Teacher Education 2004
- Advisor to Sage Publications on new handbook-The Handbook of Special Education 2004-5
- National Association for Adult Literacy Blanchardstown. Education Consultant. 2002-4
- Advisory Board of Sunfield Research Institute (Birmingham, UK)
- The Puffin House Trust: providing a breakaway scheme for people with learning difficulties (Trustee). 1999-2005
- An Post Disability Awareness. Education Consultant. 2002
- Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (international publication).
- Advisor to Down Syndrome Ireland in research project on access to higher education for people with learning difficulties.
- Advisor to Down Syndrome Ireland in research project on inclusion.
- National Association for Adult Literacy Blanchardstown. Education Consultant. 2002-4
- The Puffin House Trust: providing a breakaway scheme for people with learning difficulties (Trustee). 1999-2005
- The Centre for the Study of Developmental Disabilities: University College Dublin (Member of the Advisory Group and contributor to postgraduate course) 1998-2005.
- The Drake Music Project: enabling disabled people to make music through technology (Trustee). 1998-2005
- Advisor to Equality Authority on educational issues concerning young people with disabilities.
- Advisory Board of Sunfield Research Institute (Birmingham, UK)
- N.C.E.A. Extern Examiner (Special Education) St. Nicholas Montessori College, Dublin 2000-3.
- Special Olympics Ireland. Education Consultant. 2001-2003
- The Open Training College (Member of Academic Council). 1999-2002
- Advisor to Down Syndrome Ireland in research project on access to higher education for people with learning difficulties.
- Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (international publication).
- Board of Management of a special school. 1993-2000
- N.C.E.A. Extern Examiner (Special Education) St. Nicholas Montessori College, Dublin 2000-3.
- Advisor to Sage Publications on new handbook-The Handbook of Special Education 2004-5
- The Open Training College (Member of Academic Council). 1999-2002
- The Drake Music Project: enabling disabled people to make music through technology (Trustee). 1998-2005
- Special Olympics Ireland. Education Consultant. 2001-2003
- Advisor to Down Syndrome Ireland in research project on inclusion.
- The Centre for the Study of Developmental Disabilities: University College Dublin (Member of the Advisory Group and contributor to postgraduate course) 1998-2005.
- Board of Management of a special school. 1993-2000
- Advisor to Equality Authority on educational issues concerning young people with disabilities.
- An Post Disability Awareness. Education Consultant. 2002