Dr. David Limond

Dr. David Limond

Assistant Professor, Education

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David Limond lectures in history of education at Trinity College Dublin and has previously held posts in universities and colleges in the UK. His research interests are primarily concerned with progressive education in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s and the past and future of universities. He was previously reviews editor of History of Education Researcher.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • David Limond, The OWLS of Minerva: A Model for Green Education?, Prospero, 23, (3), 2016, p11 - 15Journal Article, 2016
  • Advanced Education for Working People: The Catholic Workers' College, a Case Study in, editor(s)Brendan Walsh , Essays in the History of Irish Education, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp339 - 358, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2016
  • '"Dochum glorie De agus onora na hEireann": Revising History in Ireland' in, editor(s)Christopher Berg and Theodore Christou , The Palgrave Handbook of History and Social Studies Education, New York/London, Palgrave, 2020, pp387 - 414, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • David Limond, 'Remaining true to vocation and conscience'..., Paedagogica Historica, 38, (3), 2000, p1-21Journal Article, 2000
  • David Limond, 'Remaining true to vocation and conscience'..., Paedagogica Historica, 38, (3), 2000, p1-21Journal Article, 2000
  • "A normal and useful method of class control?" Policy on corporal punishment in Irish schools c1974-1985 in, editor(s)Brendan Walsh , Education Policy in Ireland Since 1922, Springer, 2022, pp341 - 369, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2022
  • Like the spirit of the army: fascistic discourse and the National Association of Schoolmasters, 1919-1939 in, editor(s)Joyce Goodman and Jane Martin , Gender, colonialism and education: the politics of experience, London, Woburn, 2002, pp99 - 123, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2002
  • Keeping your head and losing it in the celluloid classroom: [non]sense and [feminine] sensibility in two films of boarding school life, If... and Picnic at hanging rock in, editor(s)Ulrike Mietzner, Kevin Myers and Nick Peim , Visual History, Bern, Peter Lang, 2005, pp147 - 164, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2005
  • David Limond, All our Scotch education is in vain, History of Education, 28, (3), 1999, p297 - 312Journal Article, 1999
  • David Limond, Remaining true to vocation and conscience, Paedagogica Historica, 36, (3), 2000, p1 - 23Journal Article, 2000
  • David Limond, It was the flappers who tilted the scales, History of Education Society Bulletin, (66), 2000, p101 - 109Journal Article, 2000
  • David Limond, Only talk in the staffroom, History of Education, 29, (3), 2000, p239 - 253Journal Article, 2000
  • David Limond, Risinghill Revised, History of Education, 31, (6), 2002, p611 - 622Journal Article, 2002
  • David Limond, Locality, education and authority in Scotland, Oxford Review of Education , 28, (2/3), 2002, p359 - 371Journal Article, 2002
  • David Limond, Risinghill and the ecology of fear, Educational Review, 54, (2), 2002, p165 - 172Journal Article, 2002
  • David Limond, Dead man talking, History of Education Society Bulletin, (72), 2003, p65 - 73Journal Article, 2003
  • David Limond, You can't understand unless you know Mr Duane, Irish Educational Studies, 22, (3), 2003, p29 - 44Journal Article, 2003
  • David Limond, An educational crisis for Scotland, Scottish Educational Review, 36, (1), 2004, p58 - 65Journal Article, 2004
  • David Limond, Michael Duane after Risinghill, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 37, (1), 2005, p85 - 94Journal Article, 2005
  • David Limond, Frequently but naturally, Sex Education, 5, (2), 2005, p107 - 118Journal Article, 2005
  • David Limond, The schoolmaster of all Ireland: the progressive credentials of Patrick Henry Pearse, 1879-1916, History of Education Review, 34, (1), 2005, p63 - 73Journal Article, 2005
  • David Limond, Market-speak and malaise in our universities, Studies, 94 (winter), 2005, p407 - 415Journal Article, 2005
  • David Limond, Patrick Pearse and St Ita's College, History Ireland, March/April, (14/2), 2006, p8 - 9Journal Article, 2006
  • David Limond, Philosophy, pantomime and policy-making in education, Prospero, 8, (3), 2002, p48 - 54Journal Article, 2002
  • David Limond, Forgive us our transgressions...insiders and outsiders in the history of education: an editorial, History of Education, 34, (5), 2005, p467 - 471Journal Article, 2005
  • David Limond, The one thing common is that they have nothing in common: Some Aspects of the Unique Electoral Politics of Dublin University in Irish Legislative Assemblies c1919-1979, Electoral Politics, 2, (8), 2022, p1-25Journal Article, 2022, URL
  • David Limond, Strange angel: William Norman Illingworth [1902-1980] and Sangreal School " Towards a History of Conservative Alternative Schools in Twentieth-Century Britain", History of Educaton Review, 2025, p1-14Journal Article, 2025
  • History of Education, 34, 5, (2005), David Limond, [eds.], Special editionJournal, 2005
  • David Limond, Illuminating schools and communities, Forum, 47, (2&3), 2005, p179 - 188Journal Article, 2005
  • David Limond, Marginalisation: what is it good for?, Prospero, 12, (2), 2006, p19 - 29Journal Article, 2006
  • David Limond, Miss Joyce Lang, Kidbrooke and the 'Great comprehensive debate', History of Education, 36, (3), 2007, p339 - 352Journal Article, 2007
  • David Limond, 'I never imagined the time would come': Martin Cole, Growing Up and the limits of sex education in 1970s England, History of Education, 37, (3), 2008, p407-427Journal Article, 2008
  • David Limond, Education, Neo-Liberalism and Contemporary Ireland, Studies, 96, (382), 2007, p169 - 178Journal Article, 2007
  • David Limond, Strangers and Sojourners: Who Were Miss V and Miss W?, African Identities, 6, (1), 2008, p29 - 43Journal Article, 2008
  • Outcasts of the Orkney (and Other) Islands: Abusive Scottish Insular Teachers, 1872-1945 in, editor(s)Anthony Potts and Tom O'Donoghue , Schools as Dangerous Places: A Historical Perspective, Youngstown, Cambria Press, 2007, pp213 - 242, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2007
  • David Limond, Living and Learning in the Docklands of Dublin, Studies, 97, (388), 2008, p403 - 412Journal Article, 2008
  • More of a school than a show? Events in Glasgow, 1888-1988 in, editor(s)Martin Lawn , Modelling the Future: Exhibitions and the Materiality of Schooling, Didcot, Symposium Books, 2009, pp183 - 203, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2009
  • David Limond, I hope someone castrates you, you perverted bastard: Martin Cole's sex education film Growing Up, Sex Education, 9, (4), 2009, p409 - 419Journal Article, 2009
  • David Limond, An historic culture rapidly, universally and thoroughly restored? British influence on Irish education since 1922, Comparative Education, 46, (4), 2010, p449 - 462Journal Article, 2010
  • David Limond, Towards a for-profit university for Dublin: Another brick in the wall of neo-liberalism, Higher Education Review, 43, (1), 2010, p38 - 51Journal Article, 2010
  • David Limond, Silencing the Other Black Paper Authors, History of Education Review, 44, (1), 2012, p52 - 65Journal Article, 2012
  • David Limond, The Little Red Schoolbook: A Paper Tiger Reflects, Sex Education, 12, (5), 2012, p523 - 534Journal Article, 2012
  • The Gods of the Market-Place Tumble: Against Neo-Liberalism, for Intellectualism and Towards New Universities for Ireland in, editor(s)Brendan Walsh , Degrees of Nonsense: The Demise of the University in Ireland, Dublin, Glasnevin Publishing, 2012, pp88 - 107, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2012
  • Limond, David, The New University Technical Colleges: Some Thoughts, Prospero, 18, (4), 2012, p23 - 29Journal Article, 2012
  • David Limond, From a position of educational prominence to one of almost total obscurity? Royston James Lambert and Dartington Hall School, Journal of Historical Biography, 12, 2012, p60 - 88Journal Article, 2012
  • Prospects for a Private, Indigenous and For-Profit University in Dublin in, editor(s)Andrew Loxley, Aidan Seery and John Walsh , Higher Education in Ireland: Practices, Policies and Possibilities, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp110 - 122, [David Limond]Book Chapter, 2014
  • David Limond, The Jesuits, Mary and Joseph: The Catholic Workers' College Dublin - 1951-1966, Catholic Historical Review, 102, (2), 2016, p318 - 339Journal Article, 2016
  • David Limond, Vic Brown, Unlikely Revolutionary: Art Schools, Further Education, Student Revolts, Liberal Studies and the "'68-ers", 2018Working Paper, TARA - Full Text
  • David Limond, Refusing to Prove my Innocence: Garda vetting in twenty-first-century Irish schools, 2016Working Paper, TARA - Full Text
  • David Limond, Lecturers are complicit in varsity malaise, The Herald, 23, (July), 2023, p21-Journal Article
  • David Limond, Conscience is not a crime in time of war, Times Educational Supplement: Scotland, 2005, p29 JulyJournal Article
  • David Limond, Island of saints and scholars?, Public Affairs Ireland, (29), 2006, p5-Journal Article
  • David Limond, OECD Education at a Glance 2007, Public Affairs Ireland, (43), 2007, p15 - 15Journal Article
  • David Limond, Review of Female Education in Ireland, 1700-1900: Minerva or Madonna, by D Raftery and S Parkes , Cambridge Journal of Education, 38, (2), 2008, p285-286Review
  • David Limond, Review of The Death of Progressive Education: How Teachers Lost Control of the Classroom, by Roy Lowe , History of Education, 38, (1), 2009, p156-158Review
  • David Limond, (Re)moving statues, History Ireland, 18, (2), 2010, p10 - 11Journal Article
  • David Limond, Review of Getting it wrong from the beginning, by Kieran Egan , Education Review, 57, (1), 2005, p113-114Review
  • David Limond, It's time for schools to slip the chains, Sunday Times: Ireland, 18, (January), 2009, p17-Journal Article
  • David Limond, Resist the rise of faith schools, Times Educational Supplement, 12, (December), 2008Journal Article
  • David Limond, Review of Trinity in War and Revolution: 1912-1923, by Tomas Irish , History of Education, 46, (3), 2017, p414-415Review

Research Expertise

David Limond is interested in various aspects of history of education including progressive education in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s, the Scottish universities in the nineteenth century and has written on a range of other topics including P H Pearse and his legacy in Ireland and the study of historical films.


  • Graduate Students' Union Supervisor of the Year 2016-2017
  • Former member - History of Education Society (UK).
  • Founder member - Cultures, Academic Values and Education Research Centre
  • Member of Academics for Academic Freedom.
  • Former member of History of Education Society (UK) Executive Committee.